Game looks good, if a little "CoH plus snow", but I'm as wondering whether THQ will be able to stay afloat till release, and if not who will pick up Relic. And I dearly hope somebody does. I also want more CoH and dawn of war!
Me neither. I don't see how preferring the "locked down" (whatever people mean by that) Steam platform, that let don't force devs to pay $10k to patch their game for one thing, to the extremely curated and restricted xbox live/PS3-whatever-store as unapologetic Valve fanboyism.
It is allowed to...
Every time I hear anything about this mythical "steambox" it sounds more like dreaming from some strange PC-console hybrid players. Who are too lazy to use a PC but don't want a console, or something.
I really don't see how it makes much sense for valve, or why PC gamers would want them to...
wow. And here I don't remember the last time I played anything for 2 hrs straight even, and I don't have kids or anything either. Do you people not have a job, wife/gf etc..?
haven't played it, but it's certainly the dumbest name I've ever heard. Don't know why it bugs me but it does. What does it even mean?? The war Z? warcee?
The fact that you just took 30 min to download, install, play and decide it sucks the game really lends a lot of credibility.. :rolleyes: I think I'll try it for myself just to make sure
I'm between this and the samsung 830 128GB for $70. From the bench the intel looks as good or better?
Are you a patent lawyer? I think this shit is dumb, but what I have read from people who actually know this stuff the judge is just following the law. And I'd be surprised if she wasn't .. If anything I blame the stupid software patents, not the judges that uphold the laws as they are required...
Regardless of whether it's a pre-order or Kickstarter, the word investment should not be used about any game purchase. If you want it and can afford it; buy it. Investment is something you do with your 401k
yeah I'll probably hold off on the Gnex anyway. GSIII seems ok, I'd just prefer to not have to deal with custom ROMs within 2 months on my first android phone.. Therefore a nexus is a better bet to avoid that crap. But I've been waiting for the "perfect phone" (that's worth the high cost for...
They're working on that..
So pretty soon google play store will run out of GNex..? Time to get one? Except I've read the screen has color/pixel issues, and another thread here claim the screen gets scratches crazy fast. And now GS3 is 2-3 X faster, but I don't want Touchwiz junk, I want some...
Is the One X laggy? Is android still considered "slow/laggy"?
I've never used an android product much, but messed with a One x in the store for a minute the other day. To my surprise I found it kinda slow and unresponsive. When I click a button I expect response within a split second, but on...
Did you play the beta? I was meh on diablo 3 too, and then I played the beta and I'm even more so. Was thinking I'll wait a while, but get it at some point. Now I don't think I'll even do that. Realized I was done with diablo 2, time to move on.
Same thing. Go try it now..
Movies are not real, shockingly. Putting a match to a pool of gasoline does not create an inferno. Most likely the match will go out. You need to get the flame into contact with the right fuel-air mixture, which is not at the pool surface. During firefighter training...
Does it say when this will be released? I couldn't find anything.. Looks interesting, but if it's coming out in 2014 I think I'll rather just buy it when it's ready. Seems like they got more money than they asked for anyway..
lol, one can only hope..
If you believe game advertising you're a massive idiot who will lose all your money to cash4gold anyway. This is just silly.
And complaining about lack of "deeper, more meaningful relationships"? Hey, you got to have an awkward, poorly animated scene where aliens...
Looks like google translate from German. With their backwards sentence structure it get's messy.
Looks really good though! Haven't been into it since sim city 2000, so feel it's time:D Tried the demo of CitiesXL and found it rather meh.
I put my hand on that setup and tried to hit those other keys; waaay too far to reach comfortably! Delete? That's far away! That pretty much explains WASD right there.
and no; I don't have tiny girl hands..
I'll never buy MW3, but I don't mind trying it out. Since yes; I have not actually played any MW games, only the old WW2 CoD. If you don't like MW just don't play it..
Wait, think I tried a free weekend of MW 1 or 2. I was not hugely impressed. Remeber wondering if it's always insta-spawn...
So, this page makes this game sound pretty lame. Glad I didn't pick it up then. Even when it went on sale I didn't bother with it. Just had to wait till the honeymoon was over and now most I hear is bitching. Patience wins again!
hell no. Why do you assume mobile hardware will advance, but x86 CPUs and GPUs won't? A PC will always be more powerful than a phone, and will thus always have more advanced games (graphics, physics, input, gameplay etc). They're not being replaced, it's just people who wouldn't buy a computer...
Do people give a shit about half life anymore? I certainly gave up on it and have moved on. I'd probably buy HL3 if it came out, but not on day 1 or anything. A basic fps with more Gordon? Ok, cool. I'll check it out when I have time..
I'm still debating, but I think I might throw my money at the Xenonauts pre-order, just to support them. And I don't ever pre-order anything. I'm 50-50 on whether they'll actually finish but I really hope they do. In the Cynical brit WTF is.. thing it looked pretty good to me.
5-6? You mean all the maps in BC2?? Or where there some more that I'd have to BUY??
I want my user made maps back!! Ah damn it I'm going back to playing counter strike
Except the leads for Alpha centrauri, Civ 4 and civ 5 are no longer there. Sure there are whole teams there, but for all we know this could be someone completely different.
I'm skeptical till I see something
This might be true if it was "buy the game for $30+ or not at all". But when it's a certainty that the game will be cheaper in just a few short months I see no reason to pay more than that. I will get the same countless hours of enjoyment, just for less money. Additionally I have tons of other...
First of all; $8 for a movie ticket?! Where is that? I think I paid at least $12 last time I saw a movie, or $14 for "The magic of 3D!!!"
As for your math. It does make sense, but I don't really go to see movies either. For this very reason. (and that they all suck..). Since...
Pretty much my philosphy too. A game I really want I might pay up to $25 for. I did want to play deus Ex:HR so I got it for $17 last week, even though I don't really have time to play it.
And I don't get the whole "get into BF3 early since it MP" either. I got got BC2 ~10 months after...