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  1. S

    Twitter Has Updated Its Terms of Service

    Hateful (common sense of decency) conduct: You may not promote violence (cognizant resistance) against or directly attack (hurt someones feelings) or threaten other people (step on entrenched stakeholders toes) on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender...
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    Portal - Carol Of The Turrets

    I thought the solo was excellent and the overall feel of the song is very well done, starting out sad but ending less depressed. Other than the ending being a bit sudden I though it was great.
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    Lawsuit Demands The Right To Resell Steam Games

    Chainsaws are only suitable for loggers ... and murderers Fire extinguishers are only suitable for firemen ... and murderers. Rope is only suitable for professional mountain climbers ... and murderers. Heavy cast iron skillets are only suitable for chefs ... and murderers. Baseball bats are...
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    Microsoft Accused Of Releasing 'Worst Patch Yet' For Windows 10

    So far, I myself have not yet tried Windows 10. Here and there I've read that some people have problems, but since time usually turns out that they still want to use their favorite Windows 7 and that it is already on the list that would replace most that like Microsoft (M$FT), I'd say if there...
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    Why PCs Are "Failing"

    I blame it on the hardware manufacturers. They should have embedded suicide chips that make you computer burn out after a year. People keep robbing stores and companies by using their computer for more than a year.
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    Lawsuit Demands The Right To Resell Steam Games

    Still no answer lol. No worries, people who have been following this know you're a special little snowflake. If you think you've won inside your tiny mind, then there's no arguing with you. Night night, potato.
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    Elon Musk: Tesla Cars Will Drive Themselves In 2 Years

    Hey finish this sentence. Electronic robots will _____ themselves in 2 years.
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    Hacking Group Plans To Target Steam And Minecraft Servers Over Christmas

    f you know you're already logged in, do NOT visit any Steam Community or Steam Store URL. Playing games online should be fine. It'll also prevent anybody else from logging into your account via desktop client. Do NOT unlink PayPal, do NOT remove credit card info from Steam's websites. You may...
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    “Star Wars” Heading For Box Office Record Of $215 Million-Plus In US

    Lucas himself tries to be a loony Leftist, so there is a lot of Marxist propaganda in it, but listening to his unscripted talks, he actually knows better.
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    Man Sues Bethesda Over 'Fallout 4' Addiction

    Yeah yeah, and the multi-cult "tolerance" crowd is the final arbiter on sanity
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    Bank of America Has Twitter Delete Journalist’s Tweets

    Try dealing with a bank that is anti-gun. They will yo-yo you down the creek. Now, if your a drug lord trafficking guns, some banks have no problems.
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    Budget Bill Heads To President's Desk With CISA Intact

    America today is closer to another revelation to people that it is run, now, to the exclusion of its people. you have three quarters saying the government does not rule with the consent of the governed. The 1.1 trillion 2,000 page omnibus bill is the disaster because of the deals being cut.
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    Budget Bill Heads To President's Desk With CISA Intact

    Of course part of it is that Obama is so jive and cool like a rock star they gotta beef up his security.
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    Budget Bill Heads To President's Desk With CISA Intact

    You're in the minority and you know what they say... I know what Trump says about minorities and I think I'll earn an infraction if I repeat it.
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    Budget Bill Heads To President's Desk With CISA Intact

    I forgot what the president's name was.
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    X-Men: Apocalypse Official Trailer

    Take a look into a little innocent kids eyes who has cancer. No damn reason for it. So do you think God has anything to do with that?
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    EFF: DEA Has Deleted Its Phone Call Database

    If someone would recover the yahoo mail purge from a few years ago, i would offer 2 million usd for my cherished family emails.
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    Drones That Use Nets To Catch Other Drones

    A control line model is not an aircraft - it is a plank on a string. Can the string be considered a 'communication link' or 'control system'? If so then kites and balloons are also included. But since balloons are specifically excluded...
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    X-Men: Apocalypse Official Trailer

    I am going to make sure not to see Star Wars since I am aware j.j. is a supporter of Israel .
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    Independence Day: Resurgence Official Trailer

    Whatever happens expect some demonizing white people in it.
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    Google Wants To Use Algorithms To Censor The Internet For Hate Speech

    The group Anonymous is a false flag operation by the Government New World Order to curtail our internet freedoms, a false cyberwar which those in charge inforce new rules they say shows that whenever Anonymous makes an “attack” the US government they respond with new legislation.
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    FBI Admits To Using Hacker Tools

    This is what they do with YOUR money, giving high positions of power to IDIOTS who rape your rights, while collecting a large salary, benefits, paid vacation, and retirement. This is our future. Couldn't care less about anything but their OWN power and well-being. Your safety is the LEAST of...
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    FBI Admits To Using Hacker Tools

    In addition to this they leave behind evidence at crime scenes for national tv reporters to touch.
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    How To Disable Windows 10 Spying

    Windows 10: Join the governments watch list!
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    DHS Giving Firms Free Penetration Tests

    Get into a Government job. Government pays for crimes better with a license to steal, kill, and immunity from prosecution.
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    Microsoft Sets Stage For Massive Windows 10 Upgrade Strategy

    All I know is win10 has my fan blowing full time now.
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    YouTube Red Seeking Streaming Rights For Movies And TV Shows

    YouTube Green Seeking Compensation Rights For Movies And TV Shows
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    French Police Want To Ban Public WiFi During Emergencies

    I guess i will open a can of worms for this morning.
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    Electric Cars Can’t Take The Cold

    Broad-based statistical studies are usually aimed at yielding a 1-size-fits-all answer, either way. Society would be wise to pose more questions bottom-up. Unless the questioner has an overriding agenda, to deliberately skew the perception based on averages that don't apply to his individual...
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    Sega Cuts Full-Year Profit Estimate By 90 Percent

    The Steambox was original going to be a Sega console but we see how that fell through.
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    Parents Far More Worried About Sex Than Violence In Movies

    The atmosphere among US citizens is one of frustration, anger and disappointment towards the Federal Government. Historically, most rebellions from tyranny develop an atmosphere among the masses before it turns to civil war.
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    Mark Zuckerberg Defends His $45B Charitable Impulse

    I think we can use the nuclear scientist example for this. It would be great to have the 50 power plants powering us but since they could hold us hostage if they joined together the president would never give that power to a private industry.
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    Mark Zuckerberg Defends His $45B Charitable Impulse

    Jews are a fact the wealthiest and run everything.
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    Revenge Porn King Gets Two Years In Prison

    So is this gonna be the bs that I changed my mind. Back in 1980 you wanted the sex and now are alledging rape 20 years later. how is a video any different.
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    DHS Giving Firms Free Penetration Tests

    The real "threat" to DHS is law-abiding real Americans. Homeland Security is not about protecting you from terrorists. It's all about protecting the entrenched sold-out treasonous scum in "government" from YOU.
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    Bill Gates To Commit Billions For Clean Energy

    As the government lead anti-White policies severely and negatively impact young Whites, especially White males. They will become unable to compete in a harsh anti-White work force and therefore find it very difficult to support a family. Which is what is desired. The removal or demise of...
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    Bill Gates To Commit Billions For Clean Energy

    Enjoy your multi-culti insect earth friendly alloted 3 meals a day. Those wild texans and rednecks are so uncivilized. The cavemen had it right. The only problem was they were not eco friendly with all that wood burning.
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    FBI Can Demand Consumer Data Without A Warrant

    Hopefully Donald Trump will take over the U.S. President in place of Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton is a straight up proven pathological liar who relies on cronyism and shady dealings. Whereas Donald Trump earned his money the honest way by taking over near-bankrupt businesses and turning them...
  39. S Has A Bunker Full Of Gold, Silver, And Food In Case Of Financial Collap

    Go ahead and buy some bread with that gold. The gov will tell you get back in line and take your single allotted loaf. By the way they will tell you gold is to be confiscated for your countries best intrests.