Japan's Cyber-Security Minister Has "Never Used a Computer"

1. Exposing the liberal media to a much larger number of people for what they are... a wing of the leftist/communist/socialist democratic party. They don't report news.. they try to make up stories and hope everybody just believes them. And then those who don't , they pull the race, bigot, sexist, whatever card.

2. North Korea

3. Getting countries to start having real fair trade deals instead of US exports being the brunt of tariffs.

4. Jobs - lowest unemployment rate in years and years. Lowest unemployment rate for Blacks/African-Americans , Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans ever.

5. A Lot of harmful regulations are now gone.

6. Tax cuts

7. Obamacare individual mandate penalty gone (You must buy health insurance or you will be fined - since when is is OK for the government to force you to buy something you don't want/need?)

8. Moved US Embassy to Jerusalem - this had been promised by multiple previous administrations but never done. This was huge.

9. Cracking down on illegal immigration

For a list of 52 things listed by the White House as of September of this year, see here:

1. I'm not sure if he's really exposing them though. I'm a liberal and a leftist, but I absolutely hate the so called leftist media and don't agree with them on almost anything. Still politically, I'm much more in alignment with the democratic party. So by equating the liberal media with the democratic party I think he's doing a disservice. And not just him, but everyone, who equates the two. The far left is the furthest thing from being liberal. I mean they seek to impose rules and restrictions on thought! That's crazy. Being against free expression is not even that shocking after that.

2. His meeting was portrayed as a failure, so what are the specifics that we should credit him for?

3. I can't presume to have an informed opinion on that.

4. how much of that can he claim, what did he do specifically to lower unemployment? Because if it just happens to coincide with him being in office then I don't think the credit is due. It seems to me that he wasn't in office long enough to affect employment rates significantly.

5. Can't comment on this one either without specifics.

6. Tax cuts can be both good or bad. The real question is who did benefit from tax cuts. My government made a lot of tax cuts recently, but the people who benefit from them the most are always the upper few percent.

7. For us that is perfectly reasonable, you should have health insurance if you want to be a part of society. As much as you must have insurance on your car if you want to drive on public roads.

8. The way I saw that it pissed off more people than it appeased. There was a reason they were reluctant to go trough with it.

9. Again I wished for more specifics, I don't know what cracking down means. I'm against illegal immigration, but the policies implemented can still be bad.
1. I'm not sure if he's really exposing them though. I'm a liberal and a leftist, but I absolutely hate the so called leftist media and don't agree with them on almost anything. Still politically, I'm much more in alignment with the democratic party. So by equating the liberal media with the democratic party I think he's doing a disservice. And not just him, but everyone, who equates the two. The far left is the furthest thing from being liberal. I mean they seek to impose rules and restrictions on thought! That's crazy. Being against free expression is not even that shocking after that.

2. His meeting was portrayed as a failure, so what are the specifics that we should credit him for?

3. I can't presume to have an informed opinion on that.

4. how much of that can he claim, what did he do specifically to lower unemployment? Because if it just happens to coincide with him being in office then I don't think the credit is due. It seems to me that he wasn't in office long enough to affect employment rates significantly.

5. Can't comment on this one either without specifics.

6. Tax cuts can be both good or bad. The real question is who did benefit from tax cuts. My government made a lot of tax cuts recently, but the people who benefit from them the most are always the upper few percent.

7. For us that is perfectly reasonable, you should have health insurance if you want to be a part of society. As much as you must have insurance on your car if you want to drive on public roads.

8. The way I saw that it pissed off more people than it appeased. There was a reason they were reluctant to go trough with it.

9. Again I wished for more specifics, I don't know what cracking down means. I'm against illegal immigration, but the policies implemented can still be bad.

2. No nuclear tests or missile launches since Trump gave lil Kim an ultimatum. Only president with enough balls to stand up to that little wanna-be tyrant.

6. Tax cuts did include a lot of corporate tax cuts... and a large number of businesses gave out "bonuses" to all employees. This also helps the corporate bottom line and their ability to hire more people as they have to pay taxes on every employee they hire. Simple economics.

7. I do have insurance through my work... but I can understand why some people do not want it or need it. And we do not have "free" (somebody else pays) healthcare here. You don't have health "insurance", you then must pay out of pocket. I used to do that when I didn't have insurance.. and you know what.. instead of costing me $8k+ a year, it only cost me around $200 a year or less. And don't forget that I am only paying a small portion of what my "insurance" actually costs. My employer pays around 4 times as much as I pay last I checked. Forcing people to but something is also against FTC rules.

8. Doesn't matter if it made some idiots mad. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It was the right thing to do. EVERY OTHER country that has a US Embassy has it in their capital.

9. Illegal immigration has gone down quite a bit due to Trump actually making sure the existing laws are being enforced. More needs to be done, such as cutting off federal dollars to "sanctuary" cities as they are breaking federal law. The wall needs to be built. companies that hire illegals need to be fined out of existence.. and those people that run those companies need to be put in jail. We MUST protect our borders.
This is a tech forum not a political one. Don't bring down the mood. We argue enough over technical topics now you want to bring this crap in.....
The problem is tech people explaining technical issues in a technical format to people who lack the understanding of the tech being discussed. You have to be able to translate IT and cybersecurity related issues in to 'business speak'.
This is basically my job.
Previous head of security for Equifax had a fine arts degree. Look where that got us. Who's doing the hiring with these high level positions? Those are the peoples who's heads need to roll.
Previous head of security for Equifax had a fine arts degree. Look where that got us. Who's doing the hiring with these high level positions? Those are the peoples who's heads need to roll.

In the private world it's usually board members appointing each other in a giant circle jerk and then giving each other huge bonuses and parachutes.

In the public sector it's probably either a) someone who did something to help you at some point or b) someone who has dirt on you

Usually ability doesn't play much of a role