Gamers hate the Epic Game Store but spent $680 million there anyway.

I've probably spend $60 on the EGS in addition to installing the free games. I only bought bc of the Epic exclusivity, I strongly prefer Steam but for a handful of games I Just wanted to play them NOW instead of waiting a year to see if it pops up on Steam. I think the whole thing is pretty stupid but if I want to play a game then I'm going to buy it.

There's nothing really wrong with EGS, I'm just highly invested in Steam. But if I have to have EGS to play a couple of games then OK. It's not like this is the first competitor to Steam. I also have Origin, Uplay, Microsoft Xbox games pass installed.
Someone took over my Fortnite account, they acted like douchebags asking me for more information than a bank would. And when I provided it, they said the information is false and can't do anything about it.
No investigation at all.

I had the game over a year before Battle Royale was even released. There was only PvE. And I bought the game on PS4.

Now I refuse anything from them. I will pirate anything exclusive to their store. I don't even want their fucking free stuff. I will pirate that free stuff as well.
So you're saying we should ignore our principles too because there are ignorant people? And that we should use the epic store to stick it to valve for not delivering HL3? Very mature.

You jumped straight to a conclusion I never made. I was simply pointing out the stupidity of OP hating us for supposedly quietly accepting Epic.

I never said to buy from epic. In fact I don't either.

Never suggested sticking anything to valve, just that they should make games again because gamers want games. Why are you twisting what I said?

Not very mature to insult ones maturity without even understanding what hes talking about
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In the most dishonest way possible -
the same "creative accounting" that buys 500,000 fake copies of a game in the form of a bribe, then stipulates that the developer turn around and press release that the game "sold" that many copies.

Case in point: "Satisfactory" by Coffee Stain Studios. One minute they're complaining on Twitter about how they've barely sold any copies, then some time later release a YouTube video swearing they sold "508,000 copies" and thanking everyone. Total horseshit.

Sweeney is not trustworthy.

So do you have any proof of this or are you pulling it out of your ass like usual? :p

And no, sarcastic jokes/shitposting on Twitter isn't actual proof. The fact that you're using admitted jokes as proof is interesting in the least.

You jumped straight to a conclusion I never made. I was simply pointing out the stupidity of OP hating us for supposedly quietly accepting Epic.

I never said to buy from epic. In fact I don't either.

Never suggested sticking anything to valve, just that they should make games again because gamers want games. Why are you twisting what I said?

Not very mature to insult ones maturity without even understanding what hes talking about

Essentially this is the situation. For ~two weeks Metro Exodus wasn't available on other stores. Therefore, he is being forced to buy all current and future games purely on EGS. To top it off, this is immoral for some unexplained reason.

I suppose his store(s) of choice don't sell EGS games and he only wants to purchase from those specific stores and the other alternatives like GMG/CD keys/Humble aren't acceptable. Therefore, they don't exist and you can only buy EGS games directly on EGS. Which is immoral for some reason, apparently.

More than likely he is buying from some gray market site using stolen cards/keys and they don't yet have the network in place for obtaining stolen EGS keys.
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So do you have any proof of this or are you pulling it out of your ass like usual? :p

And no, sarcastic jokes/shitposting on Twitter isn't actual proof. The fact that you're using admitted jokes as proof is interesting in the least.

Proof of what specifically? Go back and re-read my post if you like - I added the Youtube video where he claims 507,374 copies -- a big round number and change. The real-money sales probably being the 7,374.

Then there was the Samurai Showdown dev that Epic wanted an exclusive release on the condition of a pre-order of hundreds of thousands of copies, which the SNK CEO turned down.

So that's Epics scam - not a flat dollar amount bribe, but pre-buying "copies" so the publisher can turn around and announce the inflated number, and how wonderful sales on EGS are. These leaks are so scarce because most devs don't want to burn bridges, even if they turn the bribe down.

It's slimy and generally pathetic.
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Proof of what specifically? Go back and re-read the post if you like - I edited in the Youtube video where he states exactly 507,374 copies -- a big round number and change. If thats not enough to at least make you skeptical then maybe youre just here to sealion.

Then there was the Samurai Showdown dev that Epic wanted an exclusive release on the condition of a pre-order of hundreds of thousands of copies.

So thats Epics scam - not a flat dollar amount bribe but pre-buying fake copies so the dev can turn around and announce that number. Again, total horseshit.

I was going to post that link to the video, but it was too cringeworthy. Essentially that "community manager" just says silly stuff and pokes fun at everything. You can see that communication style and the obvious sarcasm. You'd think the joke "we got 10, now we got a refund" tweets would ring some bells.

An exclusive reason with the condition of thousands of pre-orders makes sense, it shows there is a market for the product. Why would Epic fund and publish a game that wouldn't sell?

The funding deals vary from developer to developer. Essentially they give you XYZ in advance, you keep your IP, have no development interference and all that. You only "make" extra money if your game doesn't sell XYZ amount. In which case, Epic valued your product far more than it was worth. Assuming you surpass XYZ, you don't make anything extra. Developers can use this to get cash flow prior to release which can allow them to take an extra month or two to polish the game before shipping if needed.
I just don't believe a game called Satisfactory sold 500k on its own. I could be wrong, but doubt it
I find it amazing that the Epic Game Store still lacks a setting to throttle the download speed when downloading a game.

Without that feature, downloading a game is very annoying.
Epic needs to fix their cloud system ... it's horribly unreliable and takes forever to write/read

just came from playing Exodus and tried to do a cloud save and after 1 minute of waiting for the save to end I get the message "Cloud Server Error"

Second rate client ... I sure hope the Exodus sequel isn't going to be only released on Epic because if it is I'll be passing on it until it posts for sale on Steam
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Proof of what specifically? Go back and re-read my post if you like - I added the Youtube video where he claims 507,374 copies -- a big round number and change. The real-money sales probably being the 7,374.

Then there was the Samurai Showdown dev that Epic wanted an exclusive release on the condition of a pre-order of hundreds of thousands of copies, which the SNK CEO turned down.

So that's Epics scam - not a flat dollar amount bribe, but pre-buying "copies" so the publisher can turn around and announce the inflated number, and how wonderful sales on EGS are. These leaks are so scarce because most devs don't want to burn bridges, even if they turn the bribe down.

It's slimy and generally pathetic.

so you are saying that total sales of satisfactory are actually 7k? Where epic handed out 88% of $25 x 500000 = 11 million dollars and then further paid them for an additional 7300 copies? Satisfactory has never been a giveaway. even during the sales with discount coupon it would still cost you $15. Other deals, like outer worlds, are only for 200k sales. The ideal that EGS spent 11 million on an unknown indie game is somewhat nonsensical. And then so what if they did? Its their money to spend.

As for exclusives... if you are going to give someone storefront page... why wouldn't you insist on an exclusive, especially when you package it with guaranteed sales. You are taking away screen space from other titles. Nothing really surprising there. Games like RDR2 or Borderlands 2 - sure, those are huge titles that will bring in tons of sales so yeah, they would skip any exclusivity to get them.

Just imagine last year, deep silver going to steam and asking them for a better deal to keep them on steam. and gaben saying screw you, you are going to get the same deal as everyone else, where you pay us 30%.

That is a fantasy world business model while it lasts.
It feels pretty gratifying to have like 20+ games on their store without paying a single dime for any of them...

But seriously, I'm never paying them a single dime ever. So just put everything on Steam so I can keep my library all in one place. I don't appreciate them fucking with my neat tidy library of 500+ games already owned.

They're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than Fortnight, Borderlands 3, or Control for me to actually consider branching out.
You jumped straight to a conclusion I never made. I was simply pointing out the stupidity of OP hating us for supposedly quietly accepting Epic.

I never said to buy from epic. In fact I don't either.

Never suggested sticking anything to valve, just that they should make games again because gamers want games. Why are you twisting what I said?

Not very mature to insult ones maturity without even understanding what hes talking about
I'm not twisting anything, your words with full context:

Gamers are going to go where the good games are. Period. Tell Gaben to give us Half-life 3 or a new IP (or both).
or else we are using the epic store - That is implied, because if it isn't well, then writing the above has no meaning. But if you meant something else by that I'm eagerly awaiting what was that.

I agree that epic launcher is ugly, lacking features, and the exclusives are severe butt. But come on, of all the people who hate epic, how many hate Unreal Engine enough to boycott it? Probably near 0, so Epic gets paid anyway. And of the few thousand people who vocally hate epic for their behavior, there are ??? millions of people with gaming PCs who aren't even aware of the politics, they just want to buy the game.

And how else can I interpret this than: There is no point in boycotting the epic store because they get money anyway from licensing and people who don't care or aren't aware?

It's one thing being wrong, but it's entirely another to claim that's not what I said, when you said exactly that and there it is in black and white.
or else we are using the epic store - That is implied, because if it isn't well, then writing the above has no meaning. But if you meant something else by that I'm eagerly awaiting what was that.

....................................Gamers are going to go where the good games are. It's a fact I stand by. No where in that did I suggest you should give up your epic boycott. You are twisting what I said, it would appear you can't view this whole discussion objectively from the viewpoint of a person (like me) who doesn't care if Epic lives or dies. It was an explanation as to why Epic would have the profit posted by op -- from normal customers who simply don't care. I can't make that any more clear for you.

My suggestion for Valve to make HL3 or some new AAA release -- To capture / hold the market Steam already has, because gamers will go where the good games are, PERIOD. I never suggested or implied or even THOUGHT of abandoning steam if they don't kiss my feet.. wtf... You twisted that all hilariously to fit whatever it is you're here trying to prove and you'll continue doing so it seems.

And how else can I interpret this than: There is no point in boycotting the epic store because they get money anyway from licensing and people who don't care or aren't aware?

It's one thing being wrong, but it's entirely another to claim that's not what I said, when you said exactly that and there it is in black and white.

Nowhere in that second quote did I suggest you shouldn't boycott epic. It was a continuation of the above, a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why OP was being nuts and epic made a quarter of a billion dollars in game sales.

Consumers have every right to boycott a business and I respect and support anybody who does so with Epic -- That's in black and white for you, don't bother trying to read between the lines please.

For the second time, stop trying to say I suggested something that I didn't, it's ridiculous.
I don't like epic or their practices so I don't buy there or have their software installed. I mean that's how America works... They are welcome to try to compete and if consumers don't put up with their nonsense then they will go away. If they are successful then the consumers have decided as well.

Personally I have major issues with the paying to limit games from third parties for exclusive distribution. I believe this reduces compeition so I don't patronize their business. As a consumer the best part of a free market is you get to decide where to spend your money. They need my money more than I need their luxury-spend product. I'd really like to play outer worlds but if I can't buy it where I want to then it's no skin off my back... I'll just spend that money on something else I want. They lose out, not me.
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I got EGS because I wanted BL3. Wasn't happy about it, but I tolerated it. I have to say EGS, while I have to use it to launch BL3, does terminate after I'm done, doesn't hang around like Steam. Same thing with RD2, have to use the rockstar launcher, but it also terminates after I'm done with RD2. I haven't seen any of the free games on EGS that I'd play, so no freebees for me on that front.