I've had that issue before, but that was because I had the Nvidia Beta drivers installed. Once I rolled back the driver to the stable version, all problems ceased to exist.
I don't know if I like the gamble approach to games. Similar to Payday 2 where to unlock something, you must pick a card and hope you get what you want.
Can anyone tell me if this laptop worth it?
I haven't heard of this brand of laptop before, but after checking it out, they seem pretty stable and well built.
I have a decision to make right now, and I would like to hear all the pros and cons.
Here are the specs:
Doghouse Mobius ES...
I guess its just one of those 'let's wait and see what happens' sort of scenario. I'm just trying to stay optimistic considering that I have waited for this game for quite some time. Once the game is released and I give it a go, I will have valid criticism to add to the mix.
Even though I preferred the original, that is a pity excuse to bash on the game. I buy the game for the game, not for the 'voice actor'.
Maybe I'm just more of an optimist. I've been playing Thief since the first, wasn't really disappointed with the third. I'm making assumptions based on...
Sometimes I get in the mood to play a larger map with vehicles and do some damage with team-work on BF4. Other days, I just feel like running and gunning by myself on Ghosts.
Because if you've been following the production of this Theif game, you would know that the development team paid a good amount of their attention to the games fan base on the forums. So I'm fairly sure the game will deliver.
I like your 'smug' "mr '25 posts" reply, good touch. Feeling big?
I'm running Skyrim with over 300 mods (half are visual w/enb). I'm getting over 75-120 fps with my EVGA Superclocked 780 oc'd completely cranked up with vsync on at 1920x1200.
I noticed that a lot of L4D2 players can be real d**ks, every other lobby I've been in have some hard-core veteran kicking new players because apparently they are supposed to know how to play before ever playing the game.
Yeah, its terrible. Only 2.3k people online last night with only Team Deathmatch available, every game had hackers. IW is really getting under my skin with their lack of support...