
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Ubisoft has released the latest story trailer for Tom Clancy's The Division 2. A deadly virus has crippled NYC and the rest of the world. Washington, D.C. is at risk of falling and with it the entire nation. You and your team are the last hope to stop the fall of society. The system requirements have been previously released and the game will be available on March 15, 2019 to PC gamers on UPLAY and the Epic Games store.

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 was built with an "endgame-first" mentality, ensuring players always have access to fresh, unique, and diverse activities long after completing the main campaign. Tom Clancy's The Division 2's endgame will introduce brand new challenges and progression systems, unique twists and surprises, and for the first time, raids. Players will also be able to access a wealth of post-launch content, including a full year of free additional story-driven missions, map expansions, and gameplay modes.
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They really fucked up by not allowing it on Steam IMO.

uPlay is complete shit, and Epic isn't worth downloading for that game alone.

I'd have made a compromise with GoG, but of course ubisoft wouldn't be cool with their "No DRM" policy
They really fucked up by not allowing it on Steam IMO.

uPlay is complete shit, and Epic isn't worth downloading for that game alone.

I'd have made a compromise with GoG, but of course ubisoft wouldn't be cool with their "No DRM" policy

you would need to use uplay anyway even if they sold it on steam. would you rather use 2 stores or 1?
gameplay looks better but the DC setting looks worse...the snowy streets of NYC had some great eye candy
I'm on the fence about this game, the campaign for The Division was one of the best co-op experiences I had in ages but the end game leaning heavily on the broken Dark Zone MP really sucked the fun out of it for me and I'm worried this will be more of the same. The game not being on Steam isn't a major issue because you had to login to Uplay to play it anyways so it's a non issue.
I'm on the fence about this game, the campaign for The Division was one of the best co-op experiences I had in ages but the end game leaning heavily on the broken Dark Zone MP really sucked the fun out of it for me and I'm worried this will be more of the same. The game not being on Steam isn't a major issue because you had to login to Uplay to play it anyways so it's a non issue.
Completely agree with you. The Dark Zone was trash and was the reason I stopped playing after hitting the level cap.
I'm on the fence about this game, the campaign for The Division was one of the best co-op experiences I had in ages but the end game leaning heavily on the broken Dark Zone MP really sucked the fun out of it for me and I'm worried this will be more of the same. The game not being on Steam isn't a major issue because you had to login to Uplay to play it anyways so it's a non issue.

Completely agree with you. The Dark Zone was trash and was the reason I stopped playing after hitting the level cap.

-Was- being the operative term. The Division today is a much different game than release and 2 is very, very much confirmed built upon all of the lessons learned in the first. Been playing the first a lot since picking it up 2 months ago.
lol so you would rather not play a game because you couldn't buy it on steam when you need uplay anyways? That kind of brand favoritism is not healthy lol.
I wasn't really hyped about the game in the first place. I was on the fence, then that news came out, so, yeah.

I already have GoG, Origin, and Steam...why would I want a 4th just to play this one game? lol
I'm on the fence about this game, the campaign for The Division was one of the best co-op experiences I had in ages but the end game leaning heavily on the broken Dark Zone MP really sucked the fun out of it for me and I'm worried this will be more of the same. The game not being on Steam isn't a major issue because you had to login to Uplay to play it anyways so it's a non issue.

Well the devs did say they were developing this game with end-game content first. Time will tell. Massive did listen to its community and Division 1 at launch is completely different than what it currently stands.
I wasn't really hyped about the game in the first place. I was on the fence, then that news came out, so, yeah.

I already have GoG, Origin, and Steam...why would I want a 4th just to play this one game? lol

cuz you already got 3? lol why not have the forth as well. Hahah. Equal treatment!!
I got division 1 free with some videocards I bought and forgot to sell the keys right away. By the time I got around to it they were worth almost nothing so I tried playing it. Can't say I enjoyed the few hours I put into it hoping it would take me somewhere. There were still graphics issues in all the drivers I tried for the game as well. I honestly have no expectations for the sequel. I'm still enjoying destiny 2 at the moment, and might put a month into Anthem if the post launch reviews show any promise. It's a pretty good looking (and demanding) game to fly around in at 4k exploring (based on alpha participation).
Steam fan kids are the best. Wait until epic pulls a ton of devs to their platform. Or even the next competitor to arise. Man are you gonna be limited in choice. Uplay isnt great but it's not horrific. Welcome to a changing marketplace without a monopoly.
I'm on the fence about this game, the campaign for The Division was one of the best co-op experiences I had in ages but the end game leaning heavily on the broken Dark Zone MP really sucked the fun out of it for me and I'm worried this will be more of the same. The game not being on Steam isn't a major issue because you had to login to Uplay to play it anyways so it's a non issue.
Allegedly, they started with End game and you can, if you choose, play it solo. Will the Dark Zone be another disaster, remains to be seen. I thoroughly enjoyed the Single player campaign in the first one and it was worth a buy on sale.
-Was- being the operative term. The Division today is a much different game than release and 2 is very, very much confirmed built upon all of the lessons learned in the first. Been playing the first a lot since picking it up 2 months ago.

The endgame at release certainly had issues, especially given the PvE experience to get level 240 equipment was near impossible without first having level 240 equipment. They eventually fixed this, but my group lost interest by that point.

What I would do is make sure the equipment you need for the next tier of PvE is uncommon/rare at the previous tier, and lock most of the unique/highest tier equipment in the Dark Zone. The Dark Zone shouldn't be a requirement for people who don't want to do PvP, but at the same time there should be rewards for doing so.
I wasn't really hyped about the game in the first place. I was on the fence, then that news came out, so, yeah.

I already have GoG, Origin, and Steam...why would I want a 4th just to play this one game? lol

Because as people pointed out you need uPlay anyway. Do you go to every time that you want to search for something only to then search for google to use to search? That is what you are doing here. You want to pay for a game on steam so that you can launch uPlay from steam to play a game instead of cutting out the middle man and just using uPlay to launch the game. Once you buy the game from uPlay you can always add it to your steam library and then use that to launch uPlay from steam just as if you purchased it through steam and get the exact same experience.

Allegedly, they started with End game and you can, if you choose, play it solo. Will the Dark Zone be another disaster, remains to be seen. I thoroughly enjoyed the Single player campaign in the first one and it was worth a buy on sale.

I played through the campaign of the first one on solo. Would have been better with others but it wasn't impossible to play it solo. Think I only spent about 20 - 30 minutes in the Dark Zone.
Massive did listen to its community and Division 1 at launch is completely different than what it currently stands.

So you no longer crouch behind objects and empty 3 magazines into one human enemy?
I think its kinda hilarious that some people would not play a game because of the 35MB launcher required that they refuse to download because of principles or something.

Well, have fun not playing the game? I guess?

Akin to not going on vacation because a different airline than the one you usually use is the only one with flights. Silly. You're really sticking it to the man.
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I think its kinda hilarious that some people would not play a game because of the 35MB launcher required that they refuse to download because of principles or something.

Well, have fun not playing the game? I guess?

Akin to not going on vacation because a different airline than the one you usually use is the only one with flights. Silly. You're really sticking it to the man.

People pick stupid hills to die on...

Getting this game for free via my Rx590 purchase was the number one reason I bought the video card (not to mention to sell my 1080 to help pay for my new system). I enjoyed the game even on my laptop in my signature for the most part, but I do admit that the Dark Zone just got stupid after a while.

Looking forward to playing this when it comes out.
Because as people pointed out you need uPlay anyway. Do you go to every time that you want to search for something only to then search for google to use to search? That is what you are doing here. You want to pay for a game on steam so that you can launch uPlay from steam to play a game instead of cutting out the middle man and just using uPlay to launch the game. Once you buy the game from uPlay you can always add it to your steam library and then use that to launch uPlay from steam just as if you purchased it through steam and get the exact same experience.
It's not the same experience. One thing Steam does very well in (in games that implement it correctly) is the invite system. In Division 1, it was riddled with issues going through uplay, which was how I bought the first one. Peeps that had the steam version, I had issues playing with because my copy wasn't purchased through was just a pain.

I stopped playing ubisoft games a while ago (a bit after division 1) because of their shitty business practices, horrible QA, and inability to smoothly launch a game. STILL was thinking about coming back, then heard about the exclusivity and decided it's not even worth it.
I was invited to the closed Alpha for Division 2 and while I can't make detailed comments in the couple of hours I played I wasn't impressed. I have no issues with it not being on Steam and had no problems joining up and playing with people on either launcher when playing Division 1.

I'm a big fan of Division 1 and got into that game only in early 2018 after all the issues were worked out. I got Div 1 free with my alienware laptop, bought DLCs, then bought a second copy because I maxed out my 4 characters on first acct. (I have 8 fully geared agents with all classified armor and well rolled/modded weps.) Will likely pick it up on sale next year. XD
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I was invited to the closed Alpha and while I can't make detailed comments in the couple of hours I played I wasn't impressed. I have no issues with it not being on Steam and had no problems joining up and playing with people on either launcher.

I'm a big fan of Division 1 and got into that game only in early 2018 after all the issues were worked out. I got Div 1 free with my alienware laptop, bought DLCs, then bought a second copy because I maxed out my 4 characters on first acct. (I have 8 fully geared agents with all classified armor and well rolled/modded weps.) Will likely pick it up on sale next year. XD

I found it a blast in the Alpha, once you found people to play with. To those that complain about eye candy.. DC has a lot of it.. Just need to know where to look. At least, it Did when I was doing the Alpha test.

I bought Div 1 for PS4, and got DIV free, also with my Alienware purchase (17 R3).
Does anyone else think they went way overboard with their bullet tracing effects? Hell even the rain drops in that trailer looked like lasers falling from the sky.
I found it a blast in the Alpha, once you found people to play with. To those that complain about eye candy.. DC has a lot of it.. Just need to know where to look. At least, it Did when I was doing the Alpha test.

I bought Div 1 for PS4, and got DIV free, also with my Alienware purchase (17 R3).

I can imagine, and yeah I did play mostly solo. I dunno I think I was prejudiced due to that bow legged running animation lmao.
Left me a bit cold. Really liked the first one until the hackers ruined it. Having low expectations isn’t a bad thing I guess.

Is it me or do some of the guns seem a bit ‘outsized’, some of the shots in that trailer looked more gears of war than semi-plausible dystopia (of course you always run round with a .50 cal Barrett in an urban environment with a 50m engagement range)
Loved the first one, but I had a gaming group of about 16 at the time, so there was always someone online. Dark Zone was a lot of fun (Pre-hackers) as long as you had a group of four.