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  1. D

    Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

    All I can say is DAMN! :eek: Very nice work guys, I'll be following this.
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    Anybody buy any mobiles recently?

    Thinking about getting one of these instead of my 3200+, but I'm not sure if my board will get high multipliers and supply enough voltage. I have a A7N8X Deluxe Ver 2.0. Has anyone else used this motherboard and what speed / voltage / temps :D. Thanks Also my RAM will go up to 400mhz at...
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    Suggest teh "Best" memory for my system (Under $300)...

    Newegg has OCZ PC3500 EB for $299 with some great reviews on and can overclock to 500+mhz. Thats what I'm going for next paycheck.
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    Rate my cables!

    The bottom is still a little messy but other than that its pretty good. With the cover off I mean.
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    what do yall think of this

    For $50 just get a active cooling heatsink with low cfms and noise.
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    Looking for memory to OC

    Spec3: I'm guessing by your response that you have OCZ. Is it overclocked? To what speeds? Intel or AMD? Thanks :D
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    Looking for memory to OC

    Well I gotta wait till my next paycheck to order because damn car insurance :( . Once I get it ill run some Sandra mem tests for you.
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    Looking for memory to OC

    After reading the AnandTech article I'm going with the OCZ. Its overclocks higher than the Corsair and it costs less money. Although, it has higher CAS Latency it seems that it gets made up for with its memory bandwidth. Thanks :D
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    Looking for memory to OC

    My computer specs are in my sig. I'm looking at RAM that will be able to overclock quite well and can be used in future PCs. I want to get 1 gig of either PC3200 or PC3500, but I'm stuck on what to get. I'm looking at either Corsair, Kingston HyperX, or OCZ. Was thinking of: OCZ Enhanced...
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    OCZ Vdimm booster

    So you just plug this in and you can raise your memory voltage up to 3.3v? :D
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    What to do with a free FX 5950 Ultra???

    Off topic wat tournament did you get it for and what team are you on? If you got some money extra try and sell both cards and go for a 6800GT or Ultra, you won't regret it :D
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    over clocking prob with a 3.0 pressie

    Your RAM is probably limiting your overclock because it is only PC2700. As you raise the fsb of the cpu you are also raising the fsb of the RAM. Higher clocked RAM and a better heatsink/fan should help you with overclocking. Also, it could be your motherboard, but since I have had no experience...
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    What the heck? only 19000 in 3dmark 01 with 6800 Ultra...

    Mine was just exiting before because my overclock of my RAM wasn't stable. Did you do any overclocking to cpu, memory, video card? If you did try lowering the speed and try it again. Also try raising the voltage that helped mine.
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    3dmark03 scores?

    I got 12136 I think. I will get higher, I hope, when I order new RAM. This 6800 GT is so damn good. :cool:
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    Which RAM to get?

    Any other suggestions? Don't want to spend $300 and there be a better deal. Thanks
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    Which RAM to get?

    Looking to spend about $300 and get 1GB of ultra low latency. This is going to replace the RAM in my sig on a XP 3200+. Looking at Corsair and Kingston. If you have any other suggestions in this price range I'm all ears.
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    Overclocking 3200+ on A7N8X

    I would change the multiplier if I could, but I have a locked 3200. Once I get home ill try keeping the memory @ 2700 speeds and try to get the processor stable near 215mhz. Thanks for the suggestions, now its time to hope for the best.
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    Post your 6800 GT OC!

    jinu117: There is a waterblock that I saw for sale that covered both the gpu and memory, but I forget what it was called. It was on and Ultra Extreme but it should fit a GT. Normally, there is not a memory h2o block so just the core would be higher.
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    Need Good RAM Compatible w/ A7N8X Deluxe 2.0

    Current settings in my signature which are oviously held back by my RAM. Looking for PC3200 or higher that is compatible with my motherboard. I know it doesn't "support" anything higher but does anyone know of a brand that has worked on it? If not im thinking of getting either 1GB (2x512)...
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    Overclocking 3200+ on A7N8X

    I started overclocking my new 3200+ and I know that the multiplier is locked so I'm raising the fsb 5 at a time. Once I got to 220 I was getting a voice error "Memory Test Failed." and I would have to reset the CMOS and try lower settings. I tried lowering the memory timings and mhz (which I can...
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    Post your 6800 GT OC!

    I'm sure most of these are not water cooled because i can get 433 core 1.13 mem on stock cooling. Water cooling would get you about 450 core 1.2 mem which is the clock of an ultra extreme :D
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    Mmm, 2.8c is now at 3.5 & stable...

    So pretty much there is no way for me to tell if I'm buying a 30 or 12 step? :( If it is a new cpu are the chances good that it is a 30 step? How do I tell? Sorry for the newb questions as you can tell i know jack about Intel. Thanks.
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    Mmm, 2.8c is now at 3.5 & stable...

    I wanted to know how to be sure if I was going to buy a 2.8C that it would be a 30 step. Is this one?
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    Overclock on 6800 GT is resetting

    Coolbits in the nvidia display drivers.
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    Overclock on 6800 GT is resetting

    Im running Win2k Pro and when I overclock my 6800 gt and reboot the clock speeds are set back to no overclocking instead of my set speeds. Anyone have any idea why it is doing this? Thanks
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    Found a 2.4B

    Ok I'll probably get the IC7, but I'm not guarenteed the accessories or booklet. Is the IC7 a good overclocker? I'm also looking at heatsinks and im thinking of getting a swiftec. Any suggestions on what brand/model? Thanks
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    Found a 2.4B

    Today I was looking in my old computer stuff and i found a 2.4ghz B cpu. Like finding $20 in ur pant pockets :D. Anyway I was wondering what would be a decent motherboard that I could get im looking to spend around $80-100 or so have a second computer. Since this CPU was oem I also need a...
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    Where do you access [H]ardforum from?

    Mostly work because IT gets boring as hell but home too.
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    Post your 6800 GT OC!

    I run 435 / 1100 all day long. I did the HDR Testing and the temps topped out around 82-83C at full load, around 56C at idle and 40C ambient. One hell of an overclock :D
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    ASUS A7n8x Deluxe Speech post reporter problem

    A few questions for you. 1. What revision? 2.0 or less? 2. What bios version and have you tried flashing the bios to another version? I would try flashing it to the most recent update and then if it still happens I would call Asus support.
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    A7N8X Deluxe: 3Com LAN or Nvidia

    I use the bottom one because its easier to reach. Even if there is a slight difference how much is it going to change anything? Maybe a few kb in a download or 3-5 ping in a game?
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    What Custom (built around memory) Comps have you built and Why! (You have $1,444.00!)

    Its a nice system, but it could use some better memory. I would either go with some Kingston HyperX or Corsair XMS. Thats the only real improvements I see without spending much more $.
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    3200+ "Super Locked"

    Ya, when I boot the POST screen says its a 3200+ but I really don't want to risk messing up my cpu that I just got. I can live without overclocking it, I might upgrade in a few months anyway.
  34. D shows BFG 6800GT in stock

    Mine says it was shipped at 4:30am this morning from Got to my local Airborn Express at 9am and should be delivered today!
  35. D shows BFG 6800GT in stock

    Anyone else hear the same as BigJavy? A reassurance would be nice :D
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    3200+ "Super Locked"

    Thanks Kozlop. I really don't want go by OCInside because it says 2700 instead of 3200? If it is impossible to get it to overclock I'll still live, but just wanted to see how high I could get it to go because its about 39deg idle. Does anyone else have any other ideas?
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    3200+ "Super Locked"

    When I put in 200mhz fsb and 11x multipler under AMD Barton it gives me the 2700+ so I don't know if it is correct or not. It only says 3200+ if i set the multipler at 12.5 which is not correct
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    3200+ "Super Locked"

    I have a week 39+ Barton 3200+ that I just recieved. I tried to change the multiplier and no luck? I've used search but I didn't find anything that I was looking for. My question is does anyone know if there is any way possible to change the multiplier via software, bios, or anything else. Thanks
  39. D shows BFG 6800GT in stock

    Today my friend ordered one for me and one for him around mid-day so hopefully they will be shipped. By the way the website has changed its PSU wattage requirement from 480w to 300w. Does anyone know if I need at least a 480w or will my 350w work? Thanks