I showed this to a friend and she pretty much said the same thing.....
Ill bet if u asked men, most of us would have no problem with some lara croft-esc
babe kicking ass and saving us either...... I don't think I would hehehe
I could only get through about half of it, I didn't...
I didnt think it was so bad in Cali...
Im in up the coast a bit in vancouver, ca and im getting 50mbs for $40 a month...
40 for 24mbs on a crappy network... Ugh...
it will be typical for apple, Mid level quality with super premium pricing. This is their mantra...
Almost all LCD/LED screens are produced by only a handfull of companies... this will just be a rebaded midrange sharp or somthing with their bullshit box wired in internaly...
basicly a...
Anyone remeber C-net?
hehe I ran a c64 bbs for a few years on a LTK 20mb HDD a couple of SFD-2001 drives and a 2400bps modem.... Started with a 300b modem tho...
If I remeber correctly the site would call the next closest member site in the area ( to cut down on LDcharges) and do a data...
Wow, want a medal.
I got my 1st pc at the same age... woop dee doo
Your statement stands on the floor under my foot.
Ill repeat, Max Payne1 was pc only and had BT. It is NOT some invention for consoles...
If u were hardcore as u claim to be you would have played/known this...
Wow, This is so typical of the self centered you owe me generation.....
Gabe stated there would be no more episodic(spelling) games for numerous reasons. Right then you should have known that e3 was probably going to get absorbed into whatever becomes of HL:3
No one owes you anything...
Funny thing is... All the radiation around there diddnt kill off any of the plantlife... It would seem in our universe we would be hard pressed to wipe out all of the plantlife... somthing would remain and spread and grow back.
If you have ever looked at pics of chernobyl from one of the many...
BINGO You just won the gold star. This entire thread never touched on this one issue. Used games, A few months ago (mabye a year) there was a big hoopla about publishers hating the used game market cause its killing them apparently. There is NO better way to prevent u from selling a used copy...
Yah thanks ass, If you are going to post pics of somthing that happens in the game make sure you post a spoiler alert. Ive been exploring for the whole week and havent gotten THAT far. I saw the bot in the BOS HQ but didnt know they got it working...
thanks asshat
MS needs to make an OFFICIAL arcade stick.
The hori one is SoSo and not that easy to find unless ebay is your thing. And other than that they are junk, With all the arcade games out allready and ANOTHER SF game, this should be a no brainer. Im not gonna be buyng this game just because of...
Well my wife was playing last nite and when I got home she told me that she was having crashes every so often. Mostly when she was inside places... IE houses ect..
I fixed it and managed to double the FPS witha couple things.
1st... I Downloaded and installed the new Beta Nvidia Drivers...
I have one for you then...
WHY does apple charge you for what are essentialy service packs? Im sory but paying for going from version 10.1 to 10.2 is NO differant that paying to change from XP to Vista, Apple has been charging for OS features for years that didnt work properly and then...
Death Magnetic is completely compatible with GH:WT
Thats why its a 1.6gb download, all the drum and vocal tracks are there waiting for GHWT
So download away man :D
Seriously is anyone surprised? Its his own fault, MS is under NO obligation to go out of their way for a single person out of the thousands they deal with everyday. Part of the standard procedure is cleaning the case when they get sent it. The fact that it wasnt done properly indicates just how...
Not true, we got to try rockband at PAX this year. And those solo buttons are completely personal pref. They didnt make anything easier for me. They just sat there unused. And the effects button is a gimick, i didnt use it either. The GH guitar is equal in terms of REAL usage 100%
They just...
I hate format wars, im no fanboy. But this is hilarious.
1. If it wasnt for the ps3 there would be NO people with BR. HDDVD has kicked BRs ass in the stand alone player DPT. Still out selling it as we speak in that Dpt. Yes the ps3 was a great trojan horse, cause if it didnt play BR i dont...
Try the Xclamp fix, there is a link in the hardware forums on xbox scene.
Ive done this to 2 RROD and both worked fine after.
Seing as you opeend yours up and are SOL with MS now, its probably your best bet.
Sofar the ps3 is doing what my xbox did 4years ago.. hehehe
But seriously I might have to get one down the road JUST for the emulators in linux, seing as the Old xbox1 aint holding up 2 well anymore.
The Wii shouldnt be taking so long to get some AAA games. Its basicly the same thing to code for as the GC. All the games my roomie has are party/wiimote games, oh an zelda.
That sucks. I want some good games to play and unless we have a few people over the Wii sucks. Nintendo shoulda had a...
I dont buy the "xbox live costs money" bullshit.
$50 a year for online entertainment, thats like 13 cents a day.
You probably spend more on drinks, coffee, beer or almost anything in a week, than $50
$50 isnt even enough to cover 2 people going to the movies anymore. Whats almost the cost...
I dont buy the "xbox live costs money" bullshit.
$50 a year for online entertainment, thats like 13 cents a day.
You probably spend more on drinks, coffee, beer or almost anything in a week, than $50
$50 isnt even enough to cover 2 people going to the movies anymore. Whats almost the cost...
Why didnt MS win an award for the MS Gamepad 10years ago. It did the same thing as the sixaxis...
I picked one up in a bargin bin back in the day with motocross madness 2...
Speaking of wich, ide sure like to see another MM game heheh
Yah thats what I ment I supose, Retail price is acceptable for the extras. In no way are they worth the 250+ prices people are asking.
Its a murlock pet btw i belive. I think those were those little frogmen in the swamps and stuff
What kind of stupid question is this? *gets out flame resist suit*
PC and Console gaming are different.
Ive been a hardcore PC gamer since CGA days, and I can honestly say except for a few Genres that dont lend well to a console IE RTS I dont even play games on my PC anymore, the...
BT clients draw alot more network bandwidth than the total sum of all your downloads. Searching for new peers/leechers , Server cheks ect. Even tho you may only have 30k or somthing going out, you have a wackload of traffic between all the stuff that BT does to get downloads.
If you are...
I used to play WoW, till it lost all challenge and the simpleness of it all became so clear.
But I honestly think anyone willing to spend that much money on a CE version of a GAME realy has no life. Im sory, my closet is full of CEs of games I picked up cheap a while after being released...
Big chains dont order tonnes of stock to sit on it. The order based on sales numbers and tracking.
I see people walking out of stores with 360s all the time.. I doubt they would be sitting on them for 3-6months.
Yah 1080p over component will only work on SOME tvs
and it sure as hell wont work when the HDCP( or whatever the stupid name is) protection starts kicking in.
The only way most people can get 1080p is with VGA... and that sucks cause again alot of tvs dont use TV levels and use VGA ones...
Yah thats kinda ignorant. Monday-Friday is not all the common anymore. I work late nights somtime, weeks with no days off, all depends what project we are working on. So does that mean Im not in real life cause i dont have some civil mon-friday slacker job? lol i dont think so
This sucks, You cant compare an HDTV purchase in the 1st year to this. A TV has a substansialy longer lifespan than a console. Picking one up 1 year after the date it came out isnt jumping the gun. At least if a new version was comming out somone shoulda said somthing.
Anyone who dosnt...
The market has nothing in common with SNES vs Genesis...
DUDE you this is what he meant. The logic you are using is based on 15year old systems. The markets have changed soooo much since then that I agree that Japan isnt the system breaker it used to be.
This all sounds just like a bunch of complaining.
Go buy a HTPC and bolt it up to yer TV. Im sure you will have as manny problems with that.
I cant even count HOW many PC games ive picked up that the multiplayer was broken out of the box. Didnt work as advertised and somtimes months later...
Not a chance man, Plasmas have nice blacks and good color, but they dont come CLOSE to an LCD for brightness or for playability in a bright room. I have both as well, and I wont be buying a plasma again. LCDs dont have bluring anymore if you do you shopping well. If you set up the Video settings...