Fixjeiphone NL Presents the World's First Teardown of the Apple iPhone XS


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Fixjeiphone NL has performed the world's first tear down of the new iPhone XS. The article explains all of the parts inside of the smartphone and improvements made to the design in comparison to the iPhone X. Make sure to enable the English subtitles in the video.

Battery (capacity): we can indeed confirm that the iPhone Xs has 1 battery cell. The Xs battery has iPhone Xs batterya capacity of 2658 mAh. The striking thing is that the capacity of the battery is less than the iPhone X (has 2716 mAh), Apple indicates that the processor is more efficient so the battery life according to Apple about 30 minutes longer to go.
Oh... 30 minutes longer battery life. That's some 0.03% of courageous progress right there.
Oh... 30 minutes longer battery life. That's some 0.03% of courageous progress right there.

Except it is using a smaller battery. Look I'm all for a good roast apple, but in this instance they should actually be praised for starting to move back to what Everyone has been moving away from for a long time now. I want to see phones that are more efficient and use less power..Not super inefficient phones that hide that fact by using a giant battery. It is one of the many reasons I've held on to my phone for years now and have actively avoided and been pretty damn negative about all current flagship phones. I really have heavily disliked the whole "Just shove a bigger battery in it" mentality that OEMs have held the past 5+ years. Most of the current phones out both apple and android are just absolute battery hogs. They just mask that fact by shoving the biggest battery they can squeeze in it and people praise them because they don't know how to do basic math to realize that their new phone, actually sucks more juice than their old phone. Now that is about the only thing I would praise apple for on this new phone, but still..This isn't the thing to pick fault with.
finally, smaller battery but last longer.

more companies need to do that. faster charge times because of smaller batteries too.
finally, smaller battery but last longer.

more companies need to do that. faster charge times because of smaller batteries too.

Could all just go back to flip phones that only text and call but get like a weeks battery life.

But I'll be the first to admit smart phones are very convenient, especially depending on your job.
rats I was hoping for a little more detail on some of the parts in there but I guess I'll just have to wait for the ifixit teardown....unless someone knows which intel modem is being used? and is it the same across all 3 models? (sounds like XR might not have the gigabit LTE)
Except it is using a smaller battery. Look I'm all for a good roast apple, but in this instance they should actually be praised for starting to move back to what Everyone has been moving away from for a long time now. I want to see phones that are more efficient and use less power..Not super inefficient phones that hide that fact by using a giant battery. It is one of the many reasons I've held on to my phone for years now and have actively avoided and been pretty damn negative about all current flagship phones. I really have heavily disliked the whole "Just shove a bigger battery in it" mentality that OEMs have held the past 5+ years. Most of the current phones out both apple and android are just absolute battery hogs. They just mask that fact by shoving the biggest battery they can squeeze in it and people praise them because they don't know how to do basic math to realize that their new phone, actually sucks more juice than their old phone. Now that is about the only thing I would praise apple for on this new phone, but still..This isn't the thing to pick fault with.

Disagree. It is the very thing that Apple foisted upon us a 'feature' - the non user replaceable battery. In their courageous quest for ultimate thinness they removed the best feature of a battery powered device. And soon enough all the smartphone wannabe fashion designers copied this egregious design flaw. And most of us wrap our 'thin' phones in thick cases anyhow. Apple has mastered the Form over Function obsolescence market.

The minor praise for creating a slightly more efficient phone goes to the 7nm process - and was expecting more efficiency from it.
Disagree. It is the very thing that Apple foisted upon us a 'feature' - the non user replaceable battery. In their courageous quest for ultimate thinness they removed the best feature of a battery powered device. And soon enough all the smartphone wannabe fashion designers copied this egregious design flaw. And most of us wrap our 'thin' phones in thick cases anyhow. Apple has mastered the Form over Function obsolescence market.

The minor praise for creating a slightly more efficient phone goes to the 7nm process - and was expecting more efficiency from it.

You just completely missed what I said. I'm not talking about remove-ability or anything else. There is a reason why I won't own any phone I can't easily get the battery out of. That however was not a part of my point. The only thing I'm talking about here is the ramifications of a "Smaller" battery with longer life..ergo more efficient less power hungry phone design. That is the only thing I'm talking about. I'm hoping (probably unrealistically) that we might start seeing phones trend to improving efficiency again instead of shoving giant batteries in.
You just completely missed what I said. I'm not talking about remove-ability or anything else. There is a reason why I won't own any phone I can't easily get the battery out of. That however was not a part of my point. The only thing I'm talking about here is the ramifications of a "Smaller" battery with longer life..ergo more efficient less power hungry phone design. That is the only thing I'm talking about. I'm hoping (probably unrealistically) that we might start seeing phones trend to improving efficiency again instead of shoving giant batteries in.

Ok, I missed your point. But, haven't seen giant batteries in phones post 2000. Maybe we need to define giant. ;-)

The battery in my Note 4 is slim and svelte. Can only imagine the iPhune XS battery is even more shiny and svelte. Since the power hungry designs can't be faulted on 7-10nm SOCs, can only look at the power hungry screens and the constant rf telemetry demands. The latter is a software issue that data-mining mavens like Google will never surrender without some 'user guidance'.
Except it is using a smaller battery. Look I'm all for a good roast apple, but in this instance they should actually be praised for starting to move back to what Everyone has been moving away from for a long time now. I want to see phones that are more efficient and use less power..Not super inefficient phones that hide that fact by using a giant battery. It is one of the many reasons I've held on to my phone for years now and have actively avoided and been pretty damn negative about all current flagship phones. I really have heavily disliked the whole "Just shove a bigger battery in it" mentality that OEMs have held the past 5+ years. Most of the current phones out both apple and android are just absolute battery hogs. They just mask that fact by shoving the biggest battery they can squeeze in it and people praise them because they don't know how to do basic math to realize that their new phone, actually sucks more juice than their old phone. Now that is about the only thing I would praise apple for on this new phone, but still..This isn't the thing to pick fault with.

How about they not cheap out on the battery they just make it more efficient and give us a 3k battery so we actually get more time on it. That would be worthy of praise not oh this soc is more efficient so we can save 42 cents on the battery now.

As a side note the bigger capacities of batteries is also a form of efficiency in many factors, how well they can use space on the phone and even the battery manufacturing process and chemistry. There is no reason a phone of the same size should not keep increasing its battery size
Very cool video. I snagged the Xs, should be coming today. Only did it because AT&T threw in a free 8 plus (that came yesterday) and it's a good time for wife and I to upgrade... she's still on a Oct 2012 original iphone 5 and my 6 has been having issues with the screen going blank and battery acting weird.

One phone for a grand no, but two new phones for a grand we're willing to do. I am not a super heavy user so battery life will be fine for me, and the 8 plus is supposed to be even better. Also snagged two wireless chargers on the cheap from ebay, looking forward to not having to plug the damn things in every day. It's a small thing sure but considering it's every day of your life I'd just rather lay it down, considering half the damn time I'm fumbling for the hole... :giggle::ROFLMAO: