World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

I was in my KKR and one of those got into a little island hide and seek. Too bad for him he forgot all his guns were behind the AFT washroom, and I outpeeked him big time LOL
How many empty port slots do you have ?

I have 35. Jeez !

And I still have like 40-50 ships,

Shame you can’t sell them in inventory.
I take that back. I went from rank 10 to rank 5 yesterday in 12 games, then I stalled at rank 5 because I ran into stupid teams all afternoon. Never made it past 2 stars at rank 5. Honestly, I don't know what some of these people are even playing this game mode for. They are so outclassed that it's stunning. They sail the map border, they yolo into caps with capital ships and die, pretty much anything they can think of. I'm no genius, but they make me scratch my head. They don't seem to understand the concept of cruisers supporting DD's, and BB's supporting CA/CL's. The CV matches have been the worst thanks to the inherent skill disparity.
Yeah, rank 4-5 seems to be where you stumble into the potato patch.

I’ve never seen so much dumbass yolo’ng. Looks like me 2 years ago :)

And you are right about the carriers. If a carrier game loads up, I know within 5 min whether we are going to win or lose based on the first sorties sent out.

I kid you not. I hade one carrier game yesterday and never saw a single plane from either side !
Did Ranked Sprint in 18 games in the Cesare (13w 1L 3 saves) and, as expected, the team that lost at least two of their destroyers first lost every match. If you're not shooting at their DDs you're losing the match.
It seems to me like the best time to rank out is on a weekday when all the children are in school, on the first day of the ranked season when the ranked regulars have their go. After that it progressively goes downhill.
I've been thinking about a new maneuver to try in WoWs and wanted to see what you guys think about. I've been playing with it and it does seem to make a difference.

When you've got that awesome Battleship, or whatever, cruising by at 15k broadside, it's a nice target to go after.

The problem is any good captain has the skills assigned that show when he's being targeted and being fired at. I also use the skill that shows how many are looking at me. It helps tell me when to get the hell outta dodge :)

It's not uncommon to see someone sailing broadside to turn all of a sudden when you look at him. I know I do.

So what I've been playing with is NOT targeting my victim while the guns are loading. I point them at someone else I don't care about. Then, about 5 seconds before firing, I switch targeting to him and by the time the klaxxon sounds I'm ready to fire. He has no time to do the turn-away based on my targeting of him.

Whadda ya think. Useful? Waste of time?
Are they in-fucking-sane ?


You should get this painted on your Minotaur hull :)
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Well. Opened up the game this morning and was given a 30% off coupon.

Cool. I now own Jean Bart :)
Wow, the guns on this thing are fuuuuuuunky!

They feel kinda like yamato guns.

They get almost there fast, but then go into a weird float phase and take forever to drop what appears to be straight down on the targer.

Learning the lead is a bitch!
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I was fucking STOOPID and didn't pay attention that it is a Tier VIII ship. You know what that means.

Yes. The majority of games you will be severely over-matched by Tier X ships and get your ass handed to you very quickly.

I just played my first game in it. Out of 24 ships I was the ONLY Tier VIII ship and there was only one other non Tier-X ship in the game, a Tier IX on our side.

It was fucking brutal. They hammered my ass in the ground.

The second I got within my pathetic 20k range, hellfire rained down on me.

It was a god damn travesty.

I requested a refund. I know I won't get it, but I wanted to make a point.
Holy crap I finally did WELL on containers for a change. On just a SIX container purchase, I pulled THREE of the black ships (Massachusetts, Asachio and the Tirpitz), a 35,000 free XP, 20 black friday camo's, and I forget what the last one was.
I've been thinking about a new maneuver to try in WoWs and wanted to see what you guys think about. I've been playing with it and it does seem to make a difference.

When you've got that awesome Battleship, or whatever, cruising by at 15k broadside, it's a nice target to go after.

The problem is any good captain has the skills assigned that show when he's being targeted and being fired at. I also use the skill that shows how many are looking at me. It helps tell me when to get the hell outta dodge :)

It's not uncommon to see someone sailing broadside to turn all of a sudden when you look at him. I know I do.

So what I've been playing with is NOT targeting my victim while the guns are loading. I point them at someone else I don't care about. Then, about 5 seconds before firing, I switch targeting to him and by the time the klaxxon sounds I'm ready to fire. He has no time to do the turn-away based on my targeting of him.

Whadda ya think. Useful? Waste of time?

I’ve been doing that since forever. Especially in clan battles in my Yamato.

All you have to do is hit x though. Hit x, fire, hit x. Maybe the ship is selected for a total of two seconds.
I’d love to se a marker over the ship that has you spotted....
I believe I pretty much got the ships and other stuff for free.

I paid $30 for the 6 containers, and got the 3 black shops and other stuff.

I also get 2500 free dablooms per shop by playing the NON black versions of them up to 250 dablooms/10 times.

Thats 7500 dablooms. I think that covers $30, right?

After using that 7500 Dablooms to convert to free XP (I have nearly 2 million in convertible XP stashed up) I'm damn close to getting Krodstat (or however it's spelled).
I believe I pretty much got the ships and other stuff for free.

I paid $30 for the 6 containers, and got the 3 black shops and other stuff.

I also get 2500 free dablooms per shop by playing the NON black versions of them up to 250 dablooms/10 times.

Thats 7500 dablooms. I think that covers $30, right?

After using that 7500 Dablooms to convert to free XP (I have nearly 2 million in convertible XP stashed up) I'm damn close to getting Krodstat (or however it's spelled).

hold out for alaska :D
After driving the Krondstadt a few times, I fear you are right :(

The only thing is of all ships in the game the guns on USA ships give me the most trouble.

At first, I did not like the Kron, the dispersion is just nasty, the armor is so-so, it's huge and has shitty AA.

But I got to like it the more i played it, dropping citadels at range is nice. the speed isn't too bad either. the AP is just fantasmical
You know what, after some more games in it I have to agree with you 100%

The guns might be like flinging shit at the wall to see what sticks, but by god when one of those AP rounds do hit... dayum :) I got more citadels in a 1 hour period last night than I think I've gotten in a week of play otherwise.

It's much more enjoyable if you just call it a Battleship and play it as such :) Not really tanky though. You gotta play it at arms length. Good thing it has 21k guns (with the upgrade). It does not like it's ribs tickled.

Oh, and it's another ATM machine :) Not as stronk as the Missouri, but very good payback nonetheless.
Krohndstat gets better the more I play it.

West Virginia is an utter disappointment. F you want to down a pizza during a game this is your ship. You’ll have plenty of time.
The new storms in WoWs is frickin awesome.

You have to hand it to them. They have brilliant sound and graphics engineers.
The problem with Vanguard is the MM constantly putting you against T10 BB's. You are SO over-matched at that Tier in this ship. I swear I think I got citadelled through the prop shaft in that thing.
So, for Giggles I've been playing Zau 100% AP like you would a battleship in most cases.

Holy Citadel's, Batman. I had no fucking idea the AP was so strong on this ship !
Just started the FINAL segment of my Zau Legendary grind.

Only 40,000 base XP to go !

This is the hardest segment because no flags or camo help
Nice. I am on my final Groz segment. The thing is completely OP and hilarious. Had this game today... started it with 20k to a Gearing right off the bat.

Wow !!!

Hey, if you haven't had the privilage of being in a snow storm game, here ya to :)

Sadly didn't turn out to be a very high scoring game for me, but the visuals are fucking awesome!

I think I spent too much time looking at them LOL

It was still processing at the time I post this so the leader shot is blank...

I didn’t know the nVidia software picked up the background music I had playing :)

Hope YT doesn’t yank it ,
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What kinda bullshit start to the day is this?


I need 35000 base XP to get my legendary. It will take me until fucking christmast at this rate.