Note to self. Never write anything down that could be used agasint you.
Oh crap I just wrote that. Delete delete!!!!
Joking aside its a terrible situation to be in since courts don't always seem to treat this fairly. Kind if like having your car seaized as evidence then being told you have...
Not being up on the missile/weapon tech and that lot. Would the weapons have any trouble locking on to a Spitfire or a p51? I'd assume a smaller heat signature compared to a modern jet engine. No idea what their foot print on a radar would look like. I'm pretty sure there has never been a...
I've been looking and I can't seem to find anything. I'm buying Black OPs tomorrow for 360 and I want the extra WAW Zombie maps.
In WAW I bought the DLC Zombie maps so I was wondering if anyone actually knows if that DLC maps from WAW will be picked up with the basic copy of Black Ops. I'd...
I still use windows defrag on my file server at home. If your cheap and don't want to buy a product to auto defrag simply create a batch file what contains
Defrag.exe c: -f
Then use the scheduler to run it as ever often that you want. My large raid 5 array gets defraged every second day at...
Yeah I know it is. The IR remote would be more important than multiple inputs. I'm kind of looking at a mini HT system instead
a 2.1 setup with IR remote would be awesome but not looking like its going to happen
XBMC in linux on a Ion platform is susposed to be pretty sweet as it can do hardware decoding
I have a WD TV Live in my bedroom just to replace my xbox 1 with XBMC. So far its been working quiet nicely even streaming 1080p off my 100mb network. My dislikes of it. The menu and nav is a little...
I have my nice HTPC in my rec room (winXP with XBMC) hooked up to my 52inch LCD with a nice 5.1 system I've built over the last few years. In my bedroom I have/had a Xbox first gen using XBMC hooked to my 37inch LCD. This has treated me well for many years but the lack of power is showing as it...
Its more of just a little pet project type thing. Or a proof of concept to see if it would actually do anything to performance. I've been bored at work :) I'm completely up to the possibility you would be 100% correct and it not actually adding performance and possibly degrade it. Its just been...
Oh I know and that is a concern. It would use a lot more BW. in fact it would be a huge huge hog, not denying that at all. Speed issues could also come up depending on how many request are made to this at once. If you had 5 users at once requesting a page (which then downloads say 100 other...
Oh yeah I agree with the hog part but I wouldn't be going deep deep. Like 2 deep. So when you click on the next page its already there. It would be funny to have it set to like 20 deep and end up trying to download the internet. This implementation wouldn't be a good idea for large number of...
I wasn't sure if I should put it here or web programing so I'll try here. I had an idea the other night and its probably not a new one. Has anyone ever heard of a proxy server that is proactive? Think of combining a spider download program that will go X number of levels deep in gathering links...
Micro SD
you should be safe up to 8 gig
My new gong show of a home file server. It was supposed to be a cheap project I was given a DFI lan party sli which posted once and then killed my processor. So my cheap project went over budget by a factor of 2 because now I need a new processor, mobo and ram... Then they sold me a sodimm...
thanks guys. I'm going to adjust my crossover on my sub to a retarded level and see if I can even get a peep out of it. It just kind of sucks when you go big boom I don't get a boom from my sub,.
Me thinks I need new floor speakers :D
I've got a really annoying problem. My sub woofer refuses to turn when playing GTA. It works in everything else but GTA. I talked to a friend who played GTA on PS2 and he said there wasn't much of a LFE.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Xbox 360 connected to my TV via HDMI
Connected to my...
I can deal without gaming if need be I'll just resort to watching movies and drinking. I'm not worried about speed since a 7200 RPM USB vs a 5400 rpm laptop drive won't be a huge huge difference.
Vista won't install on a USB drive natively (doesn't support installation on USB or firewire)
So I might be going away for a while and leaving my desktop PC at home. I have a nice work laptop (T60 Thinkpad) but I want to keep play and work separate. Don't think work would like me with games and torrents on it. So I'm looking for some options. I'd love to dual boot it but I don't have the...
So updated the fall dash and I cannot stream divx/xvid from my pc running WMP11
Am I missing something because I think I am. You should be able to stream divx/xvid from yoru pc running wmp11 right?
I can stream mp3's without issue. The first time I tried to play anything it asked me to...
I try and stay out of threads like this but MS doesn't get 60 bucks a game no where close to that. IIRC when a buddy of mine was working for Futureshop in the system it showed how much they (being Futureshop) either bought the game for or needed to sell the game for to make a profit. It was...
Well I figured they would be locked somehow. I was just hoping it would be locked to a single console or hard drive etc
damn oh well. Halo 3 online time
So i'm new to xbl never used it before. I only got my 360 a week or two ago. So I created a local profile on my xbox and played forza now that I have this xbl profile my saved games are still in the local profile, what gives? any way to link the two? or import the saved game?
I really won't...
I've been looking for a way to transfer the address book in OSX into another program like entourage or anything really. Getting it into a PST in Outlook would be fine or even like a ascii file. I know you can export the address book into a vcard that has multiple entries but I can't seem to get...
Why does every thread about the wii turn into a wii vs 360 vs ps3 GFX thread?
Its plain and simple, the gfx for tiger woods for Wii are sloppy, thats what people are complaing about.
360 owners think of a bad gfx first gen xbox game ported to 360
PS3 owners think of buying a PS3 that...
Ok maybe I'm missing something about wiiconnect and someone can set me straight.
I don't want it always connected (waste of power and yes I know its like 15watts or something) but still don't want it. So the way I read the manual if I have wiiconnect24 turned on and standby turned off, it...
Odd question I just got a psp and i like watching videos on it and I almost always have a UMD game disk with me (and in the drive) is there anyway when it boots to stop it from loading the UMD by default? (kind of like hold down shift?) Its annoying because each time i turn it back on from boot...
Thanks guys It helps a lot. I kind of take forgranted the hardware on my main rig for playing games
I managed to find my Soldier of fortune cd :) Blow limbs off is cool!