Apple finally releases the new Mac Pro


Fully [H]
Jul 29, 2005

Looks good. I like the logistics of the case design. I don't do music or video creation/editing so it wouldn't make much sense for me to get one, but its nice that they finally released it.
I generally like Apple's stuff (on a MBP right now), but, as usual, they've over-engineered the fuck out of everything. At least it'll take regular PCIe cards. (And the damn things looks like it belongs in a kitchen, clogged with cheese.)

I knew they'd never ditch Intel, but was kinda hoping they'd also debut a line Zen 2-based systems. But that would be far too much to expect from a $250B company that can only manage to update it's top workstation after 5+ years. And still no Nvidia support because of whatever slight Apple has perceived as coming from them.
I'm... Ambivalent. I'm going to be buying a new workstation this year. My late 2013 Mac Pro (Trash Can) is starting to get a bit long in the tooth. Heck, I was WANTING to buy it last year, but I held off because Apple announced they were going to show the new one off in 2019. I was expecting dual 3647s, not single. The price is pretty hard to swallow, too. A comparable Windows PC is a bit under $5K and that price includes the nVidia card I need for my CUDA apps. I guess I've got a couple of months to decide.
I'm... Ambivalent. I'm going to be buying a new workstation this year. My late 2013 Mac Pro (Trash Can) is starting to get a bit long in the tooth. Heck, I was WANTING to buy it last year, but I held off because Apple announced they were going to show the new one off in 2019. I was expecting dual 3647s, not single. The price is pretty hard to swallow, too. A comparable Windows PC is a bit under $5K and that price includes the nVidia card I need for my CUDA apps. I guess I've got a couple of months to decide.

You run a 2013 Mac Pro and use CUDA apps?
Yup. Two different boxes right now. RealityCapture's my big one. It's Nvidia only. I was really hoping to consolidate, but it looks like I'll be upgrading my secondary machine instead :(
In a sea of disingenuous Apple articles, that one is sitting at the highwater mark.

They take a $6K base Mac Pro and add 128GB of the fastest ECC DDR4 RAM they can find for a whopping $18K estimate. Then they add in a whole 'nother 28 core processer for $8K and "guess" 4 more GPUs will ring in around $12K. So you can see where this article came from and where it's going: they are adding up individual components, using WAG numbers, and then sticking a $50K pricetag on the whole package.
In a sea of disingenuous Apple articles, that one is sitting at the highwater mark.

They take a $6K base Mac Pro and add 128GB of the fastest ECC DDR4 RAM they can find for a whopping $18K estimate. Then they add in a whole 'nother 28 core processer for $8K and "guess" 4 more GPUs will ring in around $12K. So you can see where this article came from and where it's going: they are adding up individual components, using WAG numbers, and then sticking a $50K pricetag on the whole package.

I mean you toss the 10gb eithernet and all the upgrades, and you can have a 5,000 macbook air as well.
Generally people who buy the top end model don’t have any issues with buying a Tesla anyways. Or they use it to make money to buy a Tesla.

Indeed - lots of corporate users who buy Nvidia Tesla V100 and similar cards by the barrel - these go for something like $10k a pop. For these settings, price is not so important.
In a sea of disingenuous Apple articles, that one is sitting at the highwater mark.

They take a $6K base Mac Pro and add 128GB of the fastest ECC DDR4 RAM they can find for a whopping $18K estimate. Then they add in a whole 'nother 28 core processer for $8K and "guess" 4 more GPUs will ring in around $12K. So you can see where this article came from and where it's going: they are adding up individual components, using WAG numbers, and then sticking a $50K pricetag on the whole package.

Not really, it's maxing it out. You can max out a mac mini at 3600 bucks, a macbook pro at 6550, and an imacpro at 15850. We'll see when it hits, but this is going to be sticker shock. Also after the 1k for a stand I wouldn't be surpised if it broke 45k.