Raid Options for Synology System


Fully [H]
Oct 14, 2001
I am in the process of setting up a new Synology DS918+ and wanted to get everyone's opinion on which Raid option should I look to set. I will be running 4 8TB WD drives in the system. I already upgraded the ram to 16GB and added 2x 256 SSD's for cache drive purposes. I was thinking of trying out the Synology Hybrid RAID, but before doing so I wanted to get some of the fellow [H] opinions.

Thanks in advance!
Imo Hybrid is great for people looking to add drives as times goes by, if you are fully populating all slots i would go with none hybrid raid, depending on your needs.
I'm using the DS918+ as well. I didn't bother with the RAM upgrade. The stock 4GB has been enough for my needs, I haven't really hit more than 40% usage. I am using the SSD Cache Option and I have populated 3 of the 4 bays with 8TB drives using the Synology Hybrid Raid. The 4th bay has an uprotected 5TB drive that I use to record TV on to. IMHO, there is no real reason not to use the Synology Hybrid RAID. I have been running it for about 8 months now and performance has been great, and I have had no problems.

My uses for the NAS have been, File serving, Network and Cloud backups (hourly), File syncing, remote access and as a Plex server. The Plex server is also my DVR. I have the HD Homerun Prime (3 cable card tuners) on my network and Plex lets me record/stream Live TV throughout the house (Roku's running the plex app).

I say go for the Hybrid RAID. I just don't see any advantages to using standard RAID over it. That said, I don't see an issue either way. It's all about preference and what you are more comfortable with.