The Pentagon Wants to Replace Passwords with the Way You Move or Walk


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Steven Wallace is a system innovation scientist at the Pentagon's Defense Information Systems Agency, or DISA. In an interview with The Washington Post, he discussed smartphone technology that the Pentagon is testing that will authenticate smartphone owners by using "the gait of your walk, the tension in your hand or the way your thumb moves across the touch screen." He says DISA is working with industry leaders such as computer chipmakers and smartphone developers to make the technology commercially available by 2020. The technology is expected to be incorporated into the majority of handsets in the USA as the Pentagon wants use mass production to lower the price.

The sensors used by the DISA project are already in the smartphones and a "unique profile for how each smartphone user does various things" can be created based on how each owner uses their device. This may include the way the phone is pulled out of a purse or pocket, typing on it, or walking with it. A "risk score" is generated based on a weighted combination of metrics and if this score drops too low, the person is locked out of the phone. At that point the person has to use a more standard way to login such as a conventional password.

Wallace hopes the cutting-edge identity verification system will be like the Global Positioning System and the Internet itself -- in that they are all tools that were initially developed for military use but ended up benefiting society at large. "I'm not going to say that we're going to create something that's as broad and as grand as GPS or the Internet, but there's a history of the department working on things and those things ending up in consumer devices," Wallace told me.
The sultriness of your voice.
How smoothly you can sweet-talk to your phone.
The intensity of your sexy-face.
...and if someone becomes disabled or is severely injured? o_O
A "risk score" is generated based on a weighted combination of metrics and if this score drops too low, the person is locked out of the phone. At that point the person has to use a more standard way to login such as a convention
Edit: "al password."
Dunno why it cut that part out...
or they could just print a barcode on my wrist or force the public to inject a chip in their arm for 100% control over the population. Thank pentagon! I never knew what i was missing. As if they don't have enough data collected about our online profile, they need all biological markers too.
Please strut in order to unlock phone. I'm sorry, incorrect strut. Please strut to unlock pho- Incoming call. Please strut to answer call.

Oh yeah, pity the poor bastard who has to unlock Beyonce's phone when the nuclear detonator is counting down. "I'm sorry. Password hint is 'twerk.'"

P.S. Danger, shmanger, I'd pay money to see some white guy from the FBI try to get in to Beyonce's phone before the detonator goes off.
That will definitely safeguard our nation, thanks Pentagon jackass.
Most important thing we need to know about this system by far is ... Can it tell by the way he walks he's a ladies man with no time to talk?
Most important thing we need to know about this system by far is ... Can it tell by the way he walks he's a ladies man with no time to talk?

Bastard! Bastard! Some of us suffer (I say SUFFER!) from debilitating Ohrwurm syndrome. Just like strong perfume or cigarette smoke, we are crippled by any implication of a BeeGee's song or hearing anything by The Bay City Rollers.
What a horrid idea. My phone would be useless. As for gait, that would never work for me. I walk differently depending on whether I'm wearing boots or shoes. I have arthritis in both knees which means I sometimes walk normally, sometimes I limp if it's not hurting too much and other times I'm walking with a cane. Even better is that it's not always the same knee that's messed up which causes even more problems.

As for how I swipe or something like that. The phone would have a nervous breakdown just trying to figure that out. Sometimes the phone is used one handed while being held. Other times I'm using it with two hands. Yet other times I'm using it with one hand while it's sitting on my desk. Even better is that sometimes I use a stylus type pointer.

If this went into effect I'd never be able to use my phone. It would either keep me locked out because usage is never the same or it would just burn up in a nervous breakdown from never being able to find a pattern.
Am I missing something? How is this more efficient and/or more unique than uhhhh, I dunno, my fucking finger print?
China is already using your gait or how you walk to identify you from street cameras.
I'm sure this wont be used for any nefarious purposes.

And just for info, your Fingerprint is a unique identifier, it is not a password, it should be your login.

If the Pentagon wants us to use stuff, the first question to be asked is "Why?"
I really don't see how we, the people, can benefit or use this in anyway better than what we currently have ?

"Please help train our AI to identify you in the street better ?"
During a 2021 newscast: And in other news, 150,000 troops were locked out of their phones shortly after being issued new uniforms. The new uniforms feature new pocket placement and new boots that caused the phone's use profile sensors to detect the phones had been stolen. Many of the troops had forgotten their long unused passwords and will be unable to use the phones to contact families until overworked support folks can reset the passwords.
It reads like pure unmitigated non sense.
It would make more sense to say you can do it with the electrical interferance human bodies create in all electronic devices.
Every single idea that I've heard anyone come up with seems more prone to hacking, less secure and a bigger chance of just not being reliable than a password. The only problem with passwords is the morons that make them - "password123"
again you got to be an idiot if you think this is better than a password
This is more convenient. But once your "key" has been stolen you are going to have a hard time replacing it.
Password? Really? This is about tracking your movements. I'd be surprised if Google doesn't do this. This came up in articles 3-4-5 years ago and suddenly disappeared.
So now the government will not have to have your password or fingerprint to unlock your phone.

They can just have a robot calculate your movements by examining surveillance video and then the robot can mimic those movements with 100% accuracy in order to unlock your phone.

This is some pure trickery by the government for a super easy to implement backdoor into ANY cell phone.

If they do implement this and there is no way to permanently disable it, I think I will no longer have a cell phone.
What if you're too tired to strut dat ass?
What a horrid idea. My phone would be useless. As for gait, that would never work for me. I walk differently depending on whether I'm wearing boots or shoes. I have arthritis in both knees which means I sometimes walk normally, sometimes I limp if it's not hurting too much and other times I'm walking with a cane. Even better is that it's not always the same knee that's messed up which causes even more problems.

As for how I swipe or something like that. The phone would have a nervous breakdown just trying to figure that out. Sometimes the phone is used one handed while being held. Other times I'm using it with two hands. Yet other times I'm using it with one hand while it's sitting on my desk. Even better is that sometimes I use a stylus type pointer.

If this went into effect I'd never be able to use my phone. It would either keep me locked out because usage is never the same or it would just burn up in a nervous breakdown from never being able to find a pattern.

I'm doubting this is about what it says it's about. I'm guessing this is the end state of several crappy DoD/DARPA programs that living a sort of katamari damacy/frankenstein existence.

Gait recognition has been something .gov has had a hard on for forever. I'ts nearly religious in nature. There's this belief that there's a core... something.. to a way a person walks or moves that they can't hide. It'll be the holy grail of both biometrics and surveillance. this has been goig on unsuccessfully since at least the early 90s (whips out tinfoil hat.... or HAS it? They coudl be watching us now!).

DoD wants a truly secure handset. They'd also love for it to be a cots style product. They especially want it with their plans for the connected iSoldier.

They also likely want something that looks like FIDO2 for transparent, easy to use, secure log ins to things, and i would be best if you could make FIDO2 on steroids using existing handsets and software.
DoD? Yeah, right. The creation of a super-cookie that can't be deleted, and can follow you to any device, has to be the work of The Facebook, Google, and/or Verizon.