An update: I have found a forum post explaining what is going on here: Intel P3600/P3700 and ASRock Extreme6 / Z97 chipset fixes
Basically, the SSD has SPD data at the same address as one or two of the RAM banks, and that confuses the board as the board queries all PCIe and ram banks for...
I wanted to upgrade my system with a PCIe SSD (Intel P3600). However, the system will not POST when the SSD is installed in the second PCIe x 16 slot. (Also when it is in the first or in the third, but I think the third is only x1 or x2)
I am using the latest BIOS (2801), and have a NVMe...
Here in Germany standard delivery is usually 1-2 days, 3 at max, and I'm fine with waiting a day or two for anything that's low priority enough that I order it online.
So sandy bridge GPU was faster under linux, the windows driver has improved faster than the linux driver, and now is faster. This doesn't make the linux driver worse than before, so who cares?
I've had a CPU go up to 101C when some gunk got stuck in the pins of my CPU block after returning from a lan, its possible to have it not shutdown. CPU still works fine 3 years later as well.
I replaced my mora1 radiator last week after it ran for over 10 years in 3 or 4 different cases, and the radiator itself was still fine I just wanted to use the mora3 because it has proper connections and is even larger. (The mora 1 just has 10mm or 12mm tubes coming out the back, and the...
I'm fairly sure my aquatube is aluminum, so I would be replacing one aluminum res with a different one. However I cant find this in stock anywhere anyhow.
Well short of only using copper fittings I am going to be mixing metals anyhow, so I don't worry about that. The aluminium aquatube has been working fine for the last 10 years.
I remember finding a reservoir made out of metal with fins a couple of years ago, but lost my bookmark. It looks sort of like the zalman reservator except it did not have a pump etc in it. Am I imagining things or does/did this exist?
Ok, I had thought it might improve passive airflow if it could rise through the fins instead of having to move from front to back.
I probably will end up going with 2 or 3 fans because my GPU apparently produces way too much heat for passive cooling, and will delay the upgrades until ivy bridge...
I am running a stock 5970 and a slightly overclocked 2500K on a 10 year old MoRa-1, with 3 soundless 120mm fans. (I had previously been cooling only the CPU fully passive, but with CPU+GPU that ddn't work anymore) Since I have SSDs and only 1 case fan and 1 PSU fan, I cannot hear the PC even in...
Thanks, I'll get the normal edition then since I'm mounting it on the side of the case. One stupid question, if I run it passively, will it work better if the fins are orientated vertically vs horizontally, to ensure the heat from the rad generates thermal convection.
Any idea what the difference between the mora 3 LT and PRO is? On the watercool website all listed details are identical. I'm thinking of replacing my >10 year old MoRa1 with one of the new ones, just to have a rad with actual threads instead of just pipes coming out of the back.
Ya, I've been pushing of buying the 2711 since december since this was supposed to be out in the spring, now its the end of summer and still no real info. I thought it was reannounced for july.
Dont see the point in this, the software/security was broken for years and firing people who apparently didn't have a clue didn't make it worse than before.
Intel released a new bios for the BA board in the last week or so. While it fixed an issue I was having with overclocking and the SATA III ports, the throttling is still present.
Same water cooling setup with various blocks, 4 different systems, 2 differnet cases over the years, with nothing destroyed. Just a couple of nasty cuts.
Ok, it appears that does not help against the throttling issue. After about 5 minutes @ 75watts /4.1ghz my CPU goes back down to 3.3ghz / 50 watts. However I have not seen it drop down even further.
Actually, it appears I have one of those boards. My SATA ports died in april and I RMAed the board in the last week of april, when I received the new one I noticed the different power layout but didn't think about it. I just compared the photos I took of the board I sent in with my new one and...