
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
NVIDIA has released new Game Ready Drivers 417.22 WHQL and they provide the optimal gaming experience for the Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Update.

Our latest GeForce Game Ready driver works in concert with the Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture update to improve DXR Ray Tracing performance by up to 50%. In addition, it also includes support for Just Cause 4, Insurgency: Sandstorm, and World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth's upcoming DirectX 12 performance optimizations.
Last drivers that did not break surround were 399.07. The 417.21 drivers caused studdering in game. Just installed these... still break surround but once I get it sorted they seem to game ok.
Would like to know how these do in Insurgency: Sandstorm if anyone checks it out
Figures. I just updated to 417.01 last night, and haven't even run a single title with those drivers yet.

Granted, I don't expect much in the way of changes, as the titles I am playing right now are pretty old and won't ave any new optimizations.

I mainly upgrade for bug fixes.
Just started playing wow again. Been some time since a game I was playing got a mention in a driver release.
classic nvidia driver release schedule.

have they taken any more performance out of 10 series with this one?? pfftt
These 4xx.xx drivers always make my main pc monitor blink when turning on my TV that is connected through HDMI on my video card.

Never happens with 399.24 or lower nvidia drivers weird.
These 4xx.xx drivers always make my main pc monitor blink when turning on my TV that is connected through HDMI on my video card.

Never happens with 399.24 or lower nvidia drivers weird.

What card are you running? I'm trying to see if there is a trend where the 4xx drivers are actually breaking functionality for the 10xx GPU users. the 399.07 drivers were 100% functional and stable for me.
What card are you running? I'm trying to see if there is a trend where the 4xx drivers are actually breaking functionality for the 10xx GPU users. the 399.07 drivers were 100% functional and stable for me.

Gerforce 1080ti