Get a Robot if You're Tired of Putting Together IKEA Furniture


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
A group of researchers have put together a robot that's pretty good at putting together IKEA furniture. In this case it's an IKEA chair and they wanted to see if AI could be competitive with humans in this task. After letting the robot take pictures of everything and ensuring an algorithm for planning the motions was in place they let the robot get to it. It put the chair together in about 20 minutes with the human team beating this time by 50 seconds. When you think about it this is actually a good result for early AI and I can't wait till I have my own AI robot to put things together for me because I hate doing that kind of stuff. Can I haz robot? Watch the robot work below.

Watch the video here.

Unlike our humans, the chair-building bots were not fully autonomous, as scientists needed to program the sequence of steps they took in advance. But the researchers say that with further advances in artificial intelligence, robots could work this out themselves by communicating with a supervisor - or even by reading the manual.
GGGreat... it's bad enough there's dildo bots to please women, now what are we men going to do when our wives no longer need us to put stuff together!?
Sure, uh-huh,..right,...and when it gets frustrated, instead of grabbing a beer and thinking about it, it will just turn around and KILL US ALL!
But the researchers say that with further advances in artificial intelligence, robots could work this out themselves by communicating with a supervisor - or even by reading the manual.

This statement is total clickbait. It is the rough equivalent of saying "If a college football player runs fast enough, he could get in the NFL." Or, "If you flap your arms hard enough, you can fly." There is zero accountability in that kind of statement.
Yea, good luck getting the tight angles on some of the complex ikea furniture with those fat arms.
Any robot that's powerful enough to put furniture together would also be powerful enough to take it all apart.

They won't need to kill us directly, they will just disassemble all our furniture so we have no place to sit, sleep, or eat. :eek:
Let's see how well it does on a PAX wardrobe or a Hemnes dresser...

I stopped buying Ikea furniture years ago because their "quality" kept declining. Ikea went from using semi-dense particle board to chip dust sandwiched between 2 sheet of binder paper.
Let's see how well it does on a PAX wardrobe or a Hemnes dresser...

I stopped buying Ikea furniture years ago because their "quality" kept declining. Ikea went from using semi-dense particle board to chip dust sandwiched between 2 sheet of binder paper.

Most of the Hemnes line is solid wood, usually pine.

They need robots that put together their kitchens. You have to provide your floor plan and then configure your layout anyway through their online builder kitchen builder, should be able to just port your setup into the robot and have the robot do the rest.
I wonder how fast the human could have done it if they had been allowed a few practice tries? After all, the robot had everything programmed in ahead of time, so giving the human some experience with that particular task would be equivalent.
Sure, uh-huh,..right,...and when it gets frustrated, instead of grabbing a beer and thinking about it, it will just turn around and KILL US ALL!

Came to say this. Was very strange not to see this warning on the front page.
So I get 2 seconds of the robot action and the rest of the video is chicks putting the chair together? BS!
I'm working on a cold fusion apple peeler, it's gonna revolutionize healthy eating. Anyone want in on my IPO? :pompous:
Any robot that's powerful enough to put furniture together would also be powerful enough to take it all apart.

They won't need to kill us directly, they will just disassemble all our furniture so we have no place to sit, sleep, or eat. :eek:
Nooo! Not death by defurniturization! Anything but thaaaaaat!!!
Putting a chair together is so tough, but building a robot to do it? No prob! Rube Goldbergs spirit lives on.

I mean there's the obvious problem of who's going to assemble the robot that was shipped to you to assemble your chair...
I mean there's the obvious problem of who's going to assemble the robot that was shipped to you to assemble your chair...

Do NOT teach robots how to assemble additional robots. That's how the apocalypse begins.
What the Robots think: "The humans use weak furniture. The humans are weak".
I've never had issues putting Ikea stuff together, but then again I have no problem taking apart the top half of my cars engine.