Roborace Autonomous Hillclimb Run at Goodwood


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Robocar, a completely autonomous car, has completed a hill climb run at the week of Goodwood Festival of Speed 2018. This is an electric car that can move pretty fast. The run looks really clean and the only thing that I notice is it tends to brake early, but this can probably be solved by doing multiple runs. Check out the video of the run to get an idea of how well it did. Thanks cagey.

Watch the video here.
That is pretty sick. The party that kept running across my mind is that modern day race games look so friggin good that at first glace you would almost think this was a demo for a race game....
Someone needs to call it the Knight Automated Roving Robot. Elon Musk has been good at coming with funny names for features.
Closed, pre-programmed in course in ideal conditions, I wouldn't call this fully autonomous driving. Also seems like its hitting up against a speed or rev limiter on the straights. My guess is they probably aren't truly pushing the limits because they don't want to accidently wreck the car, and as such have a few margins set.

Still, I could see a sport evolving around this, where teams compete in time trials on fixed courses, similar to rally car racing.

And there could be some tech that trickles down from this into consumer vehicles. Innovations in tires, breaks, suspension, traction control, ect. So over all, still a win.
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Tesla should be talking to these guys. Seemed to handle irregularities in the road well and missed all the guard rails.

I think a tesla would have no problem driving up that. The road/walls are clearly visible/defined, with no odd lines painted on the road that could cause confusion. It's the wierd non-standard fucked up roads we have that can cause problems with autonomous vehicles, and I'm sure even this car would have hickups driving on our 'roads'.
It's impressive to see how fast this technology is maturing, it wasn't that long ago when we were seeing the DARPA challenge vehicles going about a few thousand feet from the gate before plowing through a stack of hay.
Impressive technology but I seriously doubt it'll put race car drivers out of a job any time soon.
That was really impressive, I have to say.

Impressive technology but I seriously doubt it'll put race car drivers out of a job any time soon.

What would be interesting is getting one of these autonomous vehicles in an endurance race against human race car drivers.
If computers are known for anything, it is that they don't have any fatigue.
Impressive technology but I seriously doubt it'll put race car drivers out of a job any time soon.

Human competition is part of the appeal of racing, just like any sport. It's a game: they aren't just trying to get from A to B as fast as possible, they're doing so under a strict set of rules.

That being said, I would definitely watch robo racing leagues. You could even set up riskier events, like track racing with a little contact, or offroad rallies without staggered starts.
It didn't hit one apex...
Given how tiny this track is, it really doesn't matter. I didn't expect it to do any fancy stuff like exit shimmy, or bounce steering, but obvious deep braking and high-speed oscillation is not a good sign.
Someone needs to call it the Knight Automated Roving Robot. Elon Musk has been good at coming with funny names for features.

Then someone will come up with Knight Industries Two Thousand and they can battle it out.
Looks to me they done the path planning prior test run.... With pre-planned map it more of virtual rail, I won't consider as autonomous vehicle
You may not be able to tell but that car is going prohibitively faster than your estimates.