
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Google chief executive Sundar Pichai testifies before the House Judiciary Committee on Alphabet Inc. unit's social media practices.

After a year of avoiding the spotlight -- and the political scrutiny that's befallen his peers at Facebook and Twitter -- Pichai is set to deliver his first-ever testimony to Congress on Tuesday. The appearance is shaping up to be a major test of Pichai's skills in managing the company's reputation at a time when several of Silicon Valley's biggest names are in crisis -- and when many of Google's employees are in revolt.
I’m sure he’ll do better than Zuckerberg, but these things have so far been shown to be quite useless at changing anything.
Might be a little premature on that statement. While they may not lead to government regulations or new laws, the extra scrutiny can have a userbase/stockholder effect. Facebook is in serious trouble, and the news just gets worse and worse for them. At some point they will have to change course, or they will be relegated to MySpace status. A little hightened scrutiny on Alphabet could take them down a notch or two, as well.
Might be a little premature on that statement. While they may not lead to government regulations or new laws, the extra scrutiny can have a userbase/stockholder effect. Facebook is in serious trouble, and the news just gets worse and worse for them. At some point they will have to change course, or they will be relegated to MySpace status. A little hightened scrutiny on Alphabet could take them down a notch or two, as well.
Well I'm hoping that happens. These companies need to be knocked off their pedestals.
Reading reddit, the leftist authoritarians cant figure out they are shouting down and slinging mud at the only idiots (raises hand) standing up for THEIR rights to be complete morons at this point. But its okay, all us dumbass rednecks will die in the droves fighting the government the leftists end up creating; quite a long while after they all die from starvation ;)
Reading reddit, the leftist authoritarians cant figure out they are shouting down and slinging mud at the only idiots (raises hand) standing up for THEIR rights to be complete morons at this point. But its okay, all us dumbass rednecks will die in the droves fighting the government the leftists end up creating; quite a long while after they all die from starvation ;)

Beautiful encapsulation of history not learned.
"social media was used to manipulate the election."
"we do not censor or influence political viewpoints."

you guys gotta pick one at some point.
Oh god, Congress didn’t even realize how Facebook made money. I’m sure they’ll understand how google’s algorithms work

Does he have an untapped plains and one other mana source available?

The shift that's happening is; the left is trying to make the right out to be evil, when we both have evil tendencies, and issues. The problem isn't with one or the other, it's both, so we BOTH have to work together to try and make this place (country) better. That was what the founding fathers were trying to accomplish. The big companies are ruled by a HUGE majority of left-leaning folks, that are now using their power in a tyrannical fashion. The hard part is, it's private business, yet I believe there's a light that's gonna shine through all this stupid mess. It should NOT matter what politcal belief or party you claim to be, we should be able to see SOME SORT of common ground. If not, the problem isn't with "the other side," it's you, nobody wants to admit failure now, and have the maturity to grow up past it.
what a wasted opportunity to see Google reaction to a question of 'having an independent audit of Google's code to prove what he says is true about non-bias' etc.. ( of course it would not happen but at least it would be some good meme material)
You guys have to see the video of the reaction of Brin right after Hilary the snake lost. " It is a very stressful time ". He also mentioned that he is a refugee. Well, he fled his native country to come to U.S. The door is open maybe its time to leave U.S now because of your political views and all the stress that goes with it. They are fucking guilty rats. Look at France and the yellow vest movement that is gaining momentum around Europe. People have had enough of Neo liberals not only here, but everywhere in the western world.
The shift that's happening is; the left is trying to make the right out to be evil, when we both have evil tendencies, and issues. The problem isn't with one or the other, it's both, so we BOTH have to work together to try and make this place (country) better. That was what the founding fathers were trying to accomplish. The big companies are ruled by a HUGE majority of left-leaning folks, that are now using their power in a tyrannical fashion. The hard part is, it's private business, yet I believe there's a light that's gonna shine through all this stupid mess. It should NOT matter what politcal belief or party you claim to be, we should be able to see SOME SORT of common ground. If not, the problem isn't with "the other side," it's you, nobody wants to admit failure now, and have the maturity to grow up past it.
Nothing makes me laugh out louder than stuff like this. "We're all bad. The real problem is the lefties are bad. But we're all bad let's all get along." As more of the recent assholes of history are going to jail, judged not by media or "the left" but the US courts, all I can say is let's keep letting the truth come out.
Boo Hoo smart people lean left. Hahahah you crack me up.

And the only people who don't want to "admit failure now" (sic) are the MAGA hats who don't want to see the actual events of people going to jail who are traitors, liars and culpable under US Law. Yeah, was fun to chant "Lock Her Up!!" but I guess it sucks when those chanting get locked up because they violated US Law. Like I said, let's just see who gets "Locked Up!"
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Nothing makes me laugh out louder than stuff like this. "We're all bad. The real problem is the lefties are bad. But we're all bad let's all get along." As more of the recent assholes of history are going to jail, judged not by media or "the left" but the US courts, all I can say is let's keep letting the truth come out.
Boo Hoo smart people lean left. Hahahah you crack me up.

And the only people who don't want to "admit failure now" (sic) are the MAGA hats who don't want to see the actual events of people going to jail who are traitors, liars and culpable under US Law. Yeah, was fun to chant "Lock Her Up!!" but I guess it sucks when those chanting get locked up because they violated US Law. Like I said, let's just see who gets "Locked Up!"

there's no crime if the crime busters look the other way

we know how it works. just don't indict them for a crime....she's just careless, personal bias not involved in work, lying in testimony is normal , lobbying for foreign parties has been going on forever so you must be kidding cause we would need to indict hundreds of representatives, it's a technical failure, we were misled by xyz and xyz was misled by abc and abc was misled by def and def actually misinterpreted ghi so it was nobody's fault, it was time critical hence there was no time to vet...