Far Cry 6 Features DirectX Ray Tracing, FidelityFX CAS and Variable Rate Shading


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
"Ubisoft's head of 3D programming Oleksandr Polishchuk had this to say: "We were very impressed with the latest AMD technologies and joined forces to bring FidelityFX CAS, DXR raytracing and Variable Rate Shading to Far Cry 6. We are working together to ensure a smooth 4K viewing experience. This requires a lot of bandwidth, memory, and a Radeon RX 6000 with Infinity Cache that can handle it easily while maintaining high FPS rates." Check out the AMD partner showcase video below."

"Ubisoft's head of 3D programming Oleksandr Polishchuk had this to say: "We were very impressed with the latest AMD technologies and joined forces to bring FidelityFX CAS, DXR raytracing and Variable Rate Shading to Far Cry 6. We are working together to ensure a smooth 4K viewing experience. This requires a lot of bandwidth, memory, and a Radeon RX 6000 with Infinity Cache that can handle it easily while maintaining high FPS rates." Check out the AMD partner showcase video below."


The shilling is dispicable but still having a nerdgasm.
The only reason I played any of the farcrys was for the eye candy, except for blood dragon which is my favorite FC ever.

FC3 had the best protagonist of any game imo. The others all blend together.

FC3 also had the best ad campaign of all time, Mclovin’

I loved 3 until Vass was knocked off, 4 was just 3 but nicer looking, BD was too hard on my eyes to really get into. FC5 was while gorgeous a huge disappointment.

I actually really enjoyed Primal, but I am among a minority in that regard.
Will this also be needing a Dev Patch weeks after launch for nVIDIA DXR ?? If so, I will wait for it to come and be tested, but I do that with all Ubisoft shovelware.
So, every ubisoft game post FC6 will have these features and they might be more interesting than FC6. Neat.
FC3 was definitely the best, but I had fun with all of them. New Dawn was also pretty solid.
Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?

It's expecting Ubisoft to make something new, instead of making the same f-ing thing over and over and over again.

Far Cry 5 was the best. I don't see them topping it. The game is a masterpiece, if only for the way it makes you feel by the end.
Far Cry 5 was the best. I don't see them topping it. The game is a masterpiece, if only for the way it makes you feel by the end.

5 was the worst, with ND managing to be worse (but that is more of a intermediate game or standalone expansion).
Far Cry 3 was definitely one of my favorites, and Far Cry 4 I thought was the best setting. Something about the snow, mountains, and Nepalese scenery that really impresses me. Reminded me instantly of Uncharted 2.
5 was the worst, with ND managing to be worse (but that is more of a intermediate game or standalone expansion).
I found it rather clever, playing the bad guy, thinking you're the good guy the entire game.
Only real gripe against FC5 was the forced story progression, when you got attacked by commando cult followers that shot tranquilizing bullets. While I wasn't a huge fan of the whole Manchurian Candidate chunk of the story overall it was a fun game and honestly the ending can be forgiven (no one likes to lose) due to how FC:ND turned out which I actually love as well. FC2 is the only one that just felt tedious and unfun, and of course FC1: Monkey Ending was a bit umm... yeah. Tried to get into Primal but just couldn't get motivated to play it, FC to me should not be a game about bows and spears
Only real gripe against FC5 was the forced story progression, when you got attacked by commando cult followers that shot tranquilizing bullets. While I wasn't a huge fan of the whole Manchurian Candidate chunk of the story overall it was a fun game and honestly the ending can be forgiven (no one likes to lose) due to how FC:ND turned out which I actually love as well. FC2 is the only one that just felt tedious and unfun, and of course FC1: Monkey Ending was a bit umm... yeah. Tried to get into Primal but just couldn't get motivated to play it, FC to me should not be a game about bows and spears

I got tranq darted out of a helicopter.
Only real gripe against FC5 was the forced story progression, when you got attacked by commando cult followers that shot tranquilizing bullets. While I wasn't a huge fan of the whole Manchurian Candidate chunk of the story overall it was a fun game and honestly the ending can be forgiven (no one likes to lose) due to how FC:ND turned out which I actually love as well. FC2 is the only one that just felt tedious and unfun, and of course FC1: Monkey Ending was a bit umm... yeah. Tried to get into Primal but just couldn't get motivated to play it, FC to me should not be a game about bows and spears

Yeah Primal was a weird title in the history of FarCry. I can appreciate the fact that they tried something new, but you're right I think it was TOO different and maybe more people would have liked it had it not been called "FarCry." Not sure though. I recently replayed the original FarCry and holy shit I forgot how insanely difficult it is, and the graphics while outdated of course in my eyes is still impressive remembering how demanding and incredible it looked back then. The story and voice acting was campy but I think that contributed to the game's charm and it worked for me.
These days even World of Warcraft has support for hardware Ray-Tracing and FidelityFX, so I certainly would expect a brand new blockbuster title like Far Cry 6 to have them also.