Need help understanding result from lastwake command


Jul 25, 2005
MSI laptop wakes from sleep mode without user input. I am having trouble determining why this occurs. Result from lastwake command is as follows:
Owner: [Service] \device\harddiskvolume12\windows\system32\svchost.exe (systemeventsbroker)
Owner supplied reason: Windows will execute 'NT TASK\Microsoft\Windows\Updateorchestrator\Universal Orchestrator Start' scheduled task that requested waking the computer

Anyone know what the above jargon means?
There are multiple solutions given in the above threads. Is there a single solution among those listed that people here recommend?
Not a Win 10 expert but I do have a laptop that I carry in a small neoprene bag. I make sure the wifi is shut down and that the update system is set to only update when connected to a 'no-cost' connection.(don't remember the exact setting - set it once when the laptop was new a couple years ago.) It has never woken up while in the bag.