
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Here is the official launch trailer for the game Battlefield V. I tried to ignore it, but after watching Twitch streams of it last night, I'll be in the trenches on November 20th. RTX on / RTX off!

Battlefield V is out worldwide November 20. Battlefield V is World War 2 like you've never seen or played before. A mix of new and iconic multiplayer modes deliver all-out warfare for up to 64 players on maps traversing unseen and untold locations. Lead your squad to victory with modernized movement and weapon mechanics, and customize the soldiers and equipment in your Company. Single-player War Stories captures the large-scale war through personal stories from those wrapped in the broader conflict. Plus, Tides of War continues the journey for all players well after launch.
From what I've heard of preliminary reports, skill wise it plays more like BF42/BF2. I kinda stopped playing as much with BF3/4 (skipped BF1) because it started to lean towards twitch FPS / CoD run'n'gun.

Might give it a whirl in a few months since BF's are so buggy at launch.

"Game engine footage" is this another way of saying these are all fancy cut scenes?

Cut scenes rendered in the game engine.
They know how to tempt me with shiny things.

I despise EA, but I'll consider selling out my principles if they actually put out a revolutionary game that has longevity.

A truly amazing Battlefield game is probably the only thing they could put out that would get me to do it.

Let's see how it's looking and what people think of the gameplay by launch day.
Music is most likely the only thing that feels right. BF4 is still fun after taking a long break.
Yet another new game that runs like crap on older GPUs... for no damn reason.

Just look at the Fury X:,5.html
It gets 53 FPS at 1080p vs 68 fps on the 8 GB rx480 and 108 fps on the Vega 56 (OVER 2x!).
The frame buffer size is not the issue here as these numbers are 30 fps, 27 fps, 47 fps respectively at 4k. (now less than 50% which makes zero sense.)

Yet others will say "blah blah better tessellation performance on newer GPUs"
Check out the Fury X on BF1 (dx12 also shown):,6.html
129 FPS at 1080p which was faster than the GTX 1070 and would have been similiar to the Vega 56 had it been around then.
The rx480 only managed 89fps at 1080p. At 4k, it was 55 fps for the Fury X and 39 fps for the Rx 480.

Both BFV and BF1 use Frostbite 3. Again, 4 Gb of vRam does not seem to be the culprit.

Edit: Perhaps I spoke too soom. It looks like the FuryX does much better at TPU and Techspot.
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From what I've heard of preliminary reports, skill wise it plays more like BF42/BF2. I kinda stopped playing as much with BF3/4 (skipped BF1) because it started to lean towards twitch FPS / CoD run'n'gun.

Might give it a whirl in a few months since BF's are so buggy at launch.

Cut scenes rendered in the game engine.

I was really starting to feel like
I was alone in feeling like bf1 was more twitch than strategy. I never ended up putting more than hour or two into it. Felt like was dying the second I spawned over and over, went back to bf4 and felt normal.
Here is the official launch trailer for the game Battlefield V. I tried to ignore it, but after watching Twitch streams of it last night, I'll be in the trenches on November 20th. RTX on / RTX off!

Battlefield V is out worldwide November 20. Battlefield V is World War 2 like you've never seen or played before. A mix of new and iconic multiplayer modes deliver all-out warfare for up to 64 players on maps traversing unseen and untold locations. Lead your squad to victory with modernized movement and weapon mechanics, and customize the soldiers and equipment in your Company. Single-player War Stories captures the large-scale war through personal stories from those wrapped in the broader conflict. Plus, Tides of War continues the journey for all players well after launch.
Why did you try to ignore it lol.
The bigoted lack of women in this trailer is atrocious. The majority of front line soldiers in World War 2 were women. When my daughter asks me, "why aren't there more women in Batlefield V?", I will have to look xer in the eye and say "EA is uneducated".
Battlefield Died out after BF 2 / Vietnam for me. As others have said the skill ceiling being compressed ala COD is another factor.

I strongly suggest playing some Planetside 2 if you want something different along the BF lines. Still a great game if you are in it for the infantry and air, ground vehicle game has been nerfed to hell and back.
It's fun watching right win incel's complain about women and black people in video games, so at least BFV has SOME entertainment value.
I would love to play planetside. Except it keeps hard locking my PC. Only game that does it.

BfV is a fun game imo. I am no ea fanboy as many of you know. It ain't perfect but it is a fun shooter. The sound and graphics are best in class. I think the sound may be the best directional sound ever.
For $15 its not a bad game at all. It reminds me alot more like BF4 than BF1....which is a good thing. BF1 was such a letdown for me. Really enjoying how action packed the combat and speed of the game is in conquest.