Search results

  1. R

    Myst Developer Re-releasing Entire Franchise on PC Later This Year

    Being old enough to remember the first copies arriving in my store, I see this as another example of a cash grab. I have mixed feelings since while it was a good (not great) game many of the games that followed in it's footsteps are far better. Can we get something new? Wouldn't that be nice? Is...
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    MSI GeForce GTX 1070 GAMING X 8G Video Card Review @ [H]

    I have this card as well, and I can't complain because I got it from a distributor for a great price. I'm happy to say that my card performs exactly like yours did. I bought this for my first ITX build and the goal was for it to be nearly silent. Again no complaints it is dead quiet. Great review!
  3. R

    GeForce GTX 1080: Most Bizarre Secret Paper Launch Ever @ [H]

    LoL I'm betting a lot of people have no idea who Matrox are!
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    How much have you downloaded?

    That's at home... Work is much worse and I'm in Canada and not in Sweden where I know a guy who does 200 Gb a day.
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    How much have you downloaded?

    520 Gb and not one 1 kb was a torrent.
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    Assassin's Creed Unity Performance Video Card Review @ [H]

    "botched PC games publisig" I live about 5 blocks from Ubisoft Toronto so I can throw rocks at the building... but when we are hating on them in an article doing it with proper spelling helps. I support you 100% I just don't want them to have any ammo to come back to HardOCP with.
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    Apple Accidentally Leaks iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3

    And then claim a tax write off for the $50 million voluntary payment and actually claim $100 million of combined revenue. Oh wait I forgot Apple pays no taxes. Source
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    Steam 2013 Winter sale is here! runs from December 19th to January 2nd.

    Last year at this time I think I threw my wallet at Steam on a lot of games. This year there are no deals and your "extremely lackluster" description hits the nail on the head.
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    [Canada] Newegg - G.SKILL Trident X (2x8) 2400 - $119.99

    Yup there are a number of us... we simply lurk a lot.
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    Stupid Social Media Posts Can Cost You A Job

    I work with employment lawyers that told me that these stats are low!!!! How frightening is that?
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    Simple Case Mod: Shuttle SZ68R5 needs more air!

    Trust me get your thesis done and study... we'll wait. This is worth hanging around to see you've done a great job.
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    Advice on this receiver I am looking at?

    This is an award winning choice it will do the job for sure. Read the review in Sound and Vision... A receiver with these many options 2-3 years ago was $2000+
  13. R

    LED VS LCD for gaming ?

    Do you need the speakers built in? If not get the LG. I sit/stand in front of 3 of them 8 -10 hours a day. Bonne Chance
  14. R

    Oldest Battlefield Player?

    My father-in-law is about to turn 70 and he plays his XBox 360 about 3 hours a day... more if it is a really good game. He doesn't have any mental signs of aging, and his reflexes are amazing. He puts up a great fight online and whips his grandchildren's ass all the time. My 67 year old...
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    You Know You Are A Nerd When....

    OMFG this dude needs to play with his son and go outside!.!.! Maybe it's just me but I'd love to be an arson in MC and just burn all these things down.
  16. R

    This might be a simple question for some, but here I go

    Absolutely classic!!! :D
  17. R

    Video Games Saved This Man's Life

    Obviously haven't talked to any soldiers that went overseas... Ask them about video games during down time and saving lives and they'll teach ya about quick reflexes. None of them are fat that's for sure.
  18. R

    CES 2011: Best of Show!

    You know the smartest person involved with this "skit" "production" "art" was the one who sold the idea to whatever company it is. He/she must have just put down the bong and said "Dude I got it I know what we could do... there's a HUGE BIRD, a spider, and a Tiger Lily..." LoL I feel sorry...
  19. R

    Steam weekend deal: Amnesia 50% off

    Sorry could never play this because I like being able to sleep after I turn off a game. Fear was bad for me. Playing the demo of this scared the piss out of me.
  20. R

    Galaxy 5th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

    Medal of Honor series HalfLife series
  21. R

    Galaxy 3rd Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

    Goodnight sun, Now the day is done It is going to be night time soon, Goodnight sun we'll have more fun tomorrow, Now it's time to say hello moon, Good night sun, Hello moon. My 3 year old boy loves this and usually says "okay Daddy you can go play computer now" and kicks me out of...
  22. R

    It’s Official, The Beatles Are On iTunes

    :o YAWN If you already own the remastered CD's why would anyone buy this? And I agree the price is WAY TOO INFLATED.
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    What ancient pc game do you want remade?

  24. R

    HDCP Master Key Confirmed; Blu-Ray Has Been Cracked

    Funniest thing I have read all week!
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    House networked with single CAT5E cable I followed this for my house and all works perfectly fine.
  26. R

    Internet being slowed down by another PC's downloads

    Exactly. Get your router info and we can certainly help. If you pay the bill... unplug his/her system. If he/she pays the bill... then offer to pay half and therefore get half the bandwidth. If mom and dad pay the bill unplug his/her system.
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    High-Tech Anti-Date Defense System

    I guess no one went to U2's 360 Tour? This is old news. Bono was wearing a better version of this...
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    NTBackup Question

    So I was handed a piece of evidence that was backed up with NTBackup on a Server 2003 Small Business system. I'm using a Server 2003 SP2 box with nothing on it and I simply want to restore the data to a hard drive so we can manipulate it. When I use NTBackup Wizard I get: The backup file...
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    Police Seize Gizmodo Editor’s Computers

    Booya... I just reread the thread and was thinking the same thing.
  30. R

    Police Seize Gizmodo Editor’s Computers

    Amen to that... they seized the equipment to ensure that there is no correspondence between the "thief" and Gizmodo. I feel sorry for Jason he openly reported who and how he tried to give it back and in the end he gets f^cked! I hope he doesn't have anything illegal on those systems because...
  31. R

    Corsair SSD in Real World Applications

    I agree entirely. In the workplace we recently went from 120Gb 7200 Seagates to 64Gb SSD in all of our laptops... And we have to load 5 things on start up for the ease of our Executives because finding the IE, Adobe, Word, and 2 other proprietary software icons are beyond them. Let me tell you...
  32. R

    Is anyone using...

    I'm in need of the [H]ard|Forum's assistance with deciding from: MSI R5850 Twin Frozr II Radeon HD 5850 GIGABYTE GV-R585OC-1GD Radeon HD 5850 HIS iCooler V...
  33. R

    ATI cards just got cheaper...

    So for the last 2 weeks I've been watching and waiting... The Sapphire 5850 Vapor-X has dropped from $389 CDN to $368 CDN and now is $339 CDN... The Sapphire 5870 Vapor-X has dropped $499 US to $489 US and is now $440 USD but $495 CDN (NewEgg is retarded in their pricing) ARGH WRONG...
  34. R

    Price drop for 5800 series?

    LoL best response in a long time. I'm waiting for 2Gb 5850 Vapor-X
  35. R

    ATI Radeon HD 5850 1GB OEM 229.49 after BCB

    I have a feeling the prices are about to drop...
  36. R

    NVIDIA Fermi - GTX 470 - GTX 480 - GTX 480 SLI Review @ [H]

    Totally agree with ToastyBread... the way I see it is that I didn't spend $100 on Noctua fans to install a beast of a card that is running at 105C and I certainly do not want to hear that video card fan scream.
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    Fermi(?) and 5870 Eyefinity Edition surfaces at NCIX

    Psst... Our dollar is almost equal.
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    PowerColor PCS+ HD5870 & HD5850 Video Card Review

    I couldn't agree more. Shopping for a new RED flavour vid card and this review knocks PowerColor off the contenders list. May the RED cards drop in price this week...
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    Any new thoughts on 58XX series availability and price

    This would make me soo happy.
  40. R

    Any new thoughts on 58XX series availability and price

    NCIX.COM has tonnes of 5850's... But something is going to happen because I was out shopping today for a Sapphire TOXIC 5850 and found it for $389 CDN (our money is at par with the US now) and the 5870 was $399 CDN. 3 out of 4 stores had dropped the 5870 $45-$60 here in Toronto. Price drops...