That's great, it was released 3 months ago. It still uses considerably more power and runs hotter and just now they get their drivers straight. Good for them, but buying from them only enables this shit. Their driver support is legendary, in terms of shitty quality that is. This is a meme...
Hard to take your opinion serious with a mistake like that buddy.
On topic, of course there is money to be made with music, but it seems to me that the pie is considerably smaller than it was 20 years ago. You can't really put the genie back in the lamp in this regard, people expect to pay...
VMWare is much easier for a beginner to get Ubuntu going then trying to deal with re-partitioning a Windows boot disk and dealing with a true dual booting system. But hey lets just get mad for no reason because it's so cool to be anti-MS in 2015.
That average is skewed and useless. How many of us put the TV on as background noise without really paying much attention to it? The moment I come home I put on Netflix and put on Archer/Office/Park and Rec or Arrested Development and let it play. Even before Netflix, I would just leave it on...
You do realize that any suggestion to improve anything always has draw-backs that need to be engineered out of the equation. Considering it took you a few minutes to device your con list, I'm pretty sure a much more skilled group of Opto-Mechanical Engineers and Physicists have long thought of...
The funny thing is, Nintendo gets a lot of crap for not having many releases from these shit companies but is that really a bad thing? I mean Ubi literally doesn't have a decent IP left that hasn't been run into the ground. Activision really only has CoD left (taking Blizzard games out of the...
This is one of two things in my eyes, depending on the "artist" you ask:
1. The musicians are pretentious pricks that feels the audience should only be paying attention to them and nothing else as if nothing else matters in the world.
2. Stop people recording the concerts.
Anyone that...
I was going to make a similar comment. This person obviously still lives in their mom's basement if he/she thinks our inequality problem can be fixed in one simple paragraph full of ignorant generalizations that he probably heard from Glenn Beck.
How about nobody. Why do we have to have a harassment lawsuit against what a minor does to another minor in the first place? Why are people here actively encouraging these asshole ambulance chasers to make more money furthering this bullshit lawsuit epidemic we have? You do realize more...
Have you ever written software for Android? Because that is a stupid statement unless you're creating something that uses specific hardware that is unique to the particular phone.
Without even reading the article that quote is such a bad analogy it boggles my mind. Easily playing an organized football game in your backyard is not easy nor realistic for most people, especially compared to buying a game and just playing it. Also comparing a professional football league to...
What makes the WiiU "an overpriced joke"? It's 250 bucks right now compared to the other two that are almost double the price and comes with a game or two usually. Sure it's not as good graphically but it has the better games by far and is the only console that is doing anything different than...
No shit huh? Parents that get smart phones for their tweens have no one to blame but themselves. You give a kid such a distraction and then expect them not to be distracted from you or anyone else? If your logic is to be able to reach them in case of an emergency every provider still sells...
Spoken by someone who knows nothing about software engineering. You can run as many threads as you want on any number of cores. Threads != cores. There is virtually no correlation between them besides parallel computing. How the threads get divided out to the cores is the compilers job...
I get into this argument all the time with my friends. Is it REALLY multiplayer if you're essentially playing online alone? I mean IMO, its nothing more than playing with glorified bots and can not even be mentioned in the same conversation as local MP where by definition you're playing either...
I'd like to know the other 50+ brands that are more "recognizable" than Microsoft. I think the company conducting this list is made up either of idiots or Apple fan boys. Actually, those two are one and the same.
Slightly used AXP 3000 barton core. Bought it from newegg about 6 months ago and it has been in the family room pc since then. Never been overclocked obviously as it was used mostly for webserfing. Will not be DOA, and it comes with the stock heatsink/fan. Looking for 110 shipped. Heat is...
My wireless is f'd up. Now it says Wireless Zero Config isnt enabled and some other utility is managing my wireless which isnt hte case. And i checked the services and WZC is started, so now basically I cant choose which network I connect to. Also the Wireless tab is gone when I click...
Barely been used 12" L5 Kicker SoloBaric Square Sub with single channel 600.1 Kicker Amp. Both bought brand new at Circuit City about 5 months ago. Only used for about 2. Bought a convertible (Saab) and it doesnt fit. Been trying to find a custom box but finally gave up. Unbelieavably clear...
You guys obviously dont know anything about HDTV. 1080i is 1920x1080, id like you to find me a monitor that has a res that high at a decent refresh rate and a videocard that will put out a game that well. As for which to get it depends on taste in gaming. I play alot of WoW and FEAR. 1st...
Looking for two 128 mb RDRAM PC 800 sticks. Need to revive my old school P4 box and this would definately give it the much needed boost. Thanks for looking.
HEAT : Smackethdn