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  1. hrsetrdr

    Little love for Fedora?

    Sorry for the necro post... I generally like Fedora, was one of the first Linux distros(Fedora Core 4) that I used for additional Folding@Home boxen. Fedora 29(most recent release) has been a little too cutting edge(buggy) for my likes, so my desktops run OpenBSD 6.4, Debian and Ubuntu.
  2. hrsetrdr

    "Human Error" Allowed an Alexa User to Hear a Neighbor's History

    Nothing to hide, but just having some voyeur always stalking your every word and action. Yeah, my cell phone wants to do that too, but one of these days I'm gonna gouge out it's little microphone, because I never actually talk on the phone anyway.
  3. hrsetrdr

    How to check if I copied all the files/folders into the destination?

    I couldn't read the code either, but I changed to the Lite forum theme and is much better.
  4. hrsetrdr

    Chimp Challenge : Official thread

    I came to talk "monkey poo" but gotta say Hi to ya, jws! I'm glad you found a good home with this fine crowd at the [H]orde but I gotta say there's a bunch of members on OCF that would be proud if you stopped by for a visit! Take care bro
  5. hrsetrdr

    Don't forget!

    Naplam's on the way, watch those shifting wind currents...might end up with unexpected BBQ. :p
  6. hrsetrdr

    F@H stealing focus???

    No such thing as an 'extra quad' here; all my quads currently folding so [H], OCAU or MPC teams don't have to suffer the embarrassment of possessing that ugly green jade monkey! re: Pink fear of wearin' those, they just look better on you guys. ;)
  7. hrsetrdr

    SMP FAH on VMware

    D'oh! yes, the dream lives on! :cool:
  8. hrsetrdr

    SMP FAH on VMware

    Rats! Just when I was getting excited about the prospect of keeping my K8N-DL/opty 265 oc'd in XP, and running an SMP client in VM. :eek: Oh well, guess I'll just continue folding SMP in ubuntu "live"; a little slower than hdd install, but it works. Every try I've made(with hdd install)...
  9. hrsetrdr

    unhappy_mage, a recommendation.

    I hope you start feeling better soon Will! ;) -Tim team 32
  10. hrsetrdr

    The Official Post Pics of your Boxen/ Folding rigs/ Farms

    Here's my farm...justa "owner/operator~farmer", no borgs at all. My wife's rig- folding(of course!) ;) 7 of the rigs are duallies...(1) Dell 530 Precision dual Xeon, (3) MSI K7D, (2) Asus A7M266-D and 1 Gigabyte GA-7DPXDW-P duallie.
  11. hrsetrdr

    NF7-S OCing puzzle

    Yes, I'm running core@300/mem@526...would get lockups or lower scores in 3DM2001 if OC'd higher values. I'll check those out! ;) Thanks. :)
  12. hrsetrdr

    NF7-S OCing puzzle

    I have an NF7-S (v.2.0) with an xp2700 processor which I did the "5th L3 trace bridge" mod prior to installation. My main activities with this rig include attaining the highest 3D mark possible with my gf4 ti4200. As of this writing, I've gotten my 3dmark 2001 score to 13267. I've...