UK Will Require Age Verification for Porn Sites in April

This is good. Pornography basically causes brain damage. Children get addicted to porn at like age 12. I think porn should be illegal and pornographers should be thrown in jail but at least this might keep children from becoming porn addicts who can't ever form a normal relationship with a woman.

I hope this is a troll post, because this is the most idiotic unfounded crap I've read in months. Sounds just like the psudo-science crap they brain wash evangelical Christians with.
purchase a voucher from a brick-and-mortar store in the UK if they don't want to enter an email address

so you have someone over 18.. buy a voucher.. or 20, then distribute it amongst friends.. or sell them on ebay or the like

so.. in effect.. a porn tax

and.. im gonna bet that the company who just happens to make all those vouchers.. "helped" sponsor said law.
Why wouldn't somebody buy 500 pounds of vouchers and sell them to horny teenagers for 1500 pounds? Watch the voucher aspect disappear.
Third party porn verification?

I guess it’s more restrictive than the age verification system that Steam uses for mature titles where you can open the dropdown for birth year, spin your mouse wheel like the Price is Right wheel then click okay and progress into the title information.

January 01, 1932?

Sure, why not.

so, what happens if a US based site doesnt obey UK law?

They'll follow the law because if they don't one of their competitors will and they'll lose market share. It's not like people will stop watching porn.

What's annoying is how much money they're going to poor into something that ultimately won't be effective.