Amazon Patent Melds Facial Recognition Technology with Ring Doorbell Cameras


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Amazon has been recently granted a patent that brings its facial recognition technology to its Ring doorbell business. According to the ACLU, the patent will allow homeowners to scan the faces of strangers that pass by their homes and cross-reference the image with a database of suspicious individuals that have been tagged by other people in the neighborhood. If a match is confirmed, then the images from the Ring doorbell and the database will be sent to law enforcement and the police could arrive in minutes. An image of the suspicious person is sent to the homeowner's phone. The system can use cameras from multiple sources such as various neighborhood houses to build a 360 degree composite image of the suspect.

This patent application also suggests that Amazon has no plans to stop at identifying people based on their faces. The company anticipates targeting an arsenal of other biometrics, including fingerprints, skin-texture analysis, DNA, palm-vein analysis, hand geometry, iris recognition, odor/scent recognition, and even behavioral characteristics, like typing rhythm, gait, and voice recognition.

It's coming.....
So instead of China placing cameras in public......the US taps residential and uses it to their advantage and people pay for it out of their money calling it a " personal security system" . I see how this game is played.....
cross-reference the image with a database of suspicious individuals that have been tagged by other people in the neighborhood

Let the fun begin! Start tagging all of the neighborhood girl scouts for soliciting in a no soliciting neighborhood. HA! OR how about tagging that rude pizza delivery boy. See if he makes it back to your neighborhood!
Tag that neighbor that let his dog shit in your yard.
This is scary, like Minority Report scary. I do NOT want machines to recognize me wherever I go, not because I do anything wrong, but because I don't want to be bothered with constant marketing. Being marketed to 24/7 would be more horrible than being in jail.
This is scary, like Minority Report scary. I do NOT want machines to recognize me wherever I go, not because I do anything wrong, but because I don't want to be bothered with constant marketing. Being marketed to 24/7 would be more horrible than being in jail.

Don't ever go to the UK or China. Government CCTV with facial recognition is everywhere.

I wonder how this would work in Massachusetts. Here, any surveillance cameras - by law - can not have anything outside of your own property in view. They have to be angled such that the entire field of view is your house/yard/whatever.

I'm betting this is not how much people install smart doorbells.

Time to make legal complaints against smart doorbells users? :p
Ooo can't wait, I love my Ring doorbell and facial recognition sounds great. Bring it on haha!
Be cool if you have Alexa and it tells you so and so is coming to your door so you know who is about to ring the doorbell.