Hunt Showdown Bullet Physics System


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
As you might have noticed lately, we are big fans of Hunt Showdown around here. I think it is without a doubt one of the best games I have played since BorderLands 2, although the games in term of genre are not truly comparable. I have already racked up 160+ hours myself, and have the bags under my eyes to prove it. Hunt Showdown is a first per shooter, 2-man co-op, somewhat battle royale-ish, PvP and PvE type of game, set in the Louisiana swamps in the late 1800s. You are hunting demons from Hell for cash and prizes, and Hunters are hunting you all the time as well, or vice versa. It is a Crytek title using its own game engine, CryEngine. David West of Crytek, has just published an article that gives a dive into the physics systems that affect bullet travel in Hunt. If you think these guys have not put a lot of thought into just how all this works, think again. But they tackle the most asked question, "Why no bullet drop?" And it has the most awesome theme song.

Check out the video and the article.

Furthermore, the weapons in Hunt use iron sights. Games that incorporate more modern equipment usually can rely on an array of red-dot scopes and mid-range combat optics, as well as sniper, night-vision and thermal scopes. Because Hunt is set in the age of iron sights, you won't aim through a scope for most of your shots. With bullet drop, you would have to aim above the target, which forces the shooter to effectively have to guess where to shoot. That isn't something we want players to have to do in Hunt. We always want Hunters to feel like they are in full control of a situation, and that if they miss a shot, it is due to their mistake and not a random element in the game. Every shot counts in Hunt, and Hunters needed to know that if they make the right calculation on each shot, they will reliably hit the target.
This game gives you that sinking feeling which is why I like it kinda like how Quake I MP did.
So it's garbage for the sake of convenience? Is that what they're saying?
Simply don't need to consider bullet drop at 75 meters with firearms from the late 19th century? Ok. Seems like you do, but ok. Another way of saying 'the game/implementing it was too hard, so we took it out'
It's funny how they're contradicting themselves.

With bullet drop, you would have to aim above the target, which forces the shooter to effectively have to guess where to shoo
But the bullet travel speed is simulated, so you have to guess anyway.

It's one thing to say "this is an arcade shooter, so physics don't matter" but trying to rationalize it by this bullshit is just stupid.
160 hours of the same game mode over and over where nothing changes, you're a damn trooper. I couldn't handle more than several hours, it felt so repetitive running around not shooting anything, then nuking big monster and walking out trying to not shoot anything again.
where nothing changes,
It changes dramatically every single time I play. So many different scenarios and tactics to consider. That said, the player base is getting lot more skilled in the last few weeks. You better have your shit together out there in the swamp now days. That rookie shit is getting to be a tough haul.
160 hours of the same game mode over and over where nothing changes, you're a damn trooper. I couldn't handle more than several hours, it felt so repetitive running around not shooting anything, then nuking big monster and walking out trying to not shoot anything again.
So you bought the game and have not played it lately? Lot of changes going on in there. PvE has gotten considerably more impacting as well. I still get killed by PvE occasionally.
There comes a time in every fps life where you have to determine: Is my game going to be fun? or is it going to be realistic? Usually cooler heads prevail.
All these posts about this game are making me want to play it...

It looks amazing, and I finally got a new rig. I'll get it once I finish my move.
There comes a time in every fps life where you have to determine: Is my game going to be fun? or is it going to be realistic? Usually cooler heads prevail.

If you want realistic go join the Army/Marines/Navy/Air Force etc. If you want fun play a video game.
Too bad their bullet physics doesn't do a better job reflecting reality. For example, where any rifled long ammo should be concerned, military doctrine dictates any moving target 200 meters or closer should have the sight picture centered on target, not leading it. This game being the 1800's and the distances involved with most engagements in this game, I see no reason to have to lead the target, ever.
i like the game, i just wish it ran better, its sucks having to play on medium settings at 1080p on my 1440p gsync monitor just to get 60 fps on a 1080 ti
i like the game, i just wish it ran better, its sucks having to play on medium settings at 1080p on my 1440p gsync monitor just to get 60 fps on a 1080 ti

Interesting; I'm playing on medium, full AA, 1440p (switching to 1080p gave me no noticeable in game gains) medium on a 1070 Ti. Ryzen R5 1400 and 8GB 3000. It's definitely choppy sometimes, I attribute that to my processor, but I would say 45fps almost always and if at the edge of the map 60+.
military doctrine dictates any moving target 200 meters or closer should have the sight picture centered on target, not leading it
I have been shooting for a long long time and am not aware of this that you speak of. Please give me some supporting documentation. I never knew that physics did not apply to moving targets 200 meters out.
It's funny how they're contradicting themselves.

But the bullet travel speed is simulated, so you have to guess anyway.

It's one thing to say "this is an arcade shooter, so physics don't matter" but trying to rationalize it by this bullshit is just stupid.
That's not contradictory.

If you literally can not see your target because the sights block them, it's mostly luck. If you lead a target, it's mostly skill.
That's not contradictory.

If you literally can not see your target because the sights block them, it's mostly luck. If you lead a target, it's mostly skill.

Should just offset the location of the weapon.

i like the game, i just wish it ran better, its sucks having to play on medium settings at 1080p on my 1440p gsync monitor just to get 60 fps on a 1080 ti

I have heard this sentiment from several streamers watching online. It seems that the general feeling is that the game needs to be better optimized and ironed out for a smoother experience at the moment.

On the other hand, your expectations that your 1080ti should run everything flawlessly is misguided. There was a time when games pushed the boundaries well beyond what hardware was capable of. This is a forward looking game in the same guise of many of the yesterday year graphics showcases. I for one would rather have pc games that we can't max out with current tech, to further push your expectations as a gamer of what a game can do visually. Settling for console level visuals just so your game can run at your expected resolution flawlessly is arrogant and foresighted. I'd rather have a game to marvel at that will continue to add utility as it ages, allowing me to continue cranking up the level of detail and resolution. This is one of the best payoffs of buying modern hardware that enables you to have a better playing experience. I've grown tired of simply buying a new graphics card for the same gameplay experience with a few extra fps.
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Leading targets just added a whole different level of skill that my hitscan railgun and I will have to think long and hard about.
That's not contradictory.

If you literally can not see your target because the sights block them, it's mostly luck. If you lead a target, it's mostly skill.
If you can judge by skill how much you have to lead the target, you can also judge by skill how much you have to aim above it to adjust for bullet drop.
As I've said, if they choose to not include bullet drop it's their decision, rationalizing it this way however makes no sense.
They say most fighting in the game is close quarters therefore drop don't matter. Then why do they have to emphasize that they remove it for the player's sake? That's already a contradiction in itself.
i like the game, i just wish it ran better, its sucks having to play on medium settings at 1080p on my 1440p gsync monitor just to get 60 fps on a 1080 ti
Sounds like you have some other issues there.
you can also judge by skill how much you have to aim above it to adjust for bullet drop.
How can you do that precision if you cannot see the target. All these guns use iron sights currently. Have you played the game?
If you can judge by skill how much you have to lead the target, you can also judge by skill how much you have to aim above it to adjust for bullet drop.
As I've said, if they choose to not include bullet drop it's their decision, rationalizing it this way however makes no sense.
They say most fighting in the game is close quarters therefore drop don't matter. Then why do they have to emphasize that they remove it for the player's sake? That's already a contradiction in itself.
Reading comprehension issues much? You can not see the target. It's not predicting bullet drop if you can't see them.
If you're already leading the target you will see it even when aiming above, because he'll be off to the side from your sight. If the target is standing still, or moving parallel to your line of sight, then you have time to take aim, then raise the weapon to compensate for distance.
I didn't play the game, and I don't have to to think that ignoring bullet drop is a bad idea in a quasi realistic shooter. I prefer games that don't short change me on physics for the sake of simplicity.
That would be great if you had to lead them by a meter or so, but a .25 or .3 meters of lead, the gun model is still in the way. I guess you would actually need to play the game to comment on it intelligently.
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Other games that include bullet drop don't have the same problem? Yes they do. Bullet drop is one of the fun aspects of a shooter, so I don't want to play a game, that not just ignores it, but tries to tell me that it's a good thing.
BTW didn't they say that combat is close quarters most of the time? Then why is this even an issue? Something is fishy here, and it is this game and their reasoning.
How many of those game use iron sights? Have you played Hunt? I just had a long range exchange before typing this.
Typical iron sight use of the Civil War era centered around correct range adjustments. The commander would order which range the regiment would use. Say, 300 yards. Then, he'd ALSO specify where to aim. "300 yards, aim at their feet", or "200 yards, hold on their belts".

This allowed for the drop at different ranges. Holding at different points on the target allowed for the intermediate distances. (300 yards and at the feet would mean that the enemy is CLOSER than 300 yards, but further away than 200 yards, for example.)

Ladder sights and variable holdover.
Other games that include bullet drop don't have the same problem? Yes they do. Bullet drop is one of the fun aspects of a shooter, so I don't want to play a game, that not just ignores it, but tries to tell me that it's a good thing.
BTW didn't they say that combat is close quarters most of the time? Then why is this even an issue? Something is fishy here, and it is this game and their reasoning.
While I agree with most of what you're saying, this is an arcade shooter - sometimes people don't want to have to estimate range or lead a target. I haven't played the game, but based on most other people's comments I'm guessing that a lack of bullet drop and flight time suits the game's style pretty well.

If you haven't already, you should check out arma 3 - the KOTH servers are the perfect mix of simplistic objectives (hold an area) and pretty damn outstanding physics.
Well y'all have fun with that. I am going to go play the game.
i like the game, i just wish it ran better, its sucks having to play on medium settings at 1080p on my 1440p gsync monitor just to get 60 fps on a 1080 ti
Dude what?

So I'm going to have to turn down the settings to play on a 8700k 1080ti?

What system does it run good on?