A Nude Mod for Shadow of the Tomb Raider Has Been Released


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
A nude mod for Shadow of the Tomb Raider has been released. Modder Fonglee of the Untertow Club has graced us with his vision of what Lara looks like in the buff. Needless to say the art contained in the link is NSFW.

The mods span a smorgasbord of options, this includes the complete nude mod version of Lara Croft from Angel of Darkness, a sheer version of the Angel of Darkness Lara, a desert tank top version wearing a sheer shirt, a sheer version of Lara from Tomb Raider II, a green-eyed version of Lara, a Lara wearing tactical shorts, and a variety of sheer dresses, shirts, and ripped pants based on the outfits from Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Someone needs to get a job or a different hobby. Might I suggest base jumping off a tall building, nude? Parachute optional.
Someone needs to get a job or a different hobby. Might I suggest base jumping off a tall building, nude? Parachute optional.

if a parachute is used it should be a prototype one made of tissue paper.
I see some people haven't found Pornhub yet.

I have..and I'm married and have been so for 20 years. Yet I find myself weirdly fascinated by shit like this. It doesn't turn me on, it doesn't do anything for me sexually. It just scratches some morbid curiosity itch. I look at some seriously fucking weird shit at times.
It would have been better if he had modded her to not be ugly and fat instead of nude.