pr0n Comes in Steaming Hot


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Steam is getting its new Mature Adult Game Filter into place this week, clearing the way for its first "completely uncensored - No Patch Required" game, Negligee: Love Stories, according to its developers. Previously, these games were sold on Steam in a censored version, which required going to the dev's website and downloading a patch that unlocked all the good stuff. This game is said to include male and female sexual relations, female and female sexual relations, themes relating to pressured sexual relationships, themes relating to nymphomania, themes relating to adult sex workers, and themes relating to abusive marriages and adultery. Meanwhile, don't worry, you will not have to get past the adult filter in order to get to any games where you cut people's heads off with a chainsaw. I just made that up, but I am sure we could find it.

I am happy to announce that Steam have released some of their new content filters, at least enough to allow me to release my games starting with Negligee: Love Stories. Beta access keys will still be sent out giving backers early access to the finished game on steam this weekend.
I was actually surprised how much adult content was in the cutscenes of the recent Wolfenstein games (New Order and New Colossus)

I thought the same. I thought those scenes to be well done actually. Didn't ccome across as hyper sexualized to me.

I'm all for sex in moves, games, etc. But when it becomes the focus I completely lose interest. Suspension of disbelief or some other crap.
I thought the same. I thought those scenes to be well done actually. Didn't ccome across as hyper sexualized to me.

I'm all for sex in moves, games, etc. But when it becomes the focus I completely lose interest. Suspension of disbelief or some other crap.

Don't get me wrong. I wasn't bothered by it, just surprised.

And I agree, it was mostly well done any fit the story well, without becoming a distraction.


The dual machine gun pregnant topless scene was a bit much and seemed gratuitous out of place to me, but I did get a chuckle out of it, so it's not all bad...
so all those hentai porn novels that come shooting out of Japan (and other Asian countries) at a record pace are now going to be good to go on Steam? Thank god Steam implemented a feature to block certain developers, just need to figure out how to do that now.
Finally. I'm an adult, I want to vote with my wallet instead of the choice being made for me. I allowed all the filters .
I've always found that interesting that pure blood guts and violence is considered more taboo than a naked human body.