The poster you linked to is definitely made with Rasterbator, as posted above. The characteristic dots give it away. And definitely make use of all those university laser printers, I've found they work quite well for the task.
Looks like Samurize ( It's a cool program that lets you display pretty much anything, however you'd like it. I highly recommend it.
I took Wally's suggestion and made a version with caps, which I do think looks better. You can pick which one you like better and let me know if you'd like anything changed.
I personally use Bitstream's Font Navigator, which came with Corel Draw 8 and is no longer available. Googling around, however, I found recommendations for The Font Thing at
It's apparently a bit outdated (might not handle OpenType fonts correctly)...
Photoshop all the way. I used to use Corel PhotoPaint, then discovered PS and never went back. PSP doesn't impress me either. For one thing, it has horrible JPEG compression algorithms. Basically, only a brinza would try to use PSP for serious image manipulation.
About the "two-way" thing, that simply refers to the number of cones in the speaker. A two-way satellite has 2 cones, a woofer and a tweeter. Nothing to do with the number of channels.
I have that case, and its quite good. It actually does come with a fan filter for the two front 80mm fans, so you would only need to buy/make one for the side intake. It isn't the lightest thing ever and can get pretty loud if you fill up all the fan mounts with full-speed fans, but a good case...