Search results

  1. C

    Who makes the best all around laptop?

    I like the MSI GT70 ONE 446US. :D
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    Asus Infinity Pad TF700

    Can you use a micro SD card with the Nexus?
  3. C

    New jailbreak site

    There is a free app in the Apple app store called Brother iPrint and scan.
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    New jailbreak site

    I jailbroke my i4 last night and its running great, no problems at all and everything works. Here are some apps you may wanna try out: openssh (allows you to hack in your phone) iblacklist ( can block out any number from your contacts) Sb settings ( a good toggle feature )...
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    New jailbreak site

  6. C

    Anybody returning their iPhone 4?

    LOL, most of the people bitching are non-owners.
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    Anybody returning their iPhone 4?

    I thought about taking mine back and grabbing a Droid X but this phone does everything so well (beside the antenna woes) that it is gonna be hard to part with.
  8. C

    Looking to purchase iphone 4... but when?

    They are in denial. I picked mine up on launch day and it loses signal when held as noted, I enjoy the phone but I should not have to use a case to get decent reception, manufacturers need to stop using the public as beta testers.
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    iPhone 4 - signal propagation issues because of "the band"?

    Apple dropped the ball on this one, I love everything the new iPhone does but it's still a phone first and foremost.
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    iPhone 4 - signal propagation issues because of "the band"?

    I like my iPhone 4 but I don't like how Apple allowed this defect to get into the market, I'm quite sure they knew about it before the release. And now you want me to buy your $30 bumper.
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    iPhone 4 owners: Let's see what your case looks like...

    I'm waiting for the Otter Box. Otter Box
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    iPhone 4 - WiFi Issues?

    My i4 is blazing on wifi and 3G.
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    iPhone 4 pre-order

    After that pre-order fiaso I'm just happy I got one.
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    Is there an iPhone app that will do this?

    Check out the Stalker Radio app.
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    What to with older iPhones

    Jailbreak and toss it on ebay.
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    iPhone 4 Pre-order Poll v2.0

    I could not get my order in for home shipment but it did go through for the store pickup. apple site June 24th.
  17. C

    Who got the 3G iPad today?

    I stopped at the Apple Store today and played with the iPad, I ordered a 32 gb wifi+3g before leaving.