TIPS: Best Thread Format?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 22, 2015
Those of us that have been here for a while have seen all sorts of threads--some are easy to find all the information, some are not so easy.

So what are some of the tips you'd pass on to someone before they post their thread? Hopefully we can compile the information here and make it a sticky for all of us to use as a 'Best Practices' guide. (y)

So my tip would be to embed or attach images directly to the post as having to open and view links in a different window takes extra time. (y)
I try to differentiate myself by doing bolding, coloring, and liberal use of images...but to be honest I really don't think people give two shits to the wind about it.
I try to differentiate myself by doing bolding, coloring, and liberal use of images...but to be honest I really don't think people give two shits to the wind about it.
I took a look at your last few threads and remember one of them pretty well--good images, good separation between items, easy to understand everything. It didn't seem like everything was sold yet, but the thread was closed.
I took a look at your last few threads and remember one of them pretty well--good images, good separation between items, easy to understand everything. It didn't seem like everything was sold yet, but the thread was closed.

Thanks. While I won't change how I've done by posting, I don't know if the extra labor actually helps or not in the sense of making a thread "Better". It does help though when it comes to editing it, cause it makes it's easier to find the item to edit :)

My above post may mostly be more skeptical because I've hit well below the mendoza line when it comes to selling the last few months compared to normal. :)
Color coding and other methods of text highlighting are good, IMO. But you don't want to much - maybe put all of your prices in one color, and use another color to highlight anything of particular interest. Too many and it will start to look like Geocities around here.

I also try to include model numbers and other useful info where I can. The forum search works pretty well so putting extra info in place can be really helpful.

For instance, if I'm looking for an ITX motherboard, I might just search for something like "z170 itx", and if you've just posted a part number (z170n-wifi) it might not come up in the search. Unless I'm looking for that specific model I could overlook your post.
Use some color to distinguish things like price (which should be easy to spot!) and shipping method.

This isn't actually a good idea, because not everyone uses the default hardforum color scheme. Nothing worse than having to highlight prices just to read them because you're using hardforum light.
This isn't actually a good idea, because not everyone uses the default hardforum color scheme. Nothing worse than having to highlight prices just to read them because you're using hardforum light.

I use the dark theme at home, and white theme at work. Colors are fine, just avoid bright colors that are hard to see against white backgrounds.
The information is more important than the layout imo. Terms of sale like shipping included/not included, international OK ? Link to heatware, price of item clearly stated (even after sold!), clear pics of each item (much preferred over an image dump at end of thread imo). What payment methods you accept/prefer (paypal, google pay send, amazon payments, crypto, etc) Other things like OBO/firm prices are nice to know but it won't stop people from making offers.

Only other thing i see every now and then is someone will post a combo of items they aren't willing to part but will list prices of each item still, that can be a little confusing but its not a huge deal.