
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
China is leading the charge into maintaining a surveillance profile for citizens by spending millions on data-ripping devices. Labs invent new and improved phone scanners, facial recognition devices, and other surveillance tools so that the government can keep track of citizen movements around town and what they say and do on social media. Police will stop citizens and perform a phone scan on the spot to check for "illegal data" such as visiting certain websites, contacts lists, or simply using certain words in a conversation. Most comply with these on the street checks as "In China, it's not wise to refuse."

A May 25 filing from a customs bureau in Beijing budgeted 5.7 million yuan for smartphone forensic tools from two providers, Meiya Pico and Resonant Ltd. It listed messaging platforms and "overseas" apps the devices could read. "Basic content collection functions" must include "mobile phone passwords, address books, call history, SMS records, MMS, pictures, audio and video data, calendars, memos and mobile app data," the document said.
This has nothing to do with Communism. This can happen with generally any political structure. Just look at the USA with the NSA's capabilities.

I mean, there's literally people in Guantanmo bay that have not had their day in court for over a decade. Is that "Freedom" and "Rights"?

The future is no looking well for the citizens of China while the government tights its grip on them. :eek:

This should be a warning for all of those who think communism is such a great idea.
And China wonders why they'll never be a technology leader. If citizens can't freely think then how can they freely think of improving technology? Certainly no immigrants are interested in living in such an environment.
This has nothing to do with Communism. This can happen with generally any political structure. Just look at the USA with the NSA's capabilities.

I mean, there's literally people in Guantanmo bay that have not had their day in court for over a decade. Is that "Freedom" and "Rights"?
It should be mentioned that China has capitalism, but also doesn't have democracy, and they consider themselves socialists. The issue we see here is the lack of freedoms from democracy that we enjoy in the west. Never as simple as capitalism vs communism.

Also if we're not careful capitalism could destroy democracy cause money in politics should never mix, which we do a lot in the United States.
And China wonders why they'll never be a technology leader. If citizens can't freely think then how can they freely think of improving technology? Certainly no immigrants are interested in living in such an environment.
It doesn't matter. They have money. You can buy anything with money.
The people will hate the surveillance grid period. It will set their people back decades. The unfortunate thing is that politicians here in the US want to do the same thing. It is like they haven't learned from reality that as you tighten the noose on people the more they lash out. Only ultra authoritarians with chips on their shoulders want this.
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I walked around Berlin around 6 weeks ago in awe of the amount of CC television cameras that were government controlled.

Then I laughed when I got home and remembered all the license plate readers.

Cradle to the grave and all that good chaps.
"Police will stop citizens and perform a phone scan on the spot to check for "illegal data" such as visiting certain websites, contacts lists, or simply using certain words in a conversation. Most comply with these on the street checks as "In China, it's not wise to refuse."

Fuck that shit, I'll carry a dummy phone.
So I take it in china, if they want to find someone. They just ask the computer and it tells them. Since its always tracking
I am so glad I wasn't born in China and had to live there. I would be looking over my shoulder a lot....
I can say, for those to whom it applies, you've won the lottery of life being born in America.
If you want to be free from government control, escape life itself, deny them their power by refusing to live! A governemnt is powerless without citizens. These authoritarian dictatorships only get their power because people are so attached to their short insignificant lives. You couldn't treat people like dirt if they refused to exist under those conditions, you'd have to rule well in order to have a population at all!
You have nothing to fear unless you've done something wrong. Comrade.

Show me the man, I'll find you the crime.*

(*Not sure if that was Beria or Mueller.)
The Chinese have several thousand years of breeding that reinforces the authoritarian government. Malcontents and rebels were and are indoctrinated into the proper mindset or put to death. Modern technology is just allowing the government to more easily identify those in need of further education.

Most Americans, other then Blacks and the so called Native Americans, are or are descended from a bunch of malcontents who were willing to risk most or all to escape what they perceived as a BS government system in their native land. Probably why so many of us Americans have a distrust of government, it is in our genetics.
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China uses Capitalism, "Democracy", Communism and Socialism where it's most convenient for them. In all honesty, it's none of that. It's an oligarchy of Chinese leaders who are only interested in making money off their citizens, and controlling the population and its opinion.

Protesting and dissent is unacceptable, in any form, and they have literally shot people in the street.

China is strong, and powerful, but honestly they lack integrity and can't be trusted. If what they say and do can't stand scrutiny (protesting and dissent), then they have no business leading humans.

It should be mentioned that China has capitalism, but also doesn't have democracy, and they consider themselves socialists. The issue we see here is the lack of freedoms from democracy that we enjoy in the west. Never as simple as capitalism vs communism.

Also if we're not careful capitalism could destroy democracy cause money in politics should never mix, which we do a lot in the United States.
The future is no looking well for the citizens of China while the government tights its grip on them. :eek:

This should be a warning for all of those who think communism is such a great idea.
It's barely ant different to UK. And USA is following closely, just with less in-your-face checks and more covert NSA methods.

UK is becomming increasingly communist, though.
"Police will stop citizens and perform a phone scan on the spot to check for "illegal data" such as visiting certain websites, contacts lists, or simply using certain words in a conversation."

Well, that would never happen in Western countries, people wouldn't stand for it. Now, if the police were empowered to do these checks to help stop the "spread of misinformation" it would be perfectly justified, right? Make sure you don't have any Alex Jones links on your device, for the good of society of course, who could object?
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This has nothing to do with Communism. This can happen with generally any political structure. Just look at the USA with the NSA's capabilities.

I mean, there's literally people in Guantanmo bay that have not had their day in court for over a decade. Is that "Freedom" and "Rights"?

People in Guantanmo bay are not citizens of the USA, so they are not entitled to any rights here. They would be considered prisoners of war and under military control.
This has nothing to do with Communism. This can happen with generally any political structure. Just look at the USA with the NSA's capabilities.

I mean, there's literally people in Guantanmo bay that have not had their day in court for over a decade. Is that "Freedom" and "Rights"?
Actually it has everything to do with communism, the citizens have no choice on who governs them......they don't vote. At least here we have a chance to make a change we don't like.
Actually, they do have rights, and that's the problem. Go look it up.

People in Guantanmo bay are not citizens of the USA, so they are not entitled to any rights here. They would be considered prisoners of war and under military control.
Except evidence is coming out that your electoral system is rigged. Also, there's gerrymandering, and the electoral college. There's less reality to the voting system in the USA vs expectation.

Actually it has everything to do with communism, the citizens have no choice on who governs them......they don't vote. At least here we have a chance to make a change we don't like.
Except evidence is coming out that your electoral system is rigged. Also, there's gerrymandering, and the electoral college. There's less reality to the voting system in the USA vs expectation.
Your basing this on media reports? It were rigged as much as you think Hillary Clinton would have been the president.....and we all know that would have been the status quo. The people still have a say in somethings in this system versus, the cast system that China is currently putting in place. If you are speaking as someone not from the country and have never actually voted in our Elections I really can't take your educated guess as factual evidence.
We vote and strike things down all the time in local voting on issues. The Federal government isn't the end all be all for the law of the land. The states and local governments still have a say in what happens in more minute details of the law for their given jurisdiction. This is definitely not the case on China. Protests in China get people arrested for holding the sign......and then sometime people just disappear never to be heard from again.
So yes they are very different.