Facebook Closed 583M Fake Account in Q1'18


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I was on Facebook today and I found out my mom was not even real. Then she linked me to some website that phished me. Thanks mom, and cageymaru.

In its first quarterly Community Standards Enforcement Report, Facebook said the overwhelming majority of moderation action was against spam posts and fake accounts: it took action on 837m pieces of spam, and shut down a further 583m fake accounts on the site in the three months. But Facebook also moderated 2.5m pieces of hate speech, 1.9m pieces of terrorist propaganda, 3.4m pieces of graphic violence and 21m pieces of content featuring adult nudity and sexual activity.
I thought InstaSnap was the thing for nudity, not facebook, In any case, they should close it all down.
LOL.. only the adult nudity?? i like how they make that distinction, yet dont mention how much child nudity they removed, which can lead one to think.. they didnt.
No, that's usually the stuff they have to direct the police / FBI to. (Cuz once it's on FB, it's crossing state lines.)

The adult nudity isn't illegal, so it's very different.