
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Google has announced that it uses TensorFlow, an open-source machine learning (ML) framework developed by Google, to block 99.9% of spam, phishing, and malware before it reaches Google's 1.5 billion Gmail customers each month. New improvements to protections powered by TensorFlow allow Google to detect and block an additional 100 million spam messages every day. The additional spam messages come from sources such as image-based messages, hidden embedded content, and newly created domains that seek to hide low volume spam campaigns behind legitimate traffic.

ML makes catching spam possible by helping us identify patterns in large data sets that humans who create the rules might not catch; it makes it easy for us to adapt quickly to ever-changing spam attempts. By complementing our existing ML models with TensorFlow, we're able to refine these models even further, while allowing the team to focus less on the underlying ML framework, and more on solving the problem: ridding your inbox of spam!
Maybe they should use that to protect the play store from malicious apps...
While MSFT is jumping on board with Google, they should also jump on board for the spam protection for email services as well, lets see, Gmail, maybe 10 pieces of junk mail or misidentifed mail per month at most, Yahoo, maybe double this amount, hotmail/outlook...AH HA HA HA, shame I not get paid for every piece of good mail in spam and spam in inbox and probably a good 1000 or so junk mails per month regardless of how many times say block user (limit of I think was 1000) or set a rule to auto-delete, in which case a day later same @$% mail using a different crud name as the sender or using MY name ffs.

Kudos on Google, if there is one thing they have done exceptionally well at its spam email handling.
Well, that's fine, but somehow they can't block the 5 identical phishing emails I get every day from "Fedex" asking me to log in to their site because of a shipping problem.
Well, that's fine, but somehow they can't block the 5 identical phishing emails I get every day from "Fedex" asking me to log in to their site because of a shipping problem.
I deleted one of those from my spam folder just today!!!
Interesting. I didn't know that "tensor" actually meant something.

I had just assumed it was a name that Nvidia made up for the cores on its Turing architecture. :p
Next up: all the spam I get from the GHA drones and "cash for your invoices!" offers. They are the business equivalents of online Viagra and "Warren Buffet wants to give you $5M!" spams.
I get tons of scam and phishing emails to my gmail account, so the filter seems to not be working. Then, emails I send from my own domain and server get identified as phishing by gmail despite my server having a good reputation and not being in any blacklist.
I get tons of scam and phishing emails to my gmail account, so the filter seems to not be working. Then, emails I send from my own domain and server get identified as phishing by gmail despite my server having a good reputation and not being in any blacklist.

Buy more AdWords!
Google fighting spam? I'm imagining them just punching themselves in the face while firefox is saying "stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself"!
Kudos on Google, if there is one thing they have done exceptionally well at its spam email handling.

I just came to say the same thing. I love exchange 365 but the spam \ phishing filtering is awful unless you pay for a 3rd party anti-spam service. None of our Gsuite users have any trouble.