Afaik no. You can try to flash a 3.7.0 TWRP for similar SDM660 devices (Xiaomi Mi Pad 4, Redmi Note 7 etc.), there are some official versions at the TWRP site. But due to different drivers in the kernel or other differences it is possible that some parts of the X Neo don't work after that (e.g...
Hm, is your bootloader unlocked? If not, please follow the modification guide in post 1. I recommend to do it with chinese rom 20200522. After unlocking you should be able to flash the modified global rom. If your bootloader is already unlocked, I don't know any advice now, but search this...
Never had performance issues with the X-Neo (and this crDroid), so I also think this device will last for some more years. Security patches are overrated. :)
And it won't be easy to replace the X-Neo either, since no tablet of the lower price segments has an Amoled screen anyway.
Btw., I just noticed that Eremitein's last login at XDA was 2022.06.25, so it seems he has to solve other problems and his CrDroid will not be continued.
fawkesyeah I'm still at A11 and I think I will not update to A12 due to the difficulties TWRP still has with A12 up to version 3.62 even with not encrypted partitions. Some days ago version 3.70 was released with encryption support for A12, but this won't help us at the moment.
As you are on CrDroid, you can simply flash a newer version over the older one from within TWRP and after that Magisk again, without erasing data etc. All to both slots. If you use a bgz version now you should dirty flash the same. If you want to change to bvz version without Google apps I think...
Is your RQ2A.210405.005 a different version of crDroid from another maintainer? On Eremiteins download site there is no version from 2021.04.05. If yes, you should make a clean flash. Depending gapps, I always used the vanilla-roms and flashed gapps after that because you can mostly choose the...
Ah okay, at first reading I thought you managed that by installing Magisk, but of course thats not logical. :) As the newest TWRP still seems to have difficulties with encryption and data partition in A12 we should not be surprised if nothing works with our old version. Did you experience any...
thunder85 That should work. You can flash Magisk via TWRP afterwards if you want root. If you flash an A12-GSI rom, please let us know your experiences with A12.
Today I also flashed modified_Global_stock_6GB_with_twrp_v3, after that newest crDroid, Magisk and Opengapps instead of Nik Gapps, because I had trouble with TTS-services in Nik Gapps. Works fine apart from some hangings in the first configuration dialogue in crDroid, maybe caused bei OpenGapps...
The modified XML will probably destroy (parts of) my data-partition because of the dfferent size of vendor_5.img. I will reflash the whole system if a well working GSI-rom with A12L is available.
Thanks for your work, Allexbast and CrimsonKnight13, but at the moment I don't see any reason to change my crDRom11 (with older TWRP), it runs without any problems. Never missed 5 GHz Wifi. :)
Thanks! In rawprogram_unsparse_upgrade_keepuserandsystem.xml I found a minor difference compared to xmls in older firmwares - the current num_partition_sectors in vendor_5.img is 229016, but in older roms it was 228872. So if QFIL writes a slightly larger partition, this should have effects to...
Thank you. Is it possible to flash modified_global_stock with rawprogram_unsparse_mod.xml to update only the vendor / firmware part?
And what does the update_image_EDL.bat?
CrimsonKnight13 Can you please explain what is modified in this rom? Has probably already been described in the deleted posts, but I don't remember. :) And why should one flash a rom from the year before last?
Did you format data? Afaik there is still an incompatibility depending encryption at A12 and TWRP. Going from A11 to A12 my phone did not boot without formatting data .
Allexbast, has someone taken over your account? A GSI rom is the best thing that could have happened to the X Neo, I am happy with these roms since September 2020.
You can create an free account at or try any free file service like I think CrimsonKnight13 will publish the files later at his mega-drive.
NeoMarkster It seems that doing the initial flashing with newer chinese firmwares can lead to broken systems. Some users had this problem last year, see post #425 ff.
After upgrading crDRom to 21.10.13 I had several issues depending a not responding system_ui, but after deleting the cache of the app system_ui this was gone.
Phh-setting "Double tap to wake" does not work for me.
A new version of crDRom is available.
crDRom R 21.10.13
October 2021 SPL
crDroid 7.11 base
latest available phh patches
removed commit for A12 style QS media plugin, on the tablet devices it looks very bad
picked patches from Andy Yan: "always render windows into notch cutouts" and...
Okay, crdrom-v313-210921-arm64-bgZ.img with a size of more than 3100 MB is too big for our system partition (3069 MB).
After flashing crdrom-v313-210921-arm64-bvZ.img and resizing the file system of the system partition I had 569 MB free. Since there is now finally also a Android 11 version of...
Great. Did you flash different firmware & TWRP versions before?
Possible, but why should older firmware work with different hardware, but not newer firmware?
That does not exactly answer my question. :) I'm also using the newest version, but my base flashing was with 20200522 and both newer versions were flashed with rawprogram_unsparse_mod.xml. Because jo92346 has some problems, I was wondering if the base flashing with the newer versions really works.
My list with 20200522 describes my approach in the last year, which worked 100%. I used the newer chinese firmwares for updates only (with rawprogram_unsparse_mod.xml, which does not overwrite the system-partition). TWRP version and firmware version should be the same, because TWRP is based in...