NVIDIA Ampere GPUs to feature 2x performance than the RTX 20 series, PCIe 4.0, up to 826 mm² dies and 20 GB of VRAM


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
With many sources cited, Ampere could be twice the performance of Turing!

"Overall, the above should deliver up to twice the performance that the current RTX 20 series offers. @CorgiKitty mentions that a GA102 is in development, too. However, they offer no details on this GPU apart from that NVIDIA is evaluating the performance of Navi 21 before making adjustments to GA102.

Again, the above could come to nothing. Would any of the above tempt you into purchasing an RTX 3000 series GPU, though?"

826 mm^2 sized die on 7nm+ seems a bit of a stretch but we'll see. I can see them doing it for the data center version of the GPU where they charge $5000 or whatever but not consumer, at least not right away. It's all going to come down to how good their yields will be and what TSMC charges. From what I heard, the board is also more complex to help with memory signaling so I don't expect things to be cheap with Ampere. If it's even 50% faster than my 2080 Ti though, I'm going to sell mine and grab Ampere. I think AMD will be back to their traditional role, much worse perf/watt vs NVIDIA since they'll both be on 7nm. I'll put money on Ampere drivers being a lot better than Big Navi as well.
Has it ever happened before when next generation of cards outperformed previous generation by 100% ?
It's just the hype train rolling. The 100% increase will be in some metric that has marginal impact on real world gaming performance. Like PCIE throughput related or Ray Tracing only. Note: "Up to"
The key takeaway here is this:

NVIDIA is evaluating the performance of Navi 21 before making adjustments
Meaning they'll look at the competition and give just enough to beat them and not an ounce more for consumers.
Has it ever happened before when next generation of cards outperformed previous generation by 100% ?

As someone else said the 8800 ultra. I believe the 1080ti was 43% better than the 980ti for only $50 more, which makes these cards stand out. Both times Nvidia was getting pushed by AMD, even though Vega turned out to be a disappointment in reality. I have a really hard time believing that today nvidia can double the performance of the previous gen. My guess is that the new gen will double the performance in some cherry picked titles with raytracing turned on but will only be a net of 15-20 % performance gain across all titles, if that.
Seems to me that nV had to get in thier tech pantry and open a box of 5 years from now tech they probably developed 10 years ago because now Big Navi poses a real threat.
The bigger question for me is cost. If they can even do 50% increase in performance over current RTX, then I will likely buy. The question then comes down to will it come with a price bump. If so, then that opens it back up.
I am currently in a holding pattern for a new PC, waiting on Zen 3 and RTX 3000 series.
The bigger question for me is cost. If they can even do 50% increase in performance over current RTX, then I will likely buy. The question then comes down to will it come with a price bump. If so, then that opens it back up.
I am currently in a holding pattern for a new PC, waiting on Zen 3 and RTX 3000 series.
I guess AMD will influence the price the most. Not having much hope there.
rtx 2xxx are pretty terrible price/performance. i dont know why i own a rtx 2080 because it cant run a bunch of games at 4k without lag. as long as the flagship 3xxx is 30-50% faster, runs smooth 4k and costs the same as rtx 2080 and not rtx 2080 ti I'd buy one.

Heh. Saying there might be massively-optimistic speculation before a new GPU release is like saying it might rain in London at some point in March. 2x performance, 2x VRAM. It will fix your marriage and bring your dead pets back to life! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. If I had a nickel...

G80 was a complete oddity. Paradigm-changing architectural jump coupled with a significant die shrink. We'll likely never see that big of a performance jump again.
Heh. Saying there might be massively-optimistic speculation before a new GPU release is like saying it might rain in London at some point in March. 2x performance, 2x VRAM. It will fix your marriage and bring your dead pets back to life! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. If I had a nickel...
You forgot it’ll cure cancer, do your laundry, fellatio you, AND cut inches off your waistline.
In the article it states the Tensor Cores are up too 100% faster which is great and all, helps out the RTX side of the gaming but it is a much bigger deal for AI and Machine Learning. That sort of increase packed into their Tesla cards makes them a card that researchers and enterprise will be buying as fast as their budgets allow for, granted it will be priced accordingly though. I suspect that any consumer cards though will be cut down not because of a lack of competition or anything but simply because 99% of us won’t want to pay the price for the full ones.
These are enterprise gpus for virtualized environments for the most part. I don't see a 20gig CPU being less than 2k.
Pretty sure this is using the new HBM spec, so might want to bump that number up a smidge too.
This is some shill, AMD and NVIDIA always pulls this shit right before the launch of new hardware. 100% better this 100% better that... The only thing you can count on is that it will most likely be 100% better in ray traycing and efficiency. Highly doubt ampere will achieve high clocks; just look at amd and theyre zen architecture and rdna graphics cards, none of them are breakin the ~ 2000mhz barrier for graphics and ~ 4.4 ghz on their cpus with tsmcs 7nm process.

Hold pattern and wait for reviews. My prediction is that a 2080ti will be approx. the performance of a 3080 or in between a 3070 and 3080 just like we saw with maxwell and pascall. Highly doubt this will be a resurgence of what we saw with the 8800 series.
As someone else said the 8800 ultra. I believe the 1080ti was 43% better than the 980ti for only $50 more, which makes these cards stand out. Both times Nvidia was getting pushed by AMD, even though Vega turned out to be a disappointment in reality. I have a really hard time believing that today nvidia can double the performance of the previous gen. My guess is that the new gen will double the performance in some cherry picked titles with raytracing turned on but will only be a net of 15-20 % performance gain across all titles, if that.
43%? You are misreading the chart on techpowerup like many people do. The 980ti delivered 57% of the performance of the 1080ti so that makes the 1080ti 76% faster.
This is some shill, AMD and NVIDIA always pulls this shit right before the launch of new hardware. 100% better this 100% better that... The only thing you can count on is that it will most likely be 100% better in ray traycing and efficiency. Highly doubt ampere will achieve high clocks; just look at amd and theyre zen architecture and rdna graphics cards, none of them are breakin the ~ 2000mhz barrier for graphics and ~ 4.4 ghz on their cpus with tsmcs 7nm process.

Hold pattern and wait for reviews. My prediction is that a 2080ti will be approx. the performance of a 3080 or in between a 3070 and 3080 just like we saw with maxwell and pascall. Highly doubt this will be a resurgence of what we saw with the 8800 series.

Nvidia held out for 7nm EUV. I suspect they'll have better luck with frequency over 7nm. Nvidia has a knack for holding out for better processes and/or tweaking for their architecture.
Nvidia held out for 7nm EUV. I suspect they'll have better luck with frequency over 7nm. Nvidia has a knack for holding out for better processes and/or tweaking for their architecture.

I really doubt 7nm EUV will help much with frequency over non EUV. It should help them with producing more viable dies, in fact without it they may not have been able to produce them in large enough numbers to even supply the consumer side.
I really doubt 7nm EUV will help much with frequency over non EUV. It should help them with producing more viable dies, in fact without it they may not have been able to produce them in large enough numbers to even supply the consumer side.

If they can maintain and or improve the power profile while increasing performance by a large margin I will be interested.
Has it ever happened before when next generation of cards outperformed previous generation by 100% ?

No way they're 100% faster in non-RTX calculations. That's like Intel's worthless mark benchmarks
Double tensor cores/performance is probably the only thing believable. Click-bait-y website wants clicks. Don't do it.

Double raytracing will be nice. Raster performance increase could be anywhere from 10% to 60%. It's going to be on new 7nm euv, it's really all a guess until we see working cards.
Imagine what this monster would cost if it was true.... like we don't already have expensive enough GPUs but maybe it's a tactical choice to push more gamers towards GeForce Now...
HA.. guess these won't be running on Intel chipsets... PCIE 4.0.
Last I checked RDNA cards run fine on Intel.
Imagine what this monster would cost if it was true.... like we don't already have expensive enough GPUs but maybe it's a tactical choice to push more gamers towards GeForce Now...
Well, these are Quadros or Teslas, so...
Imagine what this monster would cost if it was true.... like we don't already have expensive enough GPUs but maybe it's a tactical choice to push more gamers towards GeForce Now...
dont matter what it cost if its more than 50% of a 2080ti then im in, lol.
Given the card it is replacing currently retails for roughly $7000 USD, I would assume it to be at least that much.
Im just talking about the ti version, most likely wont be the full GA100 most likely a GA103 or 102. Whichever it is if it meets my 50% higher average performance criteria and if its below 1.5k usd then ill be alright with it. Im really hoping AMD will at least give nvidia a run for its money so that prices wont inflate that high.