Samsung Foldable Phones on the Way for 2018


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
This is not exactly the first time we have heard about foldable phones, and I am sure many flip-phone fans will rejoice...maybe. Even back in 2014 Samsung teased us with version of a foldable. I am sure this advertisement will not go over well today though.

2014 Advert.

CNBC is telling us Samsung is finally getting ready to announce its plans for a foldable this year. Samsung's CEO had this to say about the device, and at least it sounds like Samsung is not counting on simple novelty to sell the device.

"You can use most of the uses ... on foldable status. But when you need to browse or see something, then you may need to unfold it. But even unfolded, what kind of benefit does that give compared to the tablet? If the unfolded experience is the same as the tablet, why would they (consumers) buy it?," Koh said at the IFA electronics show in Berlin last week.

"So every device, every feature, every innovation should have a meaningful message to our end customer. So when the end customer uses it, (they think) 'wow, this is the reason Samsung made it'."
The mobile CEO admitted that while the development process is "complicated," the company has "nearly concluded" it.

first generation stuff usually isn't that good, but I really like the idea of fold-able screens, because it totally reminds me of sci-fi gadgets that we see in sci-fi shows.
I have no use for a tablet as they are too bulky for carying around and too limited to replace a laptop or desktop in the home. This however, since it's primarilly a phone, would be perfect for me. The extra real estate when sharing with others or for sites that aren't super phone friendly, but compact enough to carry in my pocket.
How about maximum battery life? Note 9 or S8 Active battery which are pretty beefy, then reduce the screen size, processor, RAM, and price.
As a family of Apple users, this may be the product to knock us off of the Apple Train. Love the concept.

The commercial was great... Funny..
Meh. I'll get excited if they come out with a dumb version of it. One that does not understand SMS, or any type of data connection. That will be a winner for me.
As a family of Apple users, this may be the product to knock us off of the Apple Train. Love the concept.
Concept, great; implementation and durability is a whole other issue. I think I'm hooked into the Apple ecosystem at this point and it would take quite a bit more than just a neat piece of hardware. Maybe for my work phone.
i would buy one also but yea the folded part of the screen is what scares me the most about such a device. Man you close that thing one time it a crumb or something in the way it is going to get destroyed.
The killer app for this device...

Am I the only one that thought the woman in the video seemed like a tech whore?
I just want a dumb phone that supports voip...I don't see that ever happening, unfortunately.
I was wondering about that too. What is the fatigue of the material? We've all seen what happens when we bend a piece of metal back and forth continuously.

There was a recent technology of self-healing plastics, where the plastic would contain a chemical to repair the plastic, if the chemical got exposed to air.
first generation stuff usually isn't that good, but I really like the idea of fold-able screens, because it totally reminds me of sci-fi gadgets that we see in sci-fi shows.
Yup, like the Galaxy S2 and a still new market, new product, pressure to get it right. I had one of them (Korean built model) handed down to me which was used almost continuously for nearly 7 years by time it finally died. Flash kept corrupting after a few days sadly.
Oh I'd be well interested in this if you know, it can stand up to everyday use.
I highly doubt it.
Also I bet the price will be just stupid
HOWEVER, if Samsung can even make this moderately useful, then it might kickstart a new smartphone race