Software Engineer Fired, Shut Out of Office for Three Weeks by Machine


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
A software engineer found himself out of a job for three weeks after he was flagged by an automated system designed to facilitate employee terminations and ensure site security. Ibrahim Diallo’s contract was supposed to be renewed but wasn’t, which led to several scripts locking him out of systems and officers being called to escort him away. Human staff were pretty helpless, so Diallo just ended up getting another job.

The system was impervious to efforts to stop the process, no matter how high up the issue went. In the end, the company gave up and Diallo had to be rehired as a completely new employee, with all his details re-entered – including bank details - and his network privileges recreated from scratch. A new key card had to be ordered. Funnily enough, he decided at that point to quit, and take his expertise elsewhere.
Dear software engineers of vital systems, please, for the love Zeus, refine your code before you press Enter, three weeks is a long time to fix shit!


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Looks to me like the security and the people running the company are the mindless machines.
Looks like the people running the company found a new way to fire people they didn't like without taking a lot of flak if the firee happened to be a "protected class."

"Oh, sorry, the IT system accidentally fired you. Give us a few weeks to fix the problem, and then you can apply for your old position if you want. Sorry, that's the only procedure available, this never happened before. Oh, and we'll have to run your background check and drug screen again."
Dear software engineers of vital systems, please, for the love Zeus, refine your code before you press Enter, three weeks is a long time to fix shit!

Speaking as a software engineer, I think you're attempting to find a fictional utopia. Why bother fixing anything, when you can work on adding more features to bring in more customers?
And then one day you wake up and your phone doesn't seem to be working...hmmmm, that's odd. You go out to go to work but your car won't start, says something about you not being the registered owner. You try to go back inside but your house won't open for you, this is really starting to creep you out. At a bit of a loss you decide to go down to the corner cafe to get some coffee and think this through. When you try to buy the latte your card is declined, just then the cops show up...
And then one day you wake up and your phone doesn't seem to be working...hmmmm, that's odd. You go out to go to work but your car won't start, says something about you not being the registered owner. You try to go back inside but your house won't open for you, this is really starting to creep you out. At a bit of a loss you decide to go down to the corner cafe to get some coffee and think this through. When you try to buy the latte your card is declined, just then the cops show up...

They already covered this in The Net (1995).
sounds similar to when you try to reach a human at various companies ... you get the computer lady voice and no keypad options to reach a human. I've seen a commercial on TV recently showing this ("Agent ! Customer Service!") lol

just wait until most things have become automated and there's no one you can call
The culture in this country is in a massive shift.....and its really not looking good. Too much riding on the bottom dollar and lazy people expecting top pay for mediocre jobs. It's double edged sword, either the company cuts its overhead costs or they start loosing profits because of wage compensation.
This type of security implementation is probably going to be a standard someday there needs to be an override in the process for a check and balance in case of false termination or something along these lines.
imagine if this happens in china with the social scores... it sounds like a bad anime... your life is ruined forever due to a bug and since your a minority (culture, language, different race, religion etc.... like the 100+ minority groups china has) they will most likely treat you as if your the problem.
imagine if this happens in china with the social scores... it sounds like a bad anime... your life is ruined forever due to a bug and since your a minority (culture, language, different race, religion etc.... like the 100+ minority groups china has) they will most likely treat you as if your the problem.

This already happens. John Thompson was convicted of an armed robbery and then D.A. Harry Connick, Sr. sought the death penalty for the murder of a local prominent businessman (high social score). The blood type of the perpetrator did not match Thompson, and that evidence was suppressed by the prosecution. And the physical description did not match, Thompson was known for a tall afro and it was 1984. The perp had short hair.
I don't know why, but this made me laugh more than anything else.
Me too. The fact that nobody else in the company could figure out how the fucking system worked and override it is hilarious.

Where did this happen, Terry Gilliam's Brazil?
Now imagine if this happened, but it was the NSA and DHS marking you a terrorist, and you're being sent to Guantanamo Bay, and all your "rights" get stripped.

Not so funny now, is it?

This is where we're heading. China is almost there already.