So if a person needed a 4-6G'ish HDD, what is the raptor of the current gen?


Aug 2, 2004
Getting some warnings on a 4G ^h^hT WD Black. It is an old dog - well past the 5 year coverage. Were you picking a new hard drive for a largish steam collection... what is a solid performing single drive these days?
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Depending on your budget, 4tb ssd's exist. 1tb nvmes are fairly affordable. Otherwise a plain Jane 7200rpm is all you've got. Not a lot of options in between.
what is a solid performing single drive these days?

There is not that big of difference between the performance of the 7200 RPM offerings between the 2 manufacturers that are left.

Edit: I forgot Toshiba. Make that 3 manufacturers.
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The question might be what are the fastest single platters or dual platters.

Who crams the most on a platter for the best speed/density?
I would go with a basic 4TB SSD or 6TB WD black is as good as any of the other 7200 RPM drives.
Are you running on an Intel or AMD platform?

If you are running Intel, and intend to continue with a mechanical hard drive as opposed to upgrading to an SSD, you can get a much smaller and cheaper SSD to use as an SSD cache. You can get small older SATA SSDs for about $15 or even less on places like eBay. Up to 64GB can be used as SSD cache for a mechanical drive. It won't make your mechanical hard drive drive as fast as an SSD, but it certainly does help, especially with frequently accessed files.
Are you running on an Intel or AMD platform?

If you are running Intel, and intend to continue with a mechanical hard drive as opposed to upgrading to an SSD, you can get a much smaller and cheaper SSD to use as an SSD cache. You can get small older SATA SSDs for about $15 or even less on places like eBay. Up to 64GB can be used as SSD cache for a mechanical drive. It won't make your mechanical hard drive drive as fast as an SSD, but it certainly does help, especially with frequently accessed files.

On the AMD side of the house for this box. TR4/w a 1905x