About a decade ago when I worked returns at a big retail store, it was common for people to return boxes with a phone book inside instead of the device. When employees stole things, they "fell off the truck." I don't remember an employee ever leaving behind a box or anything like that.
I'm somewhat "uncoordinated" and I have some personal experience in this "spilling coffee on oneself." Never once have I received a 3rd degree burn. At worst my skin is red for a little while. I like my coffee hot, not scalding.
Isn't it normal in stories for the bad guy to call himself "God" or "a god" only to be shown his place by mere "mortals?" I think it's actually a pretty good lesson in there: No matter how powerful you think you are, you are not God.
"I don't understand something. It must be stupid!" :p
I'm actually pretty sad someone here in the [H] comments didn't pick up on this earlier. The article is just sensationalizing the fact that the headphones, made by a totally different manufacturer than Apple, are not using a 3.5mm jack...
Statistics you say? Burn that shit with fire lol. Nah, I actually did that crap for a living for a while. I'm super picky about *broad* samples. There's really no indicator here of where the samples came from. Was it just one town? Was it people all over the nation? I see they mentioned...
The original Wii did really well. It's the Wii U that tanked.
I'm not sure how Wii Fit activities are not exercising? It's certainly better than twiddling your thumbs on an Xbox controller. You seem awfully angry that people like to exercise in different ways. :rolleyes:
I am more concerned about the screen cracking after a scratch test than I'm concerned with the bending. With enough effort, you could bend any phone. The screen cracking that easily shows a major weakness in the product.
Putting a backdoor in encryption defeats the entire purpose of encrypting. Breaking the law isn't the only reason to encrypt something, believe it or not. :rolleyes:
Use the command sharknice gave to you. There's one thing you have to do before it will work. You need to turn hibernation off completely from the command prompt:
powercfg -hibernate off
Once you've done that, his command should do what you're looking for.