The Future of Diablo?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Brandy Camel, an Associate Community Manage for Blizzard, has released a short YouTube video about the future of Diablo. In the video she mentions the forges of Blizzard are burning hot and they have multiple Diablo projects in the works. She also says some will take longer than others. Hopefully this means we'll not only see a new expansion for Diablo 3, but maybe we'll see a new Diablo sometime in the next 10 years. I'm not going to hold my breath. Watch the video and listen to what she has to say.

Watch the video here.
Why does it take a decade to remake an isometric 3d shooter with high-end Mobile quality graphics.......I really liked Diablo III, but as an arcade time-waster kind of game, not as any kind of indepth RPG experience. We can expect larger parties, probably, and a more scalable world...but do we really think they're going to change the isometric arcade focus of the game (?).

Now if they said "we're trying to decipher the story they told us to incorporate, we're still stuck on all the names they're using...we know kingdoms, magic, ultimate evil.....but thats about it right now". That, I'd totally accept.

Because those stories are comical to me.
If that was the only title they had I'm sure they could move it along faster. They have a lot of franchises they maintain and still update. I'd rather see Warcraft 4.
I bet their primary design focus is building a Diablo game around a pay-to-win micro-transaction store with a monthly fee for allowing the game to launch when the shortcut is double-clicked. Their usual rinse, repeat approach to game design nowadays.
sigh. I bet the real reason it's taking so long is because the story is dead. what possible evil is there left to fight? especially when dumbing down the game mechanics is the main priority?
"Diablo is, and always will be, part of Blizzard's identity."

They have treated the IP and its fans so poorly over the years that they felt the need to say this. They have legions of fans screaming shut up and take my money, but they can barely muster any enthusiasm because it's not WoW. Perhaps not assigning a WoW director with disdain for the franchise, its founders, and its fans this time around would be a good place to start.
When I hear diablo I immediately think D1 or D2 not 3.

When they said they were doing a diablo special , I fell out of my chair and had my credit card out.. Then it was part of D3..... Fml.

Now that a lot of D3's bugs have been fixes I might buy it.

However..... I strongly feel they may move into a mobile like direction and monetize the shit out of it and ruin the game.

I have some small hope left they may remake the D2 with single/multi and roll out paid content in both directions (the UBER DOUBLE DIP) .... My buddies are leaning towards micro transactions and a more wow like game..*gag
The next Diablo will probably be a "free" to play MMO. Maybe they can come up with more creative ways to take idiots' money instead of the usual FTP "want to open some of those 196 'rare drop' boxes you've picked up? Each key is only $4.99."
World of Diablo fps style

Dual Wielding Demon Hunter with dark/gothic atmosphere a must.
I’d rather see Warcraft 4.

No, not another world of Warcraft game.
sigh. I bet the real reason it's taking so long is because the story is dead. what possible evil is there left to fight? especially when dumbing down the game mechanics is the main priority?

Its hard to balance 14 piece gear sets that cant work cross class.
Fuckin Blizzard. They killed Cain with a butterfly. I'll never forgive them for that. Stupid, stupid writing. Would have been better to make him Belial, at least it would have been a good ah-ha moment, rather than what we got.

I don't have much faith in a new Diablo game at this point.
Other games do it better, so for me a new Diablo game has to set a very high bar. Even a modded Diablo, such as Path of Diablo does it better than Diablo 3.
My feeling on this is. Is the next diablo games has to be more than just killing stuff. That stuff gets boring fast. Theres needs to be more rpg like stuff in the game done in such a way its not boring. Also power creep went to another galaxy.
I actually watched this when it came out as I'm playing D3 this season for the first time in a couple years. Honestly the video irritated me as it was a complete and total waste of time. She said nothing..Absolutely Nothing.
I can't explain it, but playing D2+LOD still holds my interest far more than D3 ever did...
/sarcasm: Not looking forward to whatever card game or open world is revealed at some point next year?
Yea..... Nothing like building up the hype 5 to 10 years before it's on the market. Fuck, why don't we just pre-order now? I call season pass for for the decade.
I have no interest in any of Blizzard's games at this point they've consistently been nothing, but pure cash grab trash since WoW as far as I'm concerned. Dislike them as a company even more than EA at this point which is hard to do since they set the bar really damn low. Before anyone even considers another D3 expansion they should at least try Grim Dawn especially if they actually enjoyed Diablo 2. It's a great game with tons of mods to even add to it further. The future of Diablo for me is permadeath.
Blizzard is one of the laziest, shittiest developers of the last decade. Thanks to WOW they really have no incentive to do anything.

Pretty much just like valve.
Blizzard is one of the laziest, shittiest developers of the last decade. Thanks to WOW they really have no incentive to do anything.

Pretty much just like valve.

Yup, for a while from the late 90s to mid 2000s' I would buy anything blizzard without even hesitating waiting for a review. But now after all these WoW Expansions, D3, etc. I feel they dont have that clout with me anymore. I think it has to a lot to do with WoW being so successful like you said but also because they were bought out by Activision.
My guess, with all the remasters they are doing, and given Diablo 2 doesn’t handle higher resolutions, that they will remaster Diablo 2 and it will be out within a year.

Longer term, I expect Diablo 4. I’m guessing they will look to take it in a new direction. Why rehash Diablo 2 or 3 when they already exist and will continue to exist? I can’t believe someone could say Blizzard is worse than EA; at least Blizzard doesn’t close down their servers after a few years.
My guess, with all the remasters they are doing, and given Diablo 2 doesn’t handle higher resolutions, that they will remaster Diablo 2 and it will be out within a year.

Longer term, I expect Diablo 4. I’m guessing they will look to take it in a new direction. Why rehash Diablo 2 or 3 when they already exist and will continue to exist? I can’t believe someone could say Blizzard is worse than EA; at least Blizzard doesn’t close down their servers after a few years.

Wouldn't have to have the option of closing down their servers at all for Diablo if it weren't for their always online BS.
Me: "Blizzard, are you going to make another Diablo game (that isn't an auction house millionaire simulator)?"

Blizzard: "Stay awhile, and listen."
My guess, with all the remasters they are doing, and given Diablo 2 doesn’t handle higher resolutions, that they will remaster Diablo 2 and it will be out within a year.

Longer term, I expect Diablo 4. I’m guessing they will look to take it in a new direction. Why rehash Diablo 2 or 3 when they already exist and will continue to exist? I can’t believe someone could say Blizzard is worse than EA; at least Blizzard doesn’t close down their servers after a few years.

They would have to make more than a handful of games to do that.

B's strategy is to milk an IP with as little work as possible over as long as possible. Which means keeping those servers on.

As far as I'm concerned it is pretty much the same thing. EA shits out games and closes them as soon as possible, blizzard just keeps polishing the same once golden egg until it's a turd.
Didn't Diablo 3 suck? I quit playing that game after 2 weeks when it was released.

The game is vastly improved from its original state. If you like getting lots of legendaries and immense power creep, you will likely enjoy it. Otherwise I wouldn't bother. The expansion is often around $10 when on sale.
The game is vastly improved from its original state. If you like getting lots of legendaries and immense power creep, you will likely enjoy it. Otherwise I wouldn't bother. The expansion is often around $10 when on sale.

I would second this. It's the same game at the core, but the bullshit was exorcised (in keeping with game theme), and things are really designed towards making sure you have fun.

You can tune the difficulty very easily to wherever you want - and going harder gets you better chances at good things. But if you want so smash, you can smash. If you want to min-max and live on the edge - you can do that too.

In all cases, the classes feel fun to play, Big Plays work as Big Plays, cool drops give you a tingly, etc.

I really wish this is the D3 which appeared at launch, but to their credit, you can get the fixed version without buying the expansion (although you should, it's fun).
I should add that there's a lot of fun skills in the game. Playing a barbarian really makes you feel like your smashing in faces. And playing a wizard who constantly shoots a laser beam out that drops meteors everywhere makes me cackle!
I dunno, it seems like Diablo has just been going in circles. I just completed season 14, which was the first season I have ever played enough to complete and all I can do is stare at the char and say "ok, what now.."

I like that you can play diablo 3 for 20-30 minutes a day and make meaningful progress, but it doesn't take long until you are speed running gr70's. At which point all you end up doing is grinding up gems for augmentations and farming mats for crafting so you can cube gear 150 times to get a piece that is 1% better, then grind mats all over again.

After a certain point it just isn't meaningful anymore, and the community for the non seasonal is non-existent.
Just to touch on Hellgate London....... That game SHOULD HAVE been amazing. What held it back was a mountain of bugs and poor net code.

If someone could redo that game with proper programming it would be a blockbuster in my opinion.
When I hear diablo I immediately think D1 or D2 not 3.

When they said they were doing a diablo special , I fell out of my chair and had my credit card out.. Then it was part of D3..... Fml.

Now that a lot of D3's bugs have been fixes I might buy it.

However..... I strongly feel they may move into a mobile like direction and monetize the shit out of it and ruin the game.

I have some small hope left they may remake the D2 with single/multi and roll out paid content in both directions (the UBER DOUBLE DIP) .... My buddies are leaning towards micro transactions and a more wow like game..*gag
I agree. I loved D1 and D2. D3 was a let down and kind of boring. I did finish it, but never revisited it. I probably played through D1 over 100X.