I got the Civil War table and the Star Wars pack. Very cool. Played a bunch of Pinball Fantasies and Pinball Dreams on the Amiga way back. Brings back memories.
Grab 3 of your greasiest basement dwelling friends and troll the unfriendly skies in your very own steampunk airship. I've been playing for a while now with my regular group of gaming buddies, and we usually have a blast. I didn't see a thread in here...
EA already destroyed Ultima, but meh, I signed up for teh betorz anyhow. 3 way with katrina and jaana in 3...2... COCK BLOCKED BY RUNE OF SPIRITUALITY!
WHS is a very easy to use product. I bought an HP Mediasmart EX 495 a couple or so years ago, and I just recently blasted it and upgraded to WHS2011 + Stablebit Drivepool (it's way better than DE was, so no big loss). People are always saying "bleh bleh bleh linux bsd bleh bleh" (or something...
You guys know the dude isn't "From Forbes" - he's just a guy who wrote an article that Forbes is using to drive clickity clicks. The fact that his blurb is on Forbes doesn't necessarily lend him any credibility.
Who's to say that the guy didn't use the "fluffykins1234" password he's used on...
Next thing you know Microsoft will have the brilliant idea to blend the user experiences of driving the minivan and the lawn mower... THAT will be about as homo... I mean metro as this horseshit.
What is this metacritic you speak of? Whatever happened to looking at the back of the game box, shrugging, and giving a game a fair shake if it didn't look completely dumb? :P
Step 1: Navigate to Steam folder in winders exploder
Step 2: Type "redist OR directx" in the search box
Step 3: Wait...
Step 4: CTRL+A, Right click, Properties if you want to see how big it all is (3.something gigs in my case) or JUST BALEET THEM!
There, 3rd party app whiners appeased.
Competitors offering similar secure, encrypted devices are charging $15,000 to $20,000 per device and are using proprietary software and hardware, Palma said.
Doesn't say this one is going to be $15K. I haven't found any specific evidence of the Government having awarded a contract to Boeing to...
I just don't buy anything they make. I have other options, including a crapload of free to play stuff out there. Why should I pay him to whine like a bitch?
After hearing that it took all of like 5 minutes to beat and was a 'meh' console port, I decided not to buy the game. I also have yet to play it. I'm not really counting the lack of sequel as a loss.
So, nuking those files helped a little, but it still hiccups on new sounds. I ran into the templar down in the cathedral dungeon, and every time he so much as farted it herkajerked. P2P leechification is turned off, but it is kinda funny that the main bar on the launcher shows a complete...
Anyone else have horrific stutterific lagfest 9000 issues? It seems like every time I fire the game up and a new sound effect, voice over, or even a bobble head on the bottom shows up the game herks, jerks, and convulses. It's horrible when you're about to get swarmed by minions, you hit one...
8 and 9 blew goats. Major goats. I still fire 3 or 4 up for giggles every few years.
And boy did the ride the whole 7 thing for a while, but going back and playing it in EXULT was a better experience.
The 2 year anniversary event is going on right now. I popped back into Earth Spacedock to re-arm my fleet escort, and this dude is there saying he needs folks to test-drive Starfleet's new hotness... You get to take an Odyssey cruiser out for a spin and blow some stuff up. It's definitely no...