I have a Samsung 3D TV and the kids always want to watch in 3D. They don't complain about getting headaches or anything else. However, it does give my wife headaches.
We have the active glasses so the TV can convert anything to 3D. I thought it was a gimmick at first but it actually works...
And what's wrong with that? It's pretty fair to me as long as there are no deductions and tax shelters. Hell, a 5-10% flat tax for all would net more in taxes than what is collected currently.
That is the benefit of being born in the US and/or to US parent(s)--how do you think President...
Linux has it's uses, but that's a different topic all together.
My point is that when a company controls what/how, then it's easier to support and would be expected to "work". I believe that windows could be so much better--if only they were allowed to dictate hardware.
Apple is the same...
Yes, but I find it interesting that any "tech enthusiast"--especially [H]ers who praise the iPhone (or any Apple product for that matter) for them being quality and "just works"--because a [H]er likes to tinker...and Apple does not allow much tinkering.
I think people have forgotten that...
While I know that newer cars have EDR already, it's not mandated by the government. That is the beef most have with this....they would no longer get the choice. Once the government gets involved, things tend to get screwed up and/or misused.
As far as use for insurance companies for...
Same. However, not quite so much lately as I haven't really heard a song that resonates (pun intended). I've actually gone back to classical pieces and their various orchestral arrangements.
I finally caved in to my daughter's desire for an iPod. I didn't buy it...it was a prize I won in a...
I ran into this problem with my first laptop (ASUS) and just uninstalled all the programs I didn't want. Then I ran registry cleaner and then a registry defragger. Works like a charm. May take a little more time but the risk of missing a driver is mitigated.
Same here. I am a Client...
You're not the only one. Just like in the movie, "Ignorance is bliss".
I've got a feeling that if a video was shown how everything we eat is processed, people would eventually get used to it...or forever grow their own garden for food.
I'll take the bait and answer your question since you asked so nicely.
I have perfectly fine social skills, thankyouverymuch. Most people that I meet don't have a problem socializing with me and I've met quite a few people during my travels.
Did I answer your question to your satisfaction?
You're right, as I said she got married. However, she raised my mother at the age of seventeen. And she did a great job in my opinion.
Additionally, back then my mother was punished with a switch that SHE had to pick out. If it wasn't big enough, my grandfather made her get a bigger one...
I understand your point now.
Teenagers get a "get out of jail free" card because their undeveloped brain does not allow them to be fully responsible for their own actions and behavior.
I must be an anomaly because I knew the difference between right and wrong before I was four years old...
So you are blaming a 15-16 year old's actions because her dad is being childish? I think the point is that she is 15-16, not 5-6. I don't know about other families but my grandmother got married and gave birth to my mother when she was 16--which wasn't very unusual back then. Think about it...
Does it matter that he shot it instead of doing something else? He said he'd do something worse--and he followed through.
Usually, it's counter productive to tell someone that you are going to punish them and tell them the when, where, and how. Otherwise they would not show up and or do...
I respect my kids. That doesn't mean I let them walk all over me and ignore the fact that they have chores to do. Usually, they do them. When they don't, I take their electronic gadget or whatever they seem to be interested in at the time. I don't let them have friends over or go over to...
And I'll say this again many times:
If the "apple doesn't fall very far from the tree", then we should be executing all the family members (especially parents) of convicted serial rapists/murderers on death row as well.
It's up to the individual to decide what kind of person they are going...
If this actually happens, I think Apple iPads will suddenly become a huge target for hackers--especially those working for foreign governments (i.e., China). How ironic would that be?
Maybe, maybe not.
My father once broke my bicycle (even the one I paid for with my own money), but I understood--a few months later that he did it to get a point acroos because I wasn't listening.
Fortunately later we fixed the bicycle together and we both learned and had a positive...
I don't think he overreacted.
And yes, silence would have told her that he doesn't follow through and she would get away with just about anything.
Put it this way, if someone was getting mugged and you saw it and did nothing then what does that say about you? You may be in fear for your...
Bravo. +101
A 15-16 year old plenty old enough to understand that it's not the violence (he didn't physically beat her) that's the message. It's the follow the rules of the household and if you don't want to, then don't expect toys, gas money, car, etc...
She's not 5 anymore.
People need to hold themselves accountable and the earlier in life they learn, the better they will be as adults. Parenting only goes but so far--after that, it's all on the individual. If you disagree, then what should we do with the parents of murderers, child...
And you're advocating that if you think your parents (or anyone else for that matter), is "slow in the head and lazy to boot" should not be respected or listen to what they have to say?
Ironically, the DoD is one of the bigger contributors of pollutants. Ever watch a B-52 take-off, fly, and land? Ever wondered how much fuel the DoD uses in a year?
One of the ways to reduce pollutants would be to give tax credits for families with NO kids instead of the other way around...
No. What I'm saying is that maybe the climate was already changing to begin with. Afterall, this can't be the first time a large crack in Antarctica has ever occurred before.
Sure. It was to show that we don't know everything.
The the record, I believe that the climate is changing. I also believe that it is always changing and has changed many times over since the Earth has been around. What I don't believe, without a doubt, is that humans are causing it now.
So we know without a shadow of a doubt what caused each and every climate change that occurred during the past millions of years and that humans are causing climate change now? It's not a cyclic change for sure? We know that Jesus died for us and will some day come back again to be among us...
^ This. Regardless of whether or not I am using the "scientific" definition of theory. An observation is simply what's happened now when it comes to weather/climate. We need to know causes for what happened millions and billions of years ago. Not just in the past few hundred.
I equate the...
I agree. But honestly, I'm not going to be the first to give up:
Cell Phones
Unless everyone lives strickly on the land (no tools of any kind except maybe rocks and sticks--like the stone ages), then we are still sending pollutants in...