I ordered the vanilla and I have a tracking number and it should be here tomorrow. I'm holding my breath until I have the card in my hands, but it looks more promising than it did a few days ago.
I picked up one for my PC. I have a large SATA drive already, but not a PATA one. I'll throw it in my main PC for now, and it'll make a good USB drive later (with my IDE to USB converter)
Thats a good review for me. I usually skip to the last 2 pages of revies anyway. The only thing missing that would have been useful is some comparissons to the ATI AGP offerings. I don't see myself upgrading my system until I'm ready to start completely over :)
Well I went and I was ready to buy, but they were out :(
I hate Target sometimes :(
45mins of my life down the toilet, but on the plus side I've still got money for a Nintendo DS :)
I've got a dumb question, how do you know if you got TYG01 or TYG02? I have modified firmware on my burner so it will allow to burn any disk at any speed. How do I know if I SHOULD be burning these DVDs faster than 4x?
Those of you who get audio sync problems or pixelation problems should try hitting the system menu button twice. It seems to clear up most issues (don't ask me why :)
Its an extremely nice unit for ~$50. I got mine close to 2 years ago and love it.
So my fan headers and the fan that came standard on my SN85G4 are taking a dump on me. Over the summer I lost fan header 1 and didn't think much of it because everything worked fine when I used fan header 2. Now fan header 2 is working, but barely gets the fan over 1000rpm, and I have to...
I've ordered from that site also. Got my copy of original HL (platinum edition or whatever) and also my copy of WC3. Both times the games came pretty quick and no problems with them at all.
never got a free hat though :(
It has been a little over one week since the deal got posted. The ETA was 3-4 weeks on the cards so we still have a while before we can consider this deal dead.
This is how HardOCP has always been. If they feel a company is doing something shady or releasing subpar hardware they really go to town on them. They bashed NVidia when the 5xxx series sucked, but gave them props for the 6xxx cards. They also bashed the crap out of Matrox when they released...
There's no guarantee when these will be in stock. They could get a bunch of them tomorrow or not have any for months. I figure it's worth the chance. If I don't see anything in a month or so I will probably cancel.
Stickign with AGP for now. I prefer to stay "middle of the pack" because I can't justify ~$500 on the newest hardware. I will probably be buying a used 6800GT or Ultra soon, and that should only set me back ~$200. That should definetly be enough performance to last me another year or so.