Hopefully they can pull off their ideas and the free to play version has plenty of content unlike most F2P MMOs which really water down the content unless you pay extra.
If they had released the game a couple months ago they would have sold a million copies easily just to those people eagerly awaiting Diablo 3 and Path of Exile. Instead they wait for D3 to be out a month? I'll eventually pick it up on a Steam sale but it's no longer a day 1 purchase.
If they're like me they're too busy trying to figure out some of these puzzles to be bothered posting.
I finally had to look up a couple hints yesterday on levels 9 and 10 to figure out how to move forward on a couple puzzles, but overall the challenge has been very fun and rewarding. There...
Assuming you mean Dawn of War: Soulstorm I don't see any mention of it being a Steamworks game on the wiki page.
A built in AH just means the transactions people were already making on Ebay for D2 items are now secured by Blizzard through battle.net for D3. They wouldn't have built it if they hadn't seen all of the 3rd party activity for the past 10 years. How many support calls do you think they receive...
While leveling look for gear with Str and hit / crit / expertise / haste / mastery on it and the highest DPS 2h you can find. The only paladin spec that still uses Int gear is Holy.
People have short memories. The original Everquest was first person view, and I'm sure there have been others with the same view point. If you scroll in far enough in WoW you go into first person view so the option is there if you chose.
According to Blizzard it will be available at midnight pacific on December 7th.
Direct 2 Drive has the game on sale for $5 right now. My wife and I picked up copies and plan to give it a try this weekend.
I'm not sure which features carry over when we stop...
The PSU is still on the Antec site. It's just under discontinued since they stopped making most of the NeoPower line. http://www.antec.com/Believe_it/product.php?Type=Mg==&Family=MTM=
I had a NeoPower 500 in my wife's computer that I had to RMA twice. Fortunately since it's discontinued the...
I would try the tech support forums over at the official WoW forums. They should have a list of which ports to open, or possibly a link to alternate download sites for the patch.
I finished the game twice so far and plan to play through again once the expansion comes out in March. I'd probably be playing again right now but wanted to try a few other games I picked up over the holidays like Mass Effect, Jade Empire, and Torchlight.
I never really used taunt my first play through because I read the description too quickly and thought it was just a single target taunt. Now on my 2nd time through I'm using the respec mod and trying out some different talent and spell builds. Taunt is definitely a must have for any tank type...
Cone of cold is absurd when used correctly. I would never try to set a tactic for it so you'll have to pause and micro manage your mage a bit. Let the tank gather things up then get your mage at a right angle to him and freeze everyone in front of him. With enough +frost damage gear and magic /...
I got hacked a couple months back. Found a virus on my work laptop which pissed me off, especially since the only WoW related websites I went to were wowhead and mmo-champion. It looks like they snuck in through an exploit in an old version of java I still had on my machine. I removed the old...
I finished up all of the achievements and unlocks over the weekend. Some of them took a little extra effort especially with the buggy save system.
For the ogre one I just made sure to heal / use heal potions on everyone to get them full health vs an ogre I had down to like 10 hp. Once...
There may only be 3 base classes, but there are also a variety of specialty classes you open while playing through the game and the talents you chose will have a large impact on how you play your character.
While technically all casters are considered 'mages' one that specializes in the...
I played the game a couple evenings and wanted to like it but couldn't stay interested. Maybe some other classes might be more interactive but I got to level 7 on my shadow warrior and still only had 1 special attack which was basically my normal attack that hit slightly harder. Woohoo? Reminds...
Think he means WoW expansion every other year. TBC was 3 years ago, WoTLK was last year, so the next one will probably be next year. I would expect some kind of announcement and preview in a couple weeks at Blizzcon.
While MP could be fun if done properly Dragon Age is designed as a single player story driven RPG which knowing Bioware should be a fantastic game to play. There are plenty of other multiplayer click fest games out there to chose from if you want a coop game. They have NWN / NWN2 for small group...
The most needed class would be anything played by a competent player. Tanks and healers are obviously high demand for pugs, but a good guild usually has a solid core of tanks / healers by now and just needs good DPS to fill the slots.
We ran into the same thing with my wife's computer since the expansion. It was coming up on 5 years old anyway so I just built her a new machine for Christmas and now she can run everything at max settings with no lag.
I was just wandering the wastes exploring different areas and stumbled upon the vault my dad was being held in so I accidentally skipped all of the GNR part of the story line so it is very possible to never get a fat man.
As for armor I used the combat suit until I learned to use power armor...
I'll be buying 2 copies, 1 for myself and 1 for my wife.
We've been playing since beta and as long as we keep having fun with our friends I see no reason to quit.
You guys realize they're only showing shots from the first act right? They will have completely different background art in the other acts just like previous Diablos. I don't remember seeing any pentagrams in the deserts or forests of Diablo 2 but no one complained.
As for the wizard class it...
The second part of the interview has a little more detail, although it sounds like nothing has been decided yet. It might be a little early to start a huge argument over something that may not happen.
My brother got one a couple weeks ago at Toys R Us, and we did the same when we got home last week. It was just the regular console with 1 controller and nunchuck for $250. They had more of the systems than Wii fit which my wife also wanted. We ended up going to 3 other stores before we finally...
The reason people were still running the old EQ zones when the expansion came out is because it took forever to level, and you needed a group to level. Very few classes could solo well in EQ, it was relatively easy to die and you lost exp when you died. You could lose 3 or 4 hours worth of...
I'd rather have new content to explore then have them create reasons to make us go back to old zones. I have seen all the old zones enough leveling multiple characters up. I don't need to go back to them yet again at level cap.
I thought TBC was great for WoW, but then again I don't really care about people outside my guild and what gear they might have. For me having a variety of ways to encourage my guildmates to gear up for raids from heroics to badge gear to pvp to reputations to crafted items to kara / ZA drops is...
I just started playing DoTA again this weekend after not having played for years. I'm glad they went back to a map similar to the original, but man there are a huge amount of new heroes, abilities, and items to learn. I did sign up for the dota allstars forums to start looking at advice there.
Personally I love what TBC did for WoW. I hated having to do 40 mans to gear people up. I enjoy raiding, but I like having options for obtaining gear outside of run MC 20 times until the bulk of your guild is geared up, then do the same thing in BWL, etc. Now instead of gear checks the...
Since they changed whirlwind to deal damage with both weapons the general consensus is slow main hand / slow offhand. A fast offhand isn't horrible since it will give you more even rage generation with lots of small, fast hits. Either way you'll want the highest DPS weapon in your main hand...