"God of War" Creator Slams AAA Games and Their Repetitiveness

Yeah? Those of us on the PC have been playing non AAA games for decades. Some of the biggest games ever made never touched a AAA studio. Counter-Strike. Original Battlefield. Minecraft. Who are you telling this to exactly? The accountants at these studios who stick with the Madden 88-Infinity yearly release model are the ones to blame.
I don't think Battlefield 1942 is a good example, that was published by EA. As far as I know, that's always been under EA's wing. Team Fortress and DOTA are fair examples though of giant game series that got started by modders.
Meanwhile I might have a use for that old 360 I bought long ago.

Interesting for x360 stuff, but for emus a $35 rpi3 is the ticket. Guess I should have kept my old Jasper x360, but I don't like to hang onto hardware forever. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes a bad thing. I also had an original xbox that was a freebie that I sold for next to nothing, those made great emulator boxes.... but I didn't know that 11-12 years ago.
We're definitely seeing a bad trend in AAA with the major publishers mostly (EA, Acti/Bliz, etc) - so he is right in being concerned. But dead, or dying? No way. Rockstar just made the most detailed, and unique among open world games in its quality level and interactiveness, and made a billion dollars on it already - BEFORE online even is out. So I doubt it'll die, but budgets and team sizes will become more reasonable, and games will take longer to make (hopefully) because current QA methods are obviously reaching a breaking point, and that's not just in games at all - it's all "major" software is released in alpha or beta state and MAYBE eventually brought up to reasonable standards, but not nearly in all cases.

Sounds like old man logic to me - things'll change, nothing is "dead" yet.