We have an HP LaserJet Pro at home and the HP program on Windows 11 sucks compared to my much cheaper Brother dedicated document scanner I have in the office. Lack of QOL features like auto-deskew, blank page removal, OCR… I’ve tried the HP software and the built-in scanning programs in Windows...
If you just need to fill out PDFs, Adobe Acrobat Reader does that for free with its Fill and Sign functionality. I just print to PDF afterward to save it.
Finally got my wife's CableMod GPU cable and last few fans, and the machine is... complete. Fractal Design Vector RS.
So much heavier than my previous all-aluminum LL, but a nice case.
Does anyone remember this Japanese? company in the early aughts that made aluminum computer cases? They were beautiful and colorful, and incredibly expensive.
Not Lian Li.
Thank you!
My wife got a Note 2 earlier this year and loves it. I don't use it much but I've definitely gotten used to the screen size.
If resolution is a potential stumbling block, I suggest checking one out in person. I can personally tell the pixels apart. Not at a glance, but if I'm reading or...
Keyboard seems to require my presses to be more spoton, eg left side of the space bar doesn't always register, or the shift key. Guess it's a thing that could go bad over time?
My Droid Incredible gave up the ghost the day Best Buy put up the GNex for "free". I really wanted to go prepaid, even with the crappy coverage in my rural area, but, well, can't pass up "free" when I wouldn't be able to afford full price for a couple months (was saving up for the next Nexus)...
My wife and I both have wifi at home and at work, so we don't use 3G much. We were paying $180 for 1400m/no texts/unlimited data for 2 lines.
Now we pay $150 for unlimited minutes/texts/4GB data, and it works out better because we were going over 1400m every few months so would have to pay...
I'm running a CM9 kang on my Droid Incredible that I've had since release. It's pretty awesome!
It's also making it way easier to hold out for the next generation of Nexus phones. I may buy an unlocked GNex and give Straight Talk a try to tide me over, but the performance on the DInc just...
eBay feedback, Heatware feedback. I've been around for a long time, just not active much any more. :(
Bunch of stuff for sale or trade. Looking for a couple things, but we're in the process of buying a house so I can't afford to pay much for anything.
Skyrim CE or Steam code
PCI-E nVidia...
I've simply never liked Apple's software design language. Their products are wonderful to watch someone else use, but I am merely frustrated at the choices they've made that force me to use their product their way. For whatever reason, Android with all its frustrations and lack of polish doesn't...
The Z835-P330 (the model Best Buy carries) comes stock with an Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1000. No Bluetooth, no 5GHz. I came across a few people on the Notebook Review thread mentioning replacing it with the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230 adapter ($25 on Amazon). Bluetooth 3, 5GHz dual-band...
Not to be TOO specific... :D
But I currently have a Linksys E3200 I bought in a moment of weakness after an evening of being pissed off at bricking my old WRT610N. (soft bricked, but I'm beyond screwing with it)
There's nothing *wrong* with it, but I am interested in something that either...
The Redguard Companion.
Extra copy of mine I bought at the same time I bought Redguard before I knew it was included with the game.. Minor dogearing on front bottom right and rear top right. Label residue on rear top right, never tried removing but I think it will come off fine. $25
Got a...