it entirely depends on how scaling is done, if it uses large memory buffers to store frames or not. It is possible to scale image using only very small amount of memory and that is certainly possible in the case with 1920x1080 to 3840x2160 scaling.
Large memory buffers (so large input lag)...
I was not aware that new Windows versions did point scaling. In Win7 there is only bilinear and even when application seems to be just scaled it have lots of issues with sizes of elements inside window. I have some spare SSD lying around so I will install Win10 and do some testing there.
almost all CRT monitors I used and the one I currently use support 50Hz fine. I remember one monitor having some issues.
What CRT do you use that it cannot handle <60Hz?
When you use >100Hz are you also using native resolution to avoid necessity to use scanlines? It would make perfect sense to...
Monitors with full hardware calibration (gamma and gamut) are 'fire and forget'.
But you need not worry that much about details. Just be sure to buy good probe like eg. i1 Display Pro and do what software tells you to do. Most people do it like that without going into details what happens and...
Imho you fall of 4th point but you need to actually check (eg. using lagom lcd image I posted link to in my previous post) if changing settings on each monitor and GPU side cause banding or not to be sure and judge your situation on that.
Proper whitepoint != proper gamma response. What do...
How good 1080p looks on 1080p screen?
TV's are not monitors, here there is much more stuff between panel and signal that can screw image up. Most television sets have obnoxious processing which make image non-pixel perfect. So buying 1080p TV you are not guaranteed to have monitor sharp picture...
you have few situations:
1) 8bit GPU (Nvidia and Intel and very old ATI cards) without dithering and monitor with 8-bit internal precision
In this case you are screwed up. You either set monitor to one setting in which it does not have banding which usually be RGB channels all on 100% (might...
do not use images with point scaling as showcase of why 4K displays should be used because it is not something users will get. Windows use bilinear scaling, GPU use blinear scaling and monitors use something very similar to bilinear scaling and comparison 1080p panel vs 4K with lower...
Why 154Hz?
It is possible to use 1152x720@160Hz
though at this number of lines 720 I prefer full 1280x720 to make pixels smaller
I usually play at 1440x900@125Hz. Perfect compromise of pixel size, performance requirements and refresh rate. 1600x900@125Hz for 16:9 ratio.
I know.
I just explained my motivation to do it and increase risk of earlier monitor death.
But let's hope it will last me until 24" 4K strobed OLED with integer scaling comes out ;)
Some people make much more fuss about monitors light being hazardous than it is. If eyes deteriorate from light from monitor then people who are often outside should all be completely blind. Luminance outside at summer at sunny day is orders of magnitude higher than that of monitors...
Using non-native resolutions will give terrible image quality due how scaling work and due to how fonts depend on subpixel stricture of panel thus even 4K panel with perfect integer/point scaling would produce worse image quality than native 1080p panel. It is the worst option possible. You...
FW900 without AG looked like crap compared to glow-less LCD and CRT I had at work. In fact in some russian review LG Flatron 915ft+ was praised for having best contrast ratio compared to bunch of Trinitrons and Diamondtrons. With polarizer FW900 have contrast ratio on par with this LG 95ft+ but...
you can get film from
or somewhere else
I applied polarizer with adhesive with great results to image quality but it is darn hard to do it without having air bubbles trapped inside it thus without some equipment to apply film effect is not perfect. In desktop...
I had monitors with various levels of input lag and 24ms is still usable value even in slower paced FPS games. By slower paced I mean also faster games but not online. I played few levels of Serious Sam 3 on W2420R which have 24ms input lag and after a while completely forgot I play on crappy...
to have proper result one need to:
- correct gamut
- correct white point and black point
- correct gamma response
Brightness doesn't matter at all. Black point correction can be safely skipped with minimal impact on image quality. Gamma response is usually good ennough. Gamut is almost...
in OSC controls set RGB to maximum possible values. You might need to enter service menu to do that. Most probably by holding menu button when powering monitor with power button and then instead "language" option there will be service settings.
With RGB at maximum you get maximum contrast ratio...
rabidz7 you have apparently IQ less than 30 yourself
GPU use bilinear for scaling algorithm and there is no way to change it to point scaling.
"GSINK" monitors usually come with ULMB which is full blown strobing so getting G-Sync monitor is simply the best choice.
I have but a one question...
I bought two HP LP2480zx and testing first one.
in lagom lcd black level test I can see very slight static dithering.
I have also LG W2420R with the same panel. Image is exactly the same as HP except it have no discernible dithering. I am not going to loose sleep because of it. It is impossible...
it is funny that thread title ask if 16:10 VA monitors exist and no one said "yes, there is a bunch of them used for almost free on ebay/craiglist/whenever"
OP, are you really wanting to go VA route?
are you aware that VA have ridiculously looking gamma shift which is way way worse than IPS...
ofcourse without experience with electronics of this sort I advice not to open it or do crazy mods
I myself will totally be doing it though. First I plan to play more with CRT tubes, deflection circuits etc. with other monitors.
Ofcourse going from Trinitron to...
I did it by cutting DVI-I to VGA adapter and connecting DDC wires to I2C pins on DIP8 EEPROM chip. There are four cables sticking from this contraption: GND, +5V, SDA i SCL. It is powered up from USB and Sxx are used to program new EEPROM. I do it using Arduino and custom made sketch for it +...
For 4:3 gaming I would rather buy some high-end Diamondtron based monitor.
From what I saw they have better darker screens and better phosphors overall with better looking colors. No rising G2 issues, no warm-up and better longevity. Also high end models are slightly larger...
when comparing two displays it is the one that have sharp edges is the one that is most likely badly calibrated
do you have any calibration probe, are those displays calibrated?
having OC'd Sandy Bridge any newer processor is almost a sidegrade
It wouldn't be if developers heavily used AVX2 instructions which can in many cases improve performance a lot. Potential-wise Skylake is much much faster than Sandy Bridge. It is just poor gray reality where it is not the case...
My LED flickers as hell and all it makes for me is making motion less blurred (it appears are few sharp images rather than one blurry smear). Flicker also improve sharpness of stationary images when moving eyes around.
When it comes to flickering CRT's are unquestionable king...
there is site with tons of informations about scalers for 15KHz signals
for VGA CRT's the best one imho will be Micomsoft XRGB-3
for panels like plasma and LCD winner will be XRGB Mini
almost all other scalers add frame or two of input lag. Also with playing...
or have black screen to begin with ;)
BTW. I checked this whole rejuvenation thing
it can be done without any specialized equipment
thought I would probably buy CR-70 too if my FW900 started to act up and not risk of destroying it to save few bucks.
still I wonder what kind of voltages...
sharpness will be better without AG coating due to how CRT become less sharp with higher emmision levels. At eg. 100cd/m2 less coating => less emission needed. You also remove one layer from optical way that light have to go to hit your eye. So with that image improves. AG-less FW900 is by far...
SED/FED have nothing to do with CRT other than fact that in both types of technology electron is exciting phosphor. Those were promising technologies but OLED (and related types) seems to have best potential for achieving ultimate picture quality.
CRT are absolutely terrible for desktop and...
issue with adhesive are air bubbles that are unavoidable without proper tools like the ones used to repair LCD's. Maybe it would be possible to apply it manually without those pesky air bubbles but I doubt it. Without adhesive using something like water+sugar solution (which some people...
Jak to fajnie zobaczyć w tym wątku prawdziwy język :p
widzę że mają folie o przeźroczystości 73% więc znacznie większą niż ta którą używam która ma 48% czyli czerń w dzień będzie 2x jaśniejsza ale za to...
as a warmup change FW900 limits from 30-121kHz to like 15-150kHz
if it can be done then I could believe in reprogramming other TV's
as I see it with HDTV you have things to solve:
- there is a scaler to get rid of
- deflection circuit made for single resolution might be simplified and if so...
if it have hard-coded resolutions then changing them is not possible
sad and unacceptable but by all means true
if someone have the skill to reprogram electronics then I request mod for FW900 to allow more refresh rate (raise 121KHz/160Hz limit)
I have absolutely no complaints about image quality of converters I use.
No banding, no noise, no lag, support both 16-235 and 0-255 (the way it works is rather crude but ok for CRT) and other than Playstation4 (fixable) I had no issues with compatibility.
Later HDFury models like 3, 4 and 4s...